AITA Drama: When Family Feuds and Forgotten Kids Collide

Oh honey, pull up a chair and grab the popcorn because today we’re diving headfirst into a Reddit drama that even Shakespeare couldn’t have penned better. This one is straight from the AITA (Am I The Asshole) vaults, featuring a tale of family feuds, forgotten kids, and one sassy showdown. Buckle up because it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

The Setup: A Brother, Abandoned Kids, and a New Family

Picture this: our protagonist, a man among mortals (let’s call him SuperBro, age 38) who dared to defy the gravitational pull of familial dropping-off-the-radar syndrome. SuperBro has a brother (Deadbeat Dan) who, at the tender age of 21, managed to squeeze out not one, but TWO kids with his now ex-girlfriend. As it often goes in youthful indiscretions, Deadbeat Dan decided to nope out of his fatherly duties and ghosted not only his kids but also any semblance of responsibility. Bravo, Deadbeat Dan.

Enter SuperBro: The Savior Uncle

While the rest of his family opted for convenient amnesia, our SuperBro stayed loyal, keeping in touch with the forsaken kiddos. Fast forward several unremarkable years, and Deadbeat Dan gets hitched and pops out yet another child, completing what he probably thinks is his Family 2.0 upgrade.

The (Non) Reconciliation

At some point in his newfound domesticity, Deadbeat Dan decided to play Mr. Nice Guy and reached out to his first batch of offspring. Unsurprisingly, he was met with all the warmth of a vegan at a barbecue festival. His attempts at “reconnecting” were basically ignored until his ex finally got roped into conveying a message from the kids: they were mad as hell and just not interested. Dan, bless his deluded heart, thought that their venting meant they were open to healing and mending fences.

A Video Call to Forget

As is the custom in the digital age, the kids agreed to one brief video call to reiterate just how unwanted this reconnection was. When Deadbeat Dan, in his infinite wisdom, suggested introducing them to his shiny new family, the kids shut that down faster than a meme stock rally. The final word was a resounding “no thank you” to any further communication.

Fury Unleashed: SIL Edition

And here comes the twist: Deadbeat Dan’s current wife—let’s dub her Mrs. Pettigrew—decided to go on a tirade at the family gathering, badmouthing the estranged kids for having the audacity to be mad about being abandoned. In Mrs. Pettigrew’s twisted worldview, the older kids should just suck it up and embrace the siblings they never asked for. Cue SuperBro stepping in and delivering a truth blast that could rival Oprah.

The Showdown

SuperBro, ever the knight in shining armor, told Mrs. Pettigrew to zip it. He didn’t mince words; he told her she should be ashamed of herself for mouthing off about kids who were essentially trophies left on life’s curbside by Deadbeat Dan. Oh, the scandal. Mrs. Pettigrew, clutching her pearls, acted shocked and offended, claiming that SuperBro had overstepped.

Verdict? Let’s Break It Down

Here’s where Roger drops some wisdom. When you ghost your own flesh-and-blood and then resurface to play happy family, you’d better brace for some chilly receptions. Mrs. Pettigrew needs to take several seats and reflect on the fact that actions have consequences—and baby, they sometimes live on in ways you can’t control. SuperBro was right to stand up for those kids, and honestly, Mrs. Pettigrew’s rant reveals more about her lack of empathy than their supposed immaturity.

In conclusion, children are not emotional vending machines; you don’t deposit an apology coin and expect instant forgiveness. SuperBro, you’re a hero in this saga, and Mrs. Pettigrew, darling, you are definitely in need of a reality check. As for Deadbeat Dan, just be glad you have SuperBro as your brother because, let’s face it, you need all the redeeming qualities you can borrow.

Original story

My brother had two kids with his ex by the time he was 21. He stuck around for a couple of years but when they broke up he left the kids too.

He paid no child support, made no effort to keep in touch with the kids, did not check if they were okay, nothing. The rest of my family let the relationship drop too but I (38m) was the exception.

I stayed part of my niece and nephew’s lives. I still have a good relationship with them today and they’re close to my kids.

Five years ago my brother got married and now he’s expecting baby #3 with his wife. After settling into family life he started to think more about his oldest two and he made the decision to reach out to them.

He was met with silence initially and then after speaking to his ex, he got a brief message from his kids that they were still mad and hurt that he left. They had contact for about a month and it was sporadic.

He asked if they could meet in person and the kids said no. But they said they would do a video call with him one time and that was it.

This call happened 2.5 months into their “reconciliation”.

At some point during this he mentioned wanting them to meet his wife and other kids. They told him that was not going to happen and they didn’t want to reconcile with him.

My brother was surprised, he had thought that them opening up to him about being angry and hurt was a sign that they were willing to work through that. They told him it would be one thing if he hadn’t settled down and started a family all over again but the fact he did that and then reached out to them was too much for them and they want nothing to do with the family he created now.

This led to a back and forth where he said they have younger siblings and they told him very clearly they will never acknowledge or accept them as siblings and they will never accept him as their dad and he needs to move on.

I spoke to my niece and nephew after the call, they reach out to me, and they said it was good to close that door and to have the decision be their own. They felt like they got closure.

My brother wasn’t prepared for the outcome and his wife is furious that my niece and nephew rejected them for existing. She started badmouthing the kids at my parents house in front of all of us.

My brother told her to stop. But she told him they should be ashamed of themselves for reacting like spoiled brats who don’t get their way and punishing innocent children when they’re supposed to be grown adults now.

I told SIL she should be ashamed of herself for talking like that about the kids my brother abandoned and didn’t give a second thought to until he had settled down with her and their kids. I told her she should learn to be a mature adult and accept that his actions had consequences and this is one of them.

Cue her being offended and saying I have no right to speak to her that way and some of my family telling me I should have said nothing.