AITA for calling out my friend for dating a married guy?

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AITA for calling out my friend for dating a married guy?

So, here’s the deal. I (23F) have this friend, let’s call her Sarah (22F).

We’ve been friends for like 10 years, and she’s always been the type to attract drama like a magnet. Anyway, Sarah started dating this guy, Mike (32M), a few months ago.

They met on Hinge and hit it off right away. After their first two dates, Sarah found out that Mike is actually married and has two kids, aged 4 and 2.

I confronted Sarah about it and told her straight up that she’s being a homewrecker and needs to end it. She got super defensive and said that Mike’s marriage is “basically over” and that his wife doesn’t “get him” like she does.

She even had the audacity to show me texts from Mike where he complains about his wife, saying she’s too busy with the kids and doesn’t pay attention to him anymore.

Sarah is convinced that she can make Mike divorce his wife and be with her. She believes that they have a special connection and that Mike is just waiting for the right moment to leave his wife.

However, it’s clear to me that Mike has no intention of leaving his wife. He’s told Sarah multiple times that he’s not ready to make any drastic changes in his life right now, but she refuses to listen.

I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and told her that she’s making a huge mistake and that she’s going to end up getting hurt, along with hurting his wife and possibly kids. I told her she was delusional if she thought Mike was going to leave his wife for her.

Sarah flipped out, called me judgmental, and now she’s not speaking to me. Some of our mutual friends think I was right to call her out, but others think I should have just stayed out of it.

To make things even more awkward, Mike’s wife has no idea what’s going on and thinks he’s just busy with work. I’ve seen pictures of their family on social media, and they look so happy.

It’s breaking my heart to see this happening, and I don’t know if I should tell her.

So, Reddit, AITA for calling out my friend for dating a married guy? Or should I have just minded my own business?