A Monster Mom and Her Broken Arm Meddling: The Chronicles of Insanity in the Land of AITA

A Monster Mom and Her Broken Arm Meddling: The Chronicles of Insanity in the Land of AITA

Gather ‘round, dear readers, for a tale that just escaped the confines of Reddit’s AITA (Am I the Asshole) thread. You might want to grab some snacks for this one, because trust me, it’s juicier than a bribed bachelor on reality TV.

The Scene of the Crime

First, let’s set the scene. Our protagonist is an over-protective yet genuinely caring mom, provided she has every right to be so. Her darling daughter is 13 and has a BFF named Will. Kid diets like this, people! They’ve been playing hooky and making mischief together since the ripe age of five. All was rainbows and cupcakes in their world – until one fine, disastrous day.

The Bone Break that Broke the Internet

Imagine this: the daughter spends a night at Will’s house, reportedly under the watchful eye of Will’s mother, who just so happens to be a nurse. Sounds safe enough, right? Wrong. Like, Slap-Your-Forehead-Five-Times wrong. Our beloved daughter, let’s dub her ‘Curly,’ takes a tumble that results in a broken arm. Ouch, much?

But wait, here comes the kicker. Instead of getting the mother of all concerned calls from Will’s mom, Cranky Nurse continues with her night as if bone-breaking is a minor hiccup in the fabric of existence. No biggie, just a broken bone! The girl comes home the next day – without a phone, mind you (because #BrokeParentProblems) – and that’s when Mama Bear learns about Ye Olde Broken Bone.

Mama Bear’s Fur-Raising Realization

When Mama Bear finds out, she huffs and puffs – and rightly so! Apparently, Nurse Nancy thought a broken arm wasn’t “emergency-room-worthy,” despite being an actual nurse. Like, can someone hand me a defibrillator for this level of negligence?

To add insult to injury (literally), Cranky Nurse not only refrains from dialing Mama Bear’s number but also allows Curly to walk home with Will – no parent in sight. Now, I’m all for kids becoming self-reliant, but this is precisely the kind of preposterous conduct that turns Mama Bears into straight-up grizzlies.

The Showdown: Words Flown and Bridges Burned

Of course, Mama Bear confronts Cranky Nurse, and boy, did this convo go off like fireworks on the Fourth of July. On one end, we have an enraged mother (Mama Bear) who lashes out with some not-so-pleasant adjectives, and on the other, we have a defensive Nurse Nancy dismissing the situation as a teacup tempest. OH, THE NERVE!

One can only imagine the Thanksgiving-dinner awkwardness to follow. The exchanged barbs were hotter than a midsummer’s barbecue. Mama Bear went all in, calling Nurse Nancy a “terrible parent.” Ding-ding-ding, looks like we have a winner in the ‘Who Can Invoke More Digital Shenanigans’ sweepstakes. And, not particularly surprising, Nurse Nancy shot back with her own verbal scud missiles. The dialogue was juicier than a swindled soap opera plotline.

The Verdict: Overprotection or Just Sensible Parenting?

After all the hullabaloo settled, Mama Bear laid down her ultimate punishment: banning Curly from ever setting foot in Will’s house again. Understandably, our teen protagonist was crushed. Curly’s tear-filled, pre-teen melodrama could compete with the best of Shakespearean tragedies.

Now, I know the keyboard warriors of the internet thrive on dissecting these situations. Some might see this as Mama Bear overstepping, others might argue it’s a protectively natural reaction. But here’s my two cents – and consider it a wise investment.

Roger’s No-Bull Take

Honestly, if trusting Nurse Nancy can’t manage to prioritise your kid’s bones, it’s fair to question other basics, like peanut butter over jelly ratio at sandwich time. Yeah, accidents happen, but what does this say about trustworthiness and responsibility? A kid’s arm isn’t an elective debate topic over high tea – it’s a red, flashing emergency sign screaming ‘CALL THE PARENTS!’

So am I siding with Mama Bear? You bet your last Oreo, I am. Sure, ground rules on breaking Curly’s interactions may have a lasting effect on her social calendar, but safety first. That means communication from the grown-up squad, STAT!

The Bottom Line

When your kid’s well-being is in someone else’s hands, even for a hot minute, you expect due diligence. And, oh honey, if they can’t be trusted with a Snapchat update, let alone a broken arm, make room for some mama drama. So, my dear readers, let’s raise our glasses (non-fractured hands preferable) and toast to common sense parenting.

Original story

My daughter and her best friend, Will, have been friends since they were 5 and I let her sleep over at his house sometimes. They’re 13.

Her best friend is a really sweet boy and I love their dynamic. I think the both of them are adorable, but I don’t think I can continue letting her go to his house.

This is so insane, but my daughter fell and broke her arm while at their house. Accidents happen, so I would have been understanding if his mom called me.

But she didn’t. I had no idea about it until my daughter came home, the next day.

She didn’t have a phone because hers was broken and I didn’t get around to buying her a new one yet because we’ve had a lot of expensives. So I trusted her parents would call me if their was an issue.

But no, she spent the night at their house and then WALKED HOME with her best friend. So his parents didn’t even WALK HER HOME WHILE HER ARM WAS BROKEN.

The most insane part of this all is that her mom is a nurse, so there isn’t any excuse. I told her that I find it really messed up that she didn’t tell me and it turned into a whole argument.

She said my daughter seemed fine and she was playing afterwards and she was too exhausted to take her to the hospital. She said she knew I would make a big deal out of nothing so she thought it could wait.

I insulted her, if I’m honest. I said she was a terrible parent and treated my daughter terribly.

She let her walk home alone (well with a child, but a parent should have been with her) and she should have called me the second my daughter was hurt. She insulted me back and it was a whole mess.

I told my daughter and my son that they can’t go over to that house anymore because that kids parents are clearly insane. My daughter is especially sad about this because that is her best friend, but I do think it is for the best.

I do not feel comfortable leaving them alone together. I feel like those parents are neglectful.