AITA for Locking the Door When I Shower? A Dramatic Bathroom Saga Unleashed!

AITA for Locking the Door When I Shower? A Dramatic Bathroom Saga Unleashed!

Based on a real Reddit post from one frustrated lady who, at this point, deserves endless Calgon baths and a husband that knows the sacredness of a shut door.

The Setup

Hey there, dear readers! Gather ’round, because today I bring you a tale of bathroom boundaries broken, courtesy of one brave soul from Reddit who has had it up to her rubber ducky with her husband’s intimate relationship with the family commode. And no, it’s not the beginning of a bathroom humor stand-up routine; this is real life, folks.

The Characters

In our drama, we have our heroine, a 40-year-old woman who’s mastered the art of juggling motherhood and marriage with the finesse of a Cirque du Soleil performer. She’s battling for her right to soak her troubles away in blissful solitude. Her nemesis? Her well-meaning but utterly oblivious husband, aged 41, complete with a chronic case of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and a penchant for violating privacy.

The Plot Thickens

Picture this: our heroine finally gets a moment to herself. Kids? Sorted. Chores? Handled. She’s about to sink into a soothing bath, dreaming dreams of bubbles and tranquility. Suddenly, her husband decides the best seat in the house is, unfortunately, the one next to her tub. The bathroom is technically shared, but for the love of all things lavender-scented, can a lady get some peace?

She tries to lock the door, and to add insult to injury, her husband’s got MacGyver-esque skills. He can crack the lock open with a penny or screwdriver (handy for fixing Ikea furniture, less so for maintaining marital harmony). His excuse? His IBS attacks him with the precision of a sneak attack in a ninja movie, leaving him no choice but to commandeer the throne. And the secondary bathroom, which incidentally is fully functional, doesn’t appeal to his royal posterior preferences.

The Straw That Broke the Bathtub’s Back

One day, she’s ready to go full Fort Knox and blocks the door with a drawer from under the sink—genius! Until hubby’s reaction is less “oh dear, I see your point” and more “how dare you impede my access to my porcelain pedestal!” Now it’s a bathroom battle royale. He’s furious it took longer to get in; she’s beyond tired of having her downtime disrupted by Eau de Septic Tank.

His Defense: IBS – The Irrefutable Butt Syndrome

Hubby argues his IBS is an uninvited guest dictating his bathroom behavior. But our intrepid poster points out there is indeed another bathroom, a lesser-used sanctuary where he could just as easily serve his sentence without defiling her much-needed sanctuary. She proposes he uses this mystical “other bathroom” for its intended purpose, but hubby remains steadfast, claiming the kids’ bathroom smells like a “toddler tornado” (as if his daily contributions to aromatherapy are any more appealing).

The Verdict

So, is she the A-hole for wanting a little downtime sans the essence of sewage? Let’s break it down with Roger’s razor-sharp sass and wit:

Roger’s Opinion: The Judge, Jury, and Commode Executioner

Dear husband, let’s face it—IBS is no laughing matter, but neither is barricading your wife’s bubble bath haven with your business. Sometimes you gotta suck it up and make the trek to the secondary bathroom. If you can’t get with the program, how about playing by slightly more considerate rules?

Our heroine here? Absolutely not the A-hole. If anything, she’s a saint for dealing with this diarrhea dilemma without launching a full-blown rebellion. A little advice for hubby: 💩 or get off the pot (in the other bathroom, of course). Oh, and a nice bouquet of apologetic flowers wouldn’t go amiss. Signed, sealed, delivered—Roger’s laid down the law.

So, dear readers, whose side are you on? Team Bubble Bath or Team Bathroom Buttinski? Hit the comments with your thoughts!

Original story

I 40f am married to my husband 41m. When ever I shower or take a bath, even if I lock the door he comes in and uses the toilet stinking it up and ruining my relaxation.

It has bothered me for years. We have two bathrooms, one has a tub the other does not.

He tells me he doesnt like using the other bathroom so he “has to” use the main bathroom. He does have IBS and he blames his behavior on that.

If I lock the door he will use a penny or a screwdriver to open it as it’s one of the locks that you can open from the outside. We have small kids so we don’t want them to accidentally lock themselves in the bathroom that’s why the lock can be opened from the outside.

I can’t take long showers or baths when he is at work as I need to be watching our children, so I have to wait till he’s home. Most days I get only a short shower as the kids will start asking for things almost right away, so I usually only take a long bath every few weeks when I really need to relax.

Every time, no matter if he’s already used the bathroom before I go in he comes in. He gets mad at me for locking the door as it takes him longer to get in.

One time I pulled out the drawer under the sink to prevent the door from being opened more than an inch and he got really mad over that.

He says that because he has IBS that he can’t help it and I’m being a jerk taking up time in the bathroom. I said he could use the other bathroom but he refuses and said I should just get over the smell or not take baths

I’d really just like some time to relax alone with out smelling a sewer.

Am I the AH?