AITA for Not Getting My Girlfriend a Pastry Because She’s on a Diet? A Saucy Tale of Cinnamon Rolls and Relationship Goals

AITA for Not Getting My Girlfriend a Pastry Because She’s on a Diet? A Saucy Tale of Cinnamon Rolls and Relationship Goals

Let me tell you something, dear readers—relationships can be like custard pastries: warm, gooey, and a bit of a mess when things don’t go as planned. Today’s tantalizing tale from Reddit’s ‘Am I the Asshole’ (AITA) corner puts us elbow-deep in a flour bag of emotional turmoil, laden with icing-coated misunderstandings.

The Sweet Start of the Story

So, let’s meet our culinary cast. Enter the Boyfriend (henceforth referred to as BF), also the author of our lil’ doughy drama, and his Girlfriend (GF). As BF lovingly declares, GF is not just any woman; she’s an absolutely gorgeous, stunning woman. We’re talking Giselle Bündchen with a side of Michelle Obama level of fabulous here. By the way BF paints the picture, he’s seriously smitten—and darn proud of it too.

When the Sweet Turns Sour

Life, unfortunately, doesn’t always serve us red velvet cupcakes. Poor GF has had a rough go of it lately—family drama, work stress, the whole nine yards. With her mental plate already heaped, her exercise routine and healthy eating took a nosedive straight into Overindulgence Land, resulting in a whopping 10-pound gain. (Cue the collective gasp!) BF, our ever-loyal knight, assures her each day that she’s the fairest of them all, excess pounds and all.

Two weeks ago, GF decides to take control and announce her intention to cut back on the yummy but deadly, start exercising again, and reclaim her pre-stress figure. BF jumps on the support train, toot-tooting all the way. All is seemingly going well until the Day of the Cinnamon Roll Fiasco.

The Cinnamon Roll Mishap

Ah, cinnamon rolls—sweet, aromatic, seductive as a kiss on a rainy afternoon. BF decides to indulge in his usual bakery pit-stop, something he’s done a gazillion times before. Realizing GF’s strict diet intentions, he only picks up a creamy, gooey roll for himself, leaving GF out of what he’d typically consider their routine pastry date. Innocent enough, right?

Wrong. When he strolls into the house, bakery bag in hand, GF’s eyes light up until the smell of betrayal wafts her way. “What did ya get?” she asks, the stage perfectly set for disaster.

BF, seemingly a basic cinnamon-roll-kind-of-guy-of-reliable-intentions, admits that he didn’t get her anything. He respects her dietary directive, you see. But GF morphs from Cinderella into the Emotional Jabberwocky, upset and tearful. “You should have texted!” she wails, “You shouldn’t be flaunting that sugary sin!” Keep in mind, she’s vocal about her discomfort with her weight, making the sight of a solo cinnamon roll something akin to waving a red cloth at a bull. Cue the waterworks and frosty stares for days.

The Readers Weigh (Heavily) In

Dear BF, many come to your defense—almost a veritable brigade shouting,

Original story

My girlfriend of 2 year is an absolutely gorgeous, stunning woman. I love every inch of her and don’t think anything needs to change.

Over the past few months, she went through a really rough time with some family and work stuff, and as a result ditched a lot of her exercise and healthy eating habits. As a result of overeating junk food, she put on about 10 pounds.

While I tell her every day that she’s beautiful (and mean it too!), she is uncomfortable and 2 weeks ago started talking about how she wants to cut out junk food, start exercising again and go back to her baseline weight.

I support her efforts to return to healthier habits.

Last week, on my way home from work as I often do I stopped in my favourite bakery in the city. I usually stop at least once per week and while in the past I would always pick up something for myself and my girlfriend, this time I only got something for myself because she’s been vocal about how she will cut out pastries.

I got myself a big cinnamon roll with cream cheese glaze.

When I got home, she saw the bakery bag and asked mmm what did you get. I had to admit that I didn’t get anything for her, since she said she wants to cut out pastries.

She got upset and said I should have texted her when I’m in the bakery and asked if she wanted anything. I said I just didn’t think she would since she’s been so vocal about wanting to cut out certain foods.

She then said I shouldn’t have gotten anything for myself either since now I’m just “flaunting it” and making her feel fat. She cried a lot and she’s still a bit cold towards me.

I’m genuinely confused. AITA?