A Seizing Dilemma: When Helping Goes Wrong With a Side of Ego

A Real-Life Reddit Drama Unveiled

Ah, the delightful world of Reddit, where real-life dramas are laid bare for our collective entertainment, gossip, and, let’s face it, judgment. Today, we’ve got a nugget so juicy, you might want to pop some popcorn. Our protagonist (let’s call her Wonder Woman for now) stumbled into a laced-with-drama scenario that no Tuesday afternoon soap opera could ever conjure up. Spoiler alert, it involves seizures, over-the-top Good Samaritans, and a pinch of ego. I can feel your curious eyes widening already.

Setting the Stage

Picture this: a bustling street, pedestrians minding their own mundane business, and suddenly, chaos! A man begins seizing on the ground. Enter our heroine, Wonder Woman (40F), equipped with a decade of experience dealing with epilepsy, thanks to her best friend’s lifelong condition. She springs into action like a seasoned pro.

Along Came Dick

Now, as all superhero narratives go, a villain must make an appearance. Enter “Dick” (a title well-earned). Let’s be clear, Dick is not his real name, but it’s certainly indicative of his behavior. While Wonder Woman is comfortably handling the seizing man, Dick swoops in to bark (incorrect) orders like a disgruntled drill sergeant whose only training came from binge-watching outdated medical TV dramas.

Chaos, Cameras, and Confusion

Ignoring Dick was Wonder Woman’s first wise move. Eyes on the prize, Wonder Woman! Calm under pressure is her superpower. But, oh no, Dick can’t handle rejection. He escalates and decides that shouting’s not enough; he starts recording. Yep, Dick’s filming what he thinks is “evidence” of his thwarted heroism. Classic move from someone who probably has an entire YouTube playlist titled “My Awesomeness.”

The seizing stops (thankfully), and EMS plus police arrive to restore order in this circus. But, of course, Dick’s got grievances to air. He practically tackles the medics and cops with complaints of how nobody let him help. You can almost hear the world’s tiniest violin played just for him.

Responses and Reckoning

Our unapologetic heroine, still a bit rattled, keeps her cool and delivers the speech of the decade. She firmly informs Dick that explaining her actions in the middle of a medical emergency was never on her to-do list. Her best friend’s years of epilepsy were all the credentials she needed. The cops even back her up, serving justice with a side of sass: “No, she didn’t, bro.”

The Unexpected Twist: Judgy Judge Judy

Just when you think the drama’s over, in swoops another character. Let’s dub her Judge Judy, the wife of Wonder Woman’s best friend. In a plot twist straight out of a reality show, Judy deems Wonder Woman as harsh and arrogant. She even dubs Wonder Woman the Original story Please do not share this outside Reddit. I’ll try to keep it short. I (40F) witnessed a dude have a seizure, which I was able to identify bc my best friend is epileptic and has been since we were kids. A few bystanders came over and helped me stabilize him as he was a big dude and I’m an average sized woman. Another woman and I were on the ground with him when suddenly a not-at-all-good-Samaritan we’ll call Dick shows up and starts barking (wrong) orders and instructions. Neither of us listen to him or act on his demands. He gets louder and louder and starts recording, saying it’s evidence that “these women refuse to let me help this man! ” Eventually the seizing stops and EMS and the police show up. Dick immediately accosts the medics AND cops shouting about how he was trying to help and nobody would listen to or let him. After everyone chatted, EMS confirms what we did for the seizing man was correct. Dick is outraged and then decides to direct his ire square at me and tells me that all I had to do was explain it to him in the first place. Internally I was like: What? You’re suggesting the “correct” answer was for me to take my attention off a medical emergency and explain to you why and how I was doing what I was doing/not doing? But I said, “I do not owe you or your ego any explanation for anything, ever, most certainly not in the middle of a medical emergency, but for your information my best friend of 25+ years is epileptic. This is how I know what to do and not to do in the event of a seizure.” He YELLED, “That’s all you had to say! ” At this point even the cops piped up and one said, verbatim, “No she didn’t, bro. She was focused on helping the guy. ” I felt like I didn’t do anything wrong but was also kind of rattled, so when my friend’s wife later said I was being harsh and arrogant by not acknowledging and/or addressing Dick during the actual seizure and later referring to his ego in my “speech” to him I kind of felt like an asshole. She said he too was also just trying to help and “possibly prevent a disaster,” and then asked who anointed me the “Jesus of the situation.” I said I wasn’t being arrogant Jesus, I was simply the first one to get to the guy, knew he was having a seizure, and knew what to do, so I did it and didn’t concern myself with a dude screaming (again, WRONG! ) orders in the background. Outside the screaming guy it was really a scene full of good people trying to help and made me feel better about humanity even. And then this friend’s wife basically called me an arrogant asshole. Am I? EDIT: Thanks for all the feedback and positivity. I appreciate it more than you guys know. A special thanks to the epileptics, friends and family of epileptics, and EMTs who commented. Also, those of you who said my friend’s wife does not like me, you are all correct. She does not like any of his female friends. Most of us are gay so that makes it extra funny. : )

Original story

Please do not share this outside Reddit.

I’ll try to keep it short. I (40F) witnessed a dude have a seizure, which I was able to identify bc my best friend is epileptic and has been since we were kids.

A few bystanders came over and helped me stabilize him as he was a big dude and I’m an average sized woman. Another woman and I were on the ground with him when suddenly a not-at-all-good-Samaritan we’ll call Dick shows up and starts barking (wrong) orders and instructions.

Neither of us listen to him or act on his demands. He gets louder and louder and starts recording, saying it’s evidence that “these women refuse to let me help this man!

Eventually the seizing stops and EMS and the police show up. Dick immediately accosts the medics AND cops shouting about how he was trying to help and nobody would listen to or let him.

After everyone chatted, EMS confirms what we did for the seizing man was correct.

Dick is outraged and then decides to direct his ire square at me and tells me that all I had to do was explain it to him in the first place. Internally I was like: What?

You’re suggesting the “correct” answer was for me to take my attention off a medical emergency and explain to you why and how I was doing what I was doing/not doing? But I said, “I do not owe you or your ego any explanation for anything, ever, most certainly not in the middle of a medical emergency, but for your information my best friend of 25+ years is epileptic.

This is how I know what to do and not to do in the event of a seizure.” He YELLED, “That’s all you had to say!

” At this point even the cops piped up and one said, verbatim, “No she didn’t, bro. She was focused on helping the guy.

I felt like I didn’t do anything wrong but was also kind of rattled, so when my friend’s wife later said I was being harsh and arrogant by not acknowledging and/or addressing Dick during the actual seizure and later referring to his ego in my “speech” to him I kind of felt like an asshole.

She said he too was also just trying to help and “possibly prevent a disaster,” and then asked who anointed me the “Jesus of the situation.” I said I wasn’t being arrogant Jesus, I was simply the first one to get to the guy, knew he was having a seizure, and knew what to do, so I did it and didn’t concern myself with a dude screaming (again, WRONG!

) orders in the background.

Outside the screaming guy it was really a scene full of good people trying to help and made me feel better about humanity even. And then this friend’s wife basically called me an arrogant asshole.

Am I?

EDIT: Thanks for all the feedback and positivity. I appreciate it more than you guys know.

A special thanks to the epileptics, friends and family of epileptics, and EMTs who commented.

Also, those of you who said my friend’s wife does not like me, you are all correct. She does not like any of his female friends.

Most of us are gay so that makes it extra funny. : )