A Sisterly Swap Gone Awry: To Donate, or Not to Donate?

A Sisterly Swap Gone Awry: To Donate, or Not to Donate?

Ah, the joys of sisterhood. The camaraderie, the shared moments, the clandestine clothes thieving—wait, strike that last one. Today, folks, I’m going to take you on a little ride through a tale so relatable it may just make you dig through your own closets. Yep, this juicy story comes straight from the annals of Reddit, where a 20-year-old, let’s call her Sarah, shares her heart-wrenching saga that has the potential to rip the delicate fabric (pun intended) of sisterly love. Buckle up!

The Thieving Teen

So, Sarah (20) has a younger sister (15) who appears to have a penchant for borrowing—no, scratch that—pilfering her wardrobe. Now, before you roll your eyes and say, ‘What’s the big deal?’ let’s add a sprinkle of context. See, Sarah isn’t some fashionista hoarding designer labels. The girl simply likes to keep her things tidy, and all she asked for was a little, tiny bit of respect. But did she get it? Oh honey, no she didn’t.

This insidious little thief not only helped herself to Sarah’s wardrobe on the daily but also had the nerve to lie about it. How do we know? Well, just imagine Sarah sauntering down the hallway, only to spot her LACY BRA—yes, the lacy one—hanging out of a pile of dirty laundry that definitely wasn’t hers.

War of the Wardrobe

Now, Sarah being all magnanimous and whatnot, had already devised a foolproof plan to remedy this misappropriation. She told her sister that she was going to purge her wardrobe and was willing to gift her a treasure trove of clothes, but there was a catch. The little klepto had to return everything she had taken, and no sneaky business. Sister agreed (you know where this is heading, don’t you?) and handed over what she claimed was everything. Ha! If only.

Fast forward a couple of weeks, and fiasco strikes. Among the heaps of dirty laundry in her sister’s room, Sarah finds not just the lacy bra, but a veritable loot of her belongings. Sis had been flat-out lying. But it gets worse: she had the audacity to swipe Sarah’s underwear too. Really? Underwear? Gag me with a spoon.

The Ultimate Payback

Here’s where it gets deliciously dramatic. Now enraged, Sarah declares she’s done playing the benevolent sister. Rather than gifting her clothes to her deceitful sibling, she decides to donate them. Take that, Sis!

Now, Reddit exploded with mixed reactions. Some are ready to brand Sarah with a scarlet “A” for ‘Asshole,’ while others are setting up a GoFundMe for her sainthood. So who’s right?

Roger’s Righteous Wrangle

Lean in, kiddos, here’s where Uncle Roger lays down the law. First off, can we talk about boundaries? It doesn’t matter if you’re only fighting over fabric. When someone repeatedly crosses a line you’ve clearly set, it’s not about the stuff anymore; it’s about respect.

Sarah put in the effort to communicate, negotiate, and handle the situation like an adult. Her sister responded by metaphorically spitting in her face. Would a real-life, grown-up court find Sarah guilty of malice for deciding to donate instead of gift? Oh please, I’d eat my hat.

And don’t get me started on the underwear. That’s just a ruffle too far. I mean, what gall! Stealing someone’s lingerie is a grievance worthy of exile, not just a silent treatment. Sarah’s choice to donate her clothes isn’t just an act of defiance; it’s a stand for dignity.

So, dear readers, on the Roger scale of Justified Acts, I’m giving Sarah a solid 9 out of 10. The only thing I’d suggest? Next time, throw in a flourish. Make Sis watch as you pack up those clothes and joyfully skip to the donation center. And maybe, just maybe, record her reaction for the rest of us to revel in the schadenfreude.

Now Sarah, if you’re reading this, do yourself a favor. The next time your sister wants something of yours, make her sign a friggin’ contract! Or better yet, lock it up.🗝️ Because trust me, girl, peace of mind is always in style.

Until next time, folks, keep those closets secure and your dignity intact. Yours sassily,


Original story

I (f20) have a little sister (f15) who is constantly stealing my clothes and lying about it. This is despite the fact that I have told her that I’m willing to share most things but I want her to ask.

I am also a really neat person and she is not so my stuff always ends up on her floor where it gets walked on for a week.

A couple weeks ago I told her that I wanted all of my stuff back and that I was going to get rid of a ton of things and would give her a good bit on the condition that she actually returned everything she had and didn’t secretly keep things, she gave me a pile and told me it was everything.

So today I go to the hallway and see my lacy bra sticking out of her dirty laundry, so I go into her room and find quite a few more things that are mine. At this point I’m so mad because she not only lied to me but is taking my literal bras and underwear which I think is just disrespectful.

So I told her that I’m not sharing anything anymore and that I refuse to give her anything from cleaning out my closet and will be donating it.

Am I the asshole? I know it sounds stupid to fight over clothes with a 15 year old but I’m just so over the constant lying and the fact that she is literally going through and using my underwear!
