AITA For Giving My Wife A Used Macbook For Her Birthday?

AITA For Giving My Wife A Used Macbook For Her Birthday?

Oh, the ever-treacherous terrain of birthday gifts! We’ve all been there. Someone’s big day rolls around, and the anxiety starts to bubble up like you’re in a pot of increasingly boiling water. What if they don’t like your gift? What if it’s not perfect? And heaven forbid, what if it’s used?

Once upon a time, in the strange, far-off land of Reddit, a gentleman known only as 36M decided he’d share his tale of birthday woe. The story begins serenely enough: man (36M) married to woman (35F)—we’ll call her Mrs. 35F—finds himself utterly flummoxed after gifting his wife a refurbished Macbook for her 35th birthday. Cue the dramatic sighs and eye rolls from the peanut gallery.

Let’s read between the lines, dear reader. So, Mrs. 35F has been valiantly typing away on some ancient Macbook when *gasp* it finally kicks the digital bucket a week before her birthday. Enter our hero, 36M, who thinks he’s riding in on a white horse. Instead, spoiler alert, he’s on a budget-friendly donkey.

While perusing the virtual shelves of Best Buy, our knight spots a refurbished Macbook, shiny and only $400 cheaper than brand-spanking-new. ‘What a bargain!’ he thought, the flashing neon “SAVE NOW!” sign practically blinding him. Now, friends, let’s not gloss over the other shiny bauble in this story: he also got her some cherished jewelry. But who cares about that when we’ve got tech drama to unpack?

Gift unwrapping day arrives, and Mrs. 35F holds her breath. The wrapping paper hits the floor, the gleaming Apple logo catches the light, excitement mounts… until she notices the serial number starts with an F. Uh-oh, she’s busted the refurb! See, Apple products have their own little tells, like about-to-break spoilers for real life.

Not missing a beat, Mrs. 35F, in an Oscar-worthy performance of understated dismay, simply utters, ‘Really?’ and leaves it at that. Ever felt like you’re in the doghouse and someone threw away the key? That’s 36M now, combing the attic for an emotional roadmap.

Our dainty hero consults his friends, searching for solace. But oh no, they’re too busy mocking and calling him cheap. Yes, yes, it’s always the peanut gallery, isn’t it? Masters of hindsight and backseat driving. To refurb or not to refurb, that is the question. Well, let’s uncover the “AITA” mystery, shall we?

Refurbs: Deal or Dud?

First off, buying refurbished tech isn’t the Herculean sin some make it out to be. I mean, let’s be practical: it’s eco-friendly, and a good refurbed Macbook can work like new. Yet there’s an unspoken rule in the land of romance: birthdays and anniversaries are no time to skimp unless you want to spend nights in the digital doghouse. Who knew? This man should’ve.

It’s not about the object itself, but what it represents: thoughtfulness, effort, and avoiding the lethal ‘R’ word—regift. It’s like bringing a lasagna in a microwave tray to an Iron Chef potluck. Sure, it’s food, but is it *the* food?

Man vs. Money

36M, your intentions were golden, but the delivery? Questionable. Sure, you saved a bit. But was cost-efficiency worth your wife’s raised eyebrow and lingering discontent? This will be the story she tells her friends over wine: ‘He got me a used Macbook for my big 3-5.’ You, my man, just made the plotline of every romcom cautionary tale ever.

And here’s the kicker. He admits money was no real barrier. I mean, c’mon, people usually blow their birthdays on a new phone or an extra dessert slice. But if you’re confessing that Benjamins weren’t the issue, Mr. Budget Macbook, why didn’t you just spring for the new tech?

Roger’s Sassy Take

Boy, buckle up, because here comes my two-cents in all its sassy, gloriously witty splendor. You’re skating on thin ice, my man. Yes, it’s cold and possibly wet like Mrs. 35F’s mood right now. I get it, you’re practical. You thought, “A Macbook is a Macbook.” But birthdays operate on different rules, my frugal friend. They thrive on the crescendo of grand gestures and unquantifiable emotions. The jewelry was a promising start, but old habits (and Macbooks) die hard.

Next time, dig a little deeper in those pockets for the woman who puts up with your obsession over serial numbers. Because really, that extra $400 might have saved you a boatload of regret. Your friends weren’t entirely wrong, but rest assured, being cheap isn’t an inherent flaw—just maybe don’t let it be your birthday gift mantra. It seems you have the heart, my friend, but do you have the wallet? I trust you’ll find a balance.

So, AITA? Echoing the wise words of Reddit sages, “It’s complicated.” Sometimes, my friend, it’s better to spend a little more for peace of mind and a content wife. Happy wife, happy life, right? Choose wisely, oh gallant warrior of refurbished realms!

Original story

I (36m) am married to (35F) who just turned 35 yesterday. My wife’s former Macbook broke like, a week before her birthday, so I got her a new one for her birthday.

I also got her some jewelry she likes.

When I was ordering the Mac, I was on best buy, looking for new ones, but then I saw refurbs for like 400 ish cheaper. So of course I ordered one.

When I gave her her gift, she asked if it was used/refurb because the serial number started with F. When I told her yes, she just said “Really?

” and left it at that.

Now I kind of feel bad, and my wife doesn’t seem to be too satisfied with the gift, so I’m asking if im the ah. My friends made jokes about me being “cheap.

” Money wasn’t really an issue but I had a chance to save money, so why not?