AITA: Sister Using Her Baby to Punish the Family? Let’s Unleash This Saga!

AITA: Sister Using Her Baby to Punish the Family? Let’s Unleash This Saga!

Oh, buckle up, my fabulous readers, because this family drama is juicier than a soap opera, and it all started with a Reddit post that piqued my interest harder than an overgrown eyebrow. We’ve got a tale of toddlers, tit-for-tat, and a massive Labrador—let’s dive into this tangled web, darling.

Before We Had Babies, We Had Fur Babies

Once upon a time in a family far, far away, there was a man, his wife, and a massive Labrador. Now, I live for a good doggo moment, especially when it involves a hunk of a Lab. But not everyone shares my canine enthusiasm, particularly not our darling wife, who had concerns about the dog being around a newborn. Now settle in, because this is where the plot thickens.

So, Mr. Redditor and his wife pop out the first grandchild, making them the star of the family show. The sister, owner of the giant Labrador, had always seemed like she’d go childless but perfectly happy with her canine companion. Spoiler alert: babies are great, but dogs don’t throw tantrums in the middle of Target.

It’s all well and good until Mama Bear (that’s our wife) steps in with her baby protection agenda. Suddenly, Fido finds himself uninvited to family events, and guess who doesn’t make it without her furry sidekick? You guessed it, dear sis. The family dynamics start to get as tangled as my earphones after a jog.

Enter Baby Number Two

Fast forward through the baby showers, the sleepless nights, and a probable few explosive diapers, and Sister Dearest has her own bundle of joy. Now, my sassy sixth sense tells me that the universe is prepping us for some reciprocal drama. Surely enough, Sis takes her newfound power and runs with it.

Whenever our star Redditor and his wife want to plan a meetup, Sister Dearest lays down the toddler ban. You read that right: the toddler must stay behind in a Cinderella-like twist, leaving their tender tot homebound. Sis’s reasoning? The toddler might be too rough and could bring in germs from the germ jungle they call nursery. Oh, the irony, considering her baby spends 24/7 with the colossal Labrador.

And if you think this is all about protective parenting, think again. Sis’s passive-aggressive play is palpable. She’s picking up the tit-for-tat baton and sprinting the drama marathon like an Olympic athlete.

The Double Standards Dilemna

Let’s get real for a second and talk family politics. Our Redditor’s side claims, “We were just trying to protect our baby from the jaws of the drooling doggo!” Valid point. New parents can get overprotective faster than you can say diaper rash. But Sis has flipped the narrative on its head, making a toddler out to be a bigger threat than her fur-covered, tail-wagging beast. I’ve got news for you—toddlers are nature’s hurricanes. But they’re not sprouting teeth like their furry counterparts!

Is she being overly protective, or is she getting some low-key revenge by twisting the knife in and turning those screws a little tighter? It wouldn’t be the first time sibling rivalry turned into a full-blown battle. You can practically see the war flags raised, waving between baby bassinets and dog beds.

Welcome to the Tit-for-Tat Arena

Ah, sibling rivalry—the gift that keeps on giving, right? It’s obvious Sis isn’t about to let bygones be bygones. She’s wielding her parental power with a pettiness so pointed you could cut glass with it. Take the toddler ban, which is so thinly veiled, it might as well be a Kardashian’s beachwear.

The real kicker? Our Redditor can’t wrap his head around her audacity. They were just protecting their kid from the dog, right? Yet, here is Sis, claiming the moral high ground like she’s ready to plant her flag on Mount Everest. Hello, pot, meet kettle; you’re both boiling over with drama.

Roger’s Final Verdict

Now, let’s set down the beef and enjoy the tofu, shall we? On one hand, Redditor is justified; their concern about the dog around the newborn isn’t rocket science. But no conversation? Nothing but cold shoulder invites? Child, that’s where you fumbled. Let’s face it, communication is key and you left yours on airplane mode.

On the flip side, Sis is pulling out the same pettiness, rebranded with baby powder and onesies. Her germ excuse holds as much water as a leaky diaper, considering her cuddly Labrador is a germ factory in himself. Let’s call it like it is: she’s playing the revenge game with Olympic-level precision.

But, honey, the only folks losing in this tit-for-tat are the kiddos, who might end up with memories of “those cousins we never see.” So ditch the drama, sit both of those diapered derrières down for a chat, and let the toddlers slobber all over each other in peace. Because life’s too short to keep score with sippy cups and pacifiers.

And that, my dear readers, is the doggone truth.

Original story

3 years ago my wife and I had our first child (the first baby in the family). My sister, always looked like she wasn’t going to have kids, but did have her dog (a massive Labrador), in a big fan of the dog, but my wife understandably was a little nervous, and whilst she would tolerate the dog at family events pre-baby, when our child was born she didn’t want the dog around our child.

Nothing was ever said to my sister, and she did visit us occasionally without the dog, but I think she cottoned on that there were family meet ups that she was no longer invited to as we didn’t want the dog around our child.

Fast forward and now my sister has had a baby of her own. We want the cousins to grow up close but every time we offer to visit she says we have to leave our child behind because she doesn’t want the toddler around her baby.

Our child is too rough, and they might bring germs in from nursery. Just to be clear this baby is around the massive dog all day – so I don’t think germs are really an issue!


It does feel like she is playing tit for tat, or am I just paranoid? I don’t think we were wrong protecting our baby from her dog- so I am struggling now to see how she is taking the moral high ground!