AITA for Not Inviting My Sister to My Wedding After She Made Fun of My Fiancé’s Job?

AITA for Not Inviting My Sister to My Wedding After She Made Fun of My Fiancé’s Job?

Oh honey, grab a cup of tea (or your preferred cup of drama). You’re in for a treat today. This tale is fresh out of Reddit, where a 28-year-old bride-to-be brings us her story filled with sibling drama, passionate love, and a dash of familial bitterness. It’s practically Shakespearean, with a modern twist of freelance artistry and finance-world snobbery.

Setting the Scene

So, meet our protagonist: a lovely young woman, let’s call her Jane (because apparently, giving her a pseudonym protects her identity even though we all secretly want to know the juicy bits). Jane is head over heels for her fiancé, Alex, a 30-year-old renaissance man who works as a freelance illustrator. This guy embodies the phrase ‘starving artist,’ but not because he’s bad at his job—no, no—he’s simply passionate and lives in what we call ‘creative poverty.’

Enter stage left, Jane’s sister, Emily, a 32-year-old financial hotshot with a penchant for snide comments and subtle digs. She’s the kind who thinks a job needs a salary figure with too many zeroes to be valid. Imagine Emily in a tailored suit from Wall Street, rolling her eyes at Alex’s latest sketch of a whimsical woodland creature. Got the picture? Good. Let’s continue.

The Comment That Broke the Camel’s Back

Now, family dinners with Jane and Emily are usually bearable. Emily tosses out her usual barbs—“When is Alex going to get a real job?” or “Is he surviving on love alone?”—and Jane, being the beautiful soul she is, lets them slide. But oh boy, during one fateful dinner, Emily goes too far. She pops out with this gem: “I can’t believe you’re marrying a starving artist. Are you sure you want to spend your life supporting someone who can’t even afford to buy you nice things?”

Lovely, isn’t it? All that’s missing is a monocle and snooty sniff. Alex, understandably, looks like someone stole his artistic soul. He’s upset, Jane’s furious, and Emily? She dismisses it as a “joke.” I’d hate to see her idea of a punchline.

The Fallout

Jane is no doormat. She tells Emily to zip it and respect their relationship. But Emily’s shrugs are mightier than Jane’s fury. After simmering on it, Jane decides she doesn’t want Emily’s negativity staining her big day. Wedding without sis it is.

Emily, upon getting the uninvite, transforms into a theater-worthy symbol of rage. Apparently, Jane is now a traitor, picking her man over her kin—cue dramatic gasp. The parents? Oh, they’re mad too. They think Jane is being cruel. Because why support your sister’s choice when you can coddle the snarky one?

Let’s Dish Out The Roger Verdict

Now, am I, your sassy best friend Roger, siding with Jane or Emily? Oh darlings, hold your hats. Here it comes.

Jane, you are not the a-hole. Repeat after me: “I deserve a toxic-free wedding.” Weddings should be joy-filled celebrations, not battlegrounds of passive-aggressive warfare. Let’s be real here—Emily’s repeated jabs are like a mosquito bite that turns into an itching, festering wound. Unfortunately, sometimes people don’t understand until they’ve faced some consequences.

Emily’s behavior? Classic case of ‘projection’ and ‘envy.’ I bet you a year’s worth of art supplies she has unresolved issues of her own, and is projecting her insecurities onto Alex. Who’s the real winner here? Mr. Starving-Artist-Who’s-Happy. (Psst, happiness beats any paycheck, in case no one’s told her that.)

Look, inviting someone to your wedding implies you want them to share in your joy. If all Emily brings is negativity masked as “humor,” then she doesn’t deserve a front-row seat to your happiness. Plus, imagine the photographic evidence of her sour face in every shot. No, thank you.

So Jane, hold your head high, walk down that aisle with your artistic prince, and leave the drama to those who can’t find joy in a less than six-figure income.

Cheers to love over money and genuine happiness. Emily can RSVP to her own bad vibes.

Original story

My (28F) fiancé, Alex (30M), and I are getting married in a few months. We’ve been together for five years, and he’s the love of my life.

Alex is a talented artist who works as a freelance illustrator. He doesn’t make a ton of money, but he’s passionate about what he does, and I support him fully.

My sister, Emily (32F), has always had a more traditional outlook on careers. She works in finance and has been quite successful.

Over the years, she’s made several snide comments about Alex’s job, calling it a “hobby” and implying that he’s not ambitious enough. I usually let it slide because I know how she is, but it hurts both of us.

A few weeks ago, during a family dinner, Emily made a particularly harsh comment. She said, “I can’t believe you’re marrying a starving artist.

Are you sure you want to spend your life supporting someone who can’t even afford to buy you nice things?”

Alex was visibly upset, and I was furious. I told Emily that her comments were out of line and that she needed to respect our relationship.

She shrugged it off as a joke, but I didn’t find it funny at all.

After that, I started to reconsider inviting Emily to our wedding. I don’t want any negativity on our special day, and I know she’ll probably say something rude or judgmental.

So, I decided not to invite her.

When Emily found out, she was livid. She accused me of overreacting and said that I was choosing a man over my own sister.

My parents are upset too and think I’m being too harsh, but they don’t understand how hurtful her words have been.

Now I’m wondering if I went too far. AITA for not inviting my sister to my wedding because of her comments about my fiancé’s job?