A Sassy Tale of Familial Obligations: Why I’m Not Moving Home to Help My Dad

A Sassy Tale of Familial Obligations: Why I’m Not Moving Home to Help My Dad

Alright, gather ‘round, folks! Here’s the juicy scoop straight off the pages of Reddit. Buckle up because it’s a wild ride of family drama, sassy comebacks, and beyond-bizarre expectations. This, my dear reader, is based on a real Reddit post from a real person, and it’s as relatable as forgetting your Wi-Fi password. Welcome to the saga of a 28-year-old woman debating whether she’s the villain for refusing to help her dad after his life took a nosedive.

A Quick Cast of Characters:

The Backstory – Like Cringe, But with Consequences

Our story picks up after Mom’s tragic passing. Dad quickly rebounded with Helen, a woman who, for reasons best stated as ‘ill-advised life choices,’ is half his age. Did we mention Helen had a child of her own before adding two more to the family mix? Because that’s what you do when your life is a convoluted anthology series.

I, your humble narrator, had been acting as a second mom to my brothers—a role I neither auditioned for nor enjoyed. When it was time for college, I bid adieu to my Cinderella complex and hit the road, never looking back. My brothers? Well, they saw the wreckage approaching and enlisted in the military pronto.

Brotherly Abandonment and Matrimonial Mayhem

Fast forward a bit, and Helen decided that a stable home life was too mainstream. So, she had an affair, took her son, and left my half-brothers with my dad. Apparently, their prenup means she won’t get support, and child support won’t cover her Kardashian-level lifestyle. Dad’s now left holding the bag with two small children (ages 6 and 3), and here’s where it gets spicy.

The Audacity – Parental Guilt Tripping 101

My dad now expects me to move back home. Why? Because he lamely feels I ‘owe him.’ I could smell his desperation through the phone call.

Sassy as ever, I replied, ‘Sure, Dad, just send me an invoice for anything you did that wasn’t, you know, something you were legally obligated to do.’

His Response – Drama Llama on the Loose

Would you expect any response other than thinking I’m being ‘petty and vindictive’? Because, let’s face it, the apple doesn’t fall far from the drama tree. He’s likely right; I never approved of his remarriage. But come on, since when did disliking someone’s choice mean sacrificing your life’s plans?

My Sassy Take – A Solution So Easy It’s Genius

To ice this train wreck of a cake, I proposed he hire a nanny. Financially, it would be less burdensome than child support. But why go for rational solutions when you can guilt-trip your daughter into servitude?

Roger’s Final Thoughts: Buckle Up for Some Sass

Alright, so here’s my expert two cents as Roger, the purveyor of all things sassy:

First off, parents who think their kids owe them a lifetime of loyalty have another think coming. It’s 2023, not medieval Europe! Second, fathers who want you to upend your life due to their poor life choices should take a long walk off a short pier.

Dear OP, keep your chin up. You’re handling this like a boss. And to all the Henrys of the world taking dicey second marriages: maybe consider the ramifications before dialing up your daughter’s guilt hotline.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need a refill on my tea. 🍵

Original story

My mom – passed away

My dad (Henry)- 53

My brothers – 23/25 in the military

Me – F28

My dad’s wife (Helen) – 30

Her son – 8 currently with her and her affair partner

My half brothers – 6/3 currently with my dad

Okay now that all the relevant people are listed it’s a very simple situation.

After my mom passed away my dad married a woman half his age who had a child already and started having children.

I had already been acting as a mom to my brothers and had no interest in continuing. Helen was a SAHM.

I went away for college and never went back. My brothers joined the military as soon as they could.

Helen had an affair and took her son, leaving my half brothers with my father. I guess their prenup means she won’t get support and child support won’t be enough.

So she decided to leave them so my dad has to take care of them.

He wants me to move back to help him out because “I owe him”.

I asked him for an invoice of anything he did for me that wasn’t required by law.

He thinks I’m being petty and vindictive because I never approved of his marriage. He is probably right but I don’t think that means I need to give up my life.

He can hire a nanny. It will cost less than child support.