A Tale of Woe on Mother’s Day: A Real-Life Reddit Drama Unfolds

Welcome, my dear readers, to another scandalous and, quite frankly, heartbreaking episode from the archives of real-life stories, straight from Reddit. This one, my darlings, is a genuine tear-jerker, so grab your popcorn and a box of tissues because you’re in for a rollercoaster of emotions. This is Roger, from HotTakes, and boy, do I have a hot take for you today on a story that’s as real as it gets, courtesy of a troubled soul who shared her Mother’s Day debacle for the world to weigh in on. Let’s dive deep into the abyss of this marital mayhem, shall we? Buckle up; it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

The story originates from a young mother of a toddler, with another bun in the oven, who awoke on Mother’s Day to find her husband MIA, only to learn he was out pampering himself with a new pair of shoes. Yes, you read that right. As the day unfolded, it became clear that any hopes for breakfast in bed, flowers, or even a measly Hallmark card were as absent as her husband’s sensitivity. Instead, she was treated to a spectacle of her husband and his buddies turning their home into a makeshift motocross track, leaving our protagonist to fend for herself and her toddler.

During several attempts to interact with her husband, she was met with irritation and downright rudeness, turning what should have been a day of appreciation into a spectacle of neglect. Adding insult to injury, when she expressed her dismay, she was labeled as childish and accused of trying to make her husband feel like a ‘POS’—his words, not mine. The cherry on top? A declaration that Mother’s Day is for celebrating his mother, not his wife, the mother of his children.

Now, folks, this woman was left questioning her worth as a mother and a wife, thanks to her husband’s incredibly insensitive and cruel behavior. Mind you, she reports that this isn’t the first display of his nasty side, though holidays usually grant her a temporary reprieve from his antics. This time, however, there was no holiday magic, just the harsh reality of being taken for granted.

As the story unfolds, our heroine considers couple’s counseling and delves into self-help books, all while grappling with the decision to open up to the faceless jury of Reddit about her crumbling marriage. The outpouring of support and advice from strangers online leads her to a crossroads, contemplating the future of her marriage and her self-worth.

Now, *Rogers Hot Take*: While some stories leave room for debate, the verdict here is as clear as the disdain in hubby’s tone. Not the asshole, my dear, not by a long shot. Marriage is a partnership, a dance of give and take, not a solo act where one is left in the dust, especially on Mother’s Day. Being a parent is a tough gig, and the least one deserves is a day of recognition and a bit of pampering. This husband’s behavior is a masterclass in how **not** to treat your partner, serving as a cold reminder that actions (or a glaring lack thereof) speak louder than words.

So to the heartbroken mom and anyone else in similar shoes, remember this: you are worthy of love, respect, and definitely a Mother’s Day that consists of more than just tears and heartache. It’s high time for a candid conversation with your partner or, at the very least, some serious soul-searching about what you deserve.

And to the rest of us, let’s take this as a lesson in empathy, kindness, and maybe, just maybe, a reminder to go hug our moms, wives, and the significant women in our lives a little tighter today. Until next time, stay sassy, stay wise, and always keep those hot takes coming. This has been Roger, signing off.

Original story

So obviously today is Mother’s Day. Well I (24f) woke up this morning to my husband (23m) not at home. In the past he will do this and come back home with a gift whether it be valentines/birthday/Mother’s Day. But When I texted him and asked where he was, he told me he was out buying himself a new pair of shoes. I said okay.

He comes home, invites all of his friends over and they all ride dirt bikes, hangout, and I do not see my husband all day long. I got my toddler and went outside to try and spend time with him. My toddler runs up to him while he’s talking and he turns around and snaps at me and tells me that I “need to watch her” This upset me so we just went back inside. I went back out again later to ask if he had eaten the rest of the grapes and when I said “hey babe” he turned around and snapped at me again and said “WHAT?” In a very irritated tone. I just said Nevermind and went back inside again. The third time really just send me over the edge when I walked out and asked if he could help me with something (I have placenta previa and can’t lift anything over 20lbs) and he says “I guess just let me drop everything I’m doing and help you” and slams his stuff down on the tailgate of his truck. I said nevermind and went back inside and never went back out again.

About an hour later, he comes inside to grab a drink, he sees I’ve been crying (I’m highly sensitive and 6 months pregnant taking care of a wild 4yo) and asks in a very irritated tone “what’s wrong with you now?” I try my best to tell him while uncontrollably sobbing that I’ve had the worst Mother’s Day and before I can even get it out of my mouth he calls me childish for crying like a baby and tells me that I’m being an asshole just trying to make him feel like a POS. He then tells me that Mother’s Day is for celebrating your mother not your wife and that I don’t deserve to be “rewarded”. I’ve laid in bed and cried pretty much all day.

Some background: we’ve been together 6 years married 4, have a 4 year old, and I’m currently pregnant due in September. He’s never acted like this before. He’s always showered me in gifts and shown so much love on holidays. I’m starting to question if I’ve been a bad mother and if he’s right in saying that I do not deserve to be celebrated for Mother’s Day. Am I the asshole for telling my husband that I’ve had the worst Mother’s Day and making him feel like a POS? I wasn’t trying to make him feel bad, I was just really hurt and upset.

Edit to add: I didn’t mean he just randomly started acting this way, he’s been nasty in the past and always apologized after and says “he’ll change” It’s just that he’s never acted this way on a holiday. He’s always went out of his way to make me feel special on holidays celebrating me.

Second edit: thank you for all of the kinds words and advice, I truly appreciate it. I haven’t opened up to anyone about my relationship so it feels a little better to hear other opinions other than ones biased towards him from his family members. I think I’m gonna ask him about couples counseling to see if maybe a third party could find the root of the problem because I’m 100% willing to fix what needs to be fixed on my end. I’ll update after I talk to him if i decide not to delete this post. I’ve been contemplating whether or not I should leave this up simply because I feel like I added way to many details that would make it clear to him that this is about us if he ever happened upon this post. And I have no idea how badly he would react if he found out about this mainly because I don’t even speak to our family about our issues much less thousands of strangers on the internet. So if I decide to leave it up, the update will be here and if not, again thank you so much for the kind words and advice I needed to hear whether it be the uplifting comments or the harsh reality comments- they’re all appreciated.

I also just bought the audiobook version of the book so many recommended “why does he do that” and am starting it now. I will update when I finish it