A Pajama Drama: When Your BF’s Best Friend Borrows Your PJs and You Have the Last Laugh

A Pajama Drama: When Your BF’s Best Friend Borrows Your PJs and You Have the Last Laugh

Welcome, dear readers, to another edition of Roger’s Roll of Ridiculousness. Today’s story is a deliciously juicy slice of drama straight from the heart of Reddit. Buckle up, buttercups, because you’re about to dive headfirst into a pajama saga you won’t soon forget.

The Cast of Characters

So, here’s the setup: Our protagonist (cue applause) is a lovely girlfriend who found herself in the midst of a pajama predicament during a weekend getaway at a cozy cabin. Along for the ride were her boyfriend, his male friend and GF, and the pièce de résistance – the boyfriend’s girl best friend, who, let’s be honest, sounds like she was stumbling straight out of ‘Pick Me’ Central.

The Plot Thickens

Our story begins as it often does – at the crack of realization that someone has royally messed up. Miss Girl Best Friend (let’s call her Becky for the sake of this tale) had the audacity to forget her pajamas. Now, I’m no fashion expert, but how does one forget pajamas for a cabin retreat? Especially when there’s a woodsy environment that practically screams for cozy flannel?

Anyway, Becky didn’t pack pajamas, and instead of, oh I don’t know, hitting up the local Walmart, she fixes her distress plastered puppy-dog eyes on our protagonist’s boyfriend. Let’s call him Chad, because honestly, naming is fun. Becky pleads her pajama plight, and without a second glance in our protagonist’s direction – Chad hands over her pajamas.

The Pajama Heist

Picture this: Our girl comes swaggering out of the shower, all fresh and squeaky clean, only to find Becky lounging in her PJ’s like she’s in a Victoria’s Secret catalog. Not only lounging, folks, but flaunting. The sight of Becky with those pajamas hiked up in a way that would make a nun clutch her pearls – it was a wonder our heroine didn’t need a drink right then.

Keeping Up the Charade

As if one could take this circus lightly, Becky continues her comfy invasion throughout the weekend, making those pajamas her own. The weekend toots by, and here comes the kicker – Becky tries to return the pajamas. I mean, I could almost hear the record scratch. Our protagonist, let’s call her Jane, simply told Becky, “You can keep them.”

Becky, in true melodramatic fashion, loses her marbles. She accuses Jane of thinking she’s dirty or has cooties. Now Jane, in her brilliance, delivers a subtle smackdown, “It seemed like you liked them a lot.” Ouch. I’m still feeling that burn, and I wasn’t even there!

Enter the Drama Llamas

So, Becky cries foul and Jane’s left to deal with divided campfires. A mutual friend sides with Becky, the friend’s GF sides with Jane (smart girl), and Chad, probably feeling like a deer in headlights, sides with Jane too. And now, the once cozy cabin clique is as frosty as the north pole after a Santa scandal.

Roger’s Raucous Round-Up

Okay, darlings, here’s where I, Roger, the merciless maven of the melodrama, give my two cents – which is probably worth more than a buck in entertainment value. First of all, Jane, honey, NTA. Ab-so-lute-ly nuh-uh. You got dealt a rotten hand and played it as gracefully as a duchess sipping tea while the Titanic sank.

Chad, oh Chad, find a backbone next time and ask. Just ask. I mean, is it so hard to go – “Hey babe, can Becky borrow some PJs?” But kudos for owning up and buying new ones. You dodged a bullet there, pal.

And Becky – sweetie, darling, angel cake. Here’s a tip: Next time, pack your own damn pajamas. And if you must borrow, have the decorum to wash them and return them like a civilized human being. Calling someone a mean girl when they’re just setting boundaries is so middle school, and we all need to pass that phase with flying colors.

Finally, Jane, you handled it like a champ. Remember, polite doesn’t mean pushover. Standing up for yourself is paramount, and if those friends ice you out, well, you know who the real ones are.

Until next time, keep your pajama pants on – figuratively and literally. Remember, I’m always here to cut through the chaos with sass and a smile. Goodbye, darlings!

Original story

The past weekend my bf and I joined his friends for a weekend getaway at a cabin (Airbnb). There were five people in total (me, him, a male friend, his gf, and my bf’s girl best friend).

I’ve never liked his girl best friend because she gives pick me vibes and I think she either has a crush on my bf or she likes attention. She doesn’t like me either.

I remain very cordial to her.

When we arrived at the cabin, she told my bf that she hadn’t packed any pajamas and none of her clothes were appropriate since they’d get dirty.

She couldn’t wear the other girl’s clothes because they wouldn’t fit so she begged my bf to give me my pajamas since I always pack extra. Without asking me he gave her my pajamas.

So I came out of the shower to find her wearing my pajamas and with the bottom basically shoved all way up her crack. She spent the entire weekend lounging in my pjs.

When the weekend was over she tried to give them back to me and I said that she could keep them. She got mad at me and asked if I thought she was dirty or had cooties.

I said she could just keep them since it seemed she liked them a lot. She called me a mean girl and said I was being rude.

It ruined the mood since the other friend took her side while his girlfriend took mine and my bf had to take my side. And now things are really awkward and I think I might be iced out by my bf’s friends.


Edit: He did not know I do not like her. I was annoyed at him for not asking but I always pack extra and never fussed about lending clothes to other people because I believe in hospitality.

I would have offered her the pajamas. He immediately apologized and even bought me new pajamas.

I have no problem with my bf because he thought he was doing the right thing and he acknowledged his mistake and rectified it.

Edit 2: I would have given her my pajamas. I still wouldn’t have taken them back.

She didn’t even offer to wash them.