AITA for Calling My Girlfriend a Professional Yapper? You Decide!

AITA for Calling My Girlfriend a Professional Yapper? You Decide!

Alright, folks, buckle up because we’re diving headfirst into a magnificent tale straight from the hallowed halls of Reddit. It’s a whirlwind romance, a clash of conversational titans, and a title that makes you go, “Oh, this is gonna be juicy.” So, sit back, grab your favorite snack, and let’s break down this delightful drama.

The Set-Up

Our protagonist—let’s call him Johnny—is a regular guy with regular problems, much like you and me. He’s got a girlfriend, whom we’ll dub Gabby (you’ll see why that name is perfect in a moment). Gabby is, how can I put this delicately? Ah yes, a professional yapper. She’s got verbal stamina that Olympic athletes would be jealous of. Yes, folks, Gabby loves to talk, and talk she does.

Now, Johnny isn’t some silent monk in a mountain monastery. He enjoys a good chat too, but even he has his limits. And thus, our drama begins.

The Incident

One fine afternoon, Johnny and Gabby were enjoying a traditional movie night. All was well until Gabby decided that the movie was not engaging enough and took it upon herself to provide a running commentary. Imagine Morgan Freeman narrating your life—but without pauses. Every scene, every shot, every plot twist was accompanied by Gabby’s enthusiastic insights.

Johnny, bless his heart, tried to be patient. He really did. But somewhere between the fifth and sixth plot reveal, he lost his cool and blurted out, “Would you shut up? You’re like a professional yapper!”

Oh boy. The silence that followed? You could hear a pin drop.

The Fallout

Gabby, understandably, did not take kindly to this outburst. She accused Johnny of being insensitive and unkind, and the evening came to a premature, frosty end. Johnny, now second-guessing his life choices, took to Reddit to ask the ultimate question:

Original story
