A Party Faux Pas or Fashion Freedom: Did I Underdress or Did They Overreact? 🍸👗

A Party Faux Pas or Fashion Freedom: Did I Underdress or Did They Overreact? 🍸👗

Gather ’round, my fabulous and discerning readers, because today we’re diving into the juicy tale plucked right from the depths of Reddit, where the drama is thicker than your grandma’s Thanksgiving gravy. Our protagonist, a 19-year-old party-goer with a keen sense of style and a penchant for crop tops, is caught in a maelstrom of sartorial scandal. Did she commit a heinous crime of “underdressing,” or did she merely expose the social insecurities of a few birthday revelers? Let’s dish.

The Perfect Party Outfit, or So She Thought…

Our heroine, let’s call her ‘Fashio-Nista,’ was invited to her friend’s roommate’s birthday party. Not knowing the birthday boy (henceforth dubbed ‘Brandon the Birthday Brat’), she sensibly sought guidance from her friend while choosing her outfit. After much deliberation and a dash of retail therapy, she settled on a chic crop top, which, let’s be real, probably looked fierce. Backed by her friend’s assurance that she wouldn’t offend anyone by showcasing some midriff, she headed to the party feeling confident and cute.

Enter Brandon: A Tale of Tipsyness and Trash-Talk

The soirée started normally enough until the libations began to flow. Brandon, feeling the ill-advised boldness that only too many cocktails can provide, started making pointed remarks about Fashio-Nista’s outfit. At first, it was the garden-variety teasing that one might dismiss as awkward party banter. But oh, my friends, Brandon did not stop there. His jabs grew sharper, and his intention clearer, as if the Crop Top Crusader had personally offended his stodgy birthday sensibilities.

Feeling uncomfortable, our girl did what any reasonable person would—she put on her hoodie and hoped the fashion police would go on break. Nope, Brandon was relentless. Finally, she exited the party quietly, hoping to salvage what remained of her dignity.

The Aftermath: A Wall of Text and a Block

The next morning, Fashio-Nista woke up to an “essay-length” text from Brandon’s girlfriend. In an unhinged piece worthy of a high school drama queen, the girlfriend berated our girl for leaving early and for arriving underdressed. Spoiler alert: the girlfriend’s tirade didn’t address Brandon’s bad behavior one bit! Classy, right?

Here’s where it gets stickier than a melted popsicle: Brandon apparently railed against our Crop Top Queen after she left, accusing her of “coming onto him.” Yes, darling, because obviously, a woman’s fashion choice is a direct come-on to every man within a ten-mile radius. Rolls eyes.

Friendship Fork in the Road

To add a cherry to this drama-laden sundae, Fashio-Nista discovered that her own friend gave Brandon’s girlfriend her phone number, allegedly under the guise of offering “comfort.” Spoiler alert part two: It was more likely intended for a digital confrontation, not a hug-fest.

Unsure if she’d somehow wandered into a parallel universe where crop tops are public enemy number one, she questioned whether she was the real jerk in this saga. Ladies and gents, let’s dissect this.

Roger’s Righteous Rant

Hold onto your hats, folks, because Roger has things to say. To start with, your wardrobe is YOUR business. Whether you’re rocking a crop top, a blazer, or a whimsical unicorn onesie, no one has the right to malign you for it, especially not while they’re swilling alcohol and airing petty grievances. And the audacity of Brandon to accuse you of coming onto him? That takes cakes, candles, and the whole birthday shebang. Honey, sometimes a crop top is just a crop top!

As for the so-called girlfriend who text-bombed you and then had the gall to block you before you could chime in? That spells jealousy and insecurity louder than a megaphone at a silent retreat. Plus, your friend’s betrayal, intended or not, needs addressing. Here’s a thought: maybe invest in friends who have your back, not ones who duck and cover at the first sign of drama. They should be texting YOU comfort, not siccing the green-eyed monster on you.

So, darling, are you the asshole? Absolutely not! This, my dear readers, is a textbook case of misdirected frustration. Brandon needs to put a cork in it, his girlfriend needs to chill, and you need nothing more than to continue being fabulous. If people can’t handle how you show up in your own skin (and clothes), it’s their issue, not yours.

Stay sassy, stay stylish, and as always, fabulous ones, stay true to yourselves.

Original story

A few days ago I (19 F) was invited to a birthday party for my friends roomate (who ill call brandon) as a plus 1. I dont know the guy very well but I decided I’d go along anyway since it was my friend who invited me.

The day before, I went out with her to pick out some clothes for it. I eventually decided on a nice crop top I found.

I was told by my friend that it should be fine, and that I wouldn’t be offending anyone by showing off a little skin, plus I thought it looked cute so why not?

Come the time of the party: at this point I arrive wearing the crop top that I picked out, and some shorts. I also had a hoodie tied around my waist incase we went outside for a fire later in the night.

Most of the party was fine up until people started getting tipsy. The birthday boy in particular, had a few words to say about me.

First it was little jabs at how I look, stuff that could be played off as playful banter..

. but then he started getting more aggressive with it as the night went on, eventually it got so bad that I put on my hoodie to see if hed stop, but after he didn’t I decided to leave.

(I left quietly without a word).

This morning I was woken up to this absolute essay of a text message from the guys girlfriend. The tl;dr was basically explaining how she was “dissatisfied with the outcome of the party.

” She continued to explain that me leaving prematurely without saying goodbye was rude, and that I had no right to arrive so “underdressed”. I tried replying to the message to explain my side of the story but she blocked me.

I reached out to my friend asking if they are aware of any of this happening on their end and she told me that after I left, brandon went on a huge rant when he realized I was gone about my choice of clothes and that he made the claim that I was trying to “come onto him” which isnt true at all. She also said that she was the one who gave his girlfriend my number, but that she was told it was to “comfort me about the situation” part of me believes she misheard “confront” as “comfort”

I personally dont believe im the asshole here. But I’ve had similar moments where I really was an asshole and didn’t realize it so I thought id check here.