Roger’s Roast: The Baby Name Battle – Savory or Not?

The Baby Name Battle – Savory or Not?

Alright, my lovely readers, buckle up because I have a piping hot story straight from the ever-entertaining world of Reddit. Yes, it’s true, I lurk in the shadows of Reddit posts, waiting to bring you the juiciest tales. Today’s drama centers around a family dilemma over a baby name. Grab your popcorn, because Roger is about to serve some sassy tea!

The Players in This Spicy Drama

Let’s meet our cast: We’ve got the sister, a fresh-faced 19-year-old with a bun in the oven, proud of her baby-naming creativity. Her boyfriend – the alleged mastermind behind the name – and our protagonist, the reddit poster who’s decided to save her niece from the clutches of culinary nomenclature. The boyfriend, of course, isn’t loving the idea of outside influence on their little bundle of joy’s name. Let’s dive headfirst into the madness, shall we?

The Horror of ‘Savery’

Our dear sister, in her infinite wisdom, decided upon ‘Savery’ for her baby girl’s name. Yes, you read that correctly. Pronounced “savory,” because why not give your child a name that screams ‘seasoned to perfection’?

Now, the issue here isn’t just the name itself, but the fact that she decided to Frankenstein her love for the name ‘Avery’ into something resembling a menu item. ‘Savery’ makes me think less of a cuddly baby and more of a premium steak cooked medium-rare. Say it with me now: chefs, not babies, are associated with savories.

The Ploy of the Protagonist

Our hero wisely chose a delicate, patient approach to this problem. Instead of staging an intervention or coming in hot with insults, she gifted her sister a baby name book—courtesy of their mother—a subtle gesture showing her wit and diplomacy. Ladies and gentlemen, this is how you masterfully play your cards. Over night-long snack-filled discussions, our protagonist effortlessly made her case against the name ‘Savery,’ without directly confronting her sister’s BPD, artfully avoiding the explosive results that could ensue from a head-on argument.

The War Wages On

Just when peace seemed to be restored, enter the boyfriend. Now, I don’t know much about him – except that this lad thought ‘Savery’ was a fantastic idea. Seriously, he backed it up with all the audacity one could muster. Not only did he furiously text our protagonist, belittling her involvement, but he also unleashed a tantrum filled with colorful language. Oh, honey, sit down. You tried to name your daughter a term for seasoned food. There are no winners in this argument.

The sister, torn between her blood and her beau, decided to get upset with our leading lady. Somehow, a name change from ‘Savery’ to ‘Margo’ became the trigger for familial nuclear warfare. And while Margo is a charming, elegant name that spares the child from becoming a walking food pun, the spat wasn’t exactly unexpected.

Roger’s Sassy Verdict

So, dear readers, is our protagonist the asshole? Roger says, absolutely not! Someone had to save this poor child from becoming a lunchtime joke. Sure, the delivery might’ve left some scorch marks, and the boyfriend’s ego is smarting, but consider the alternative. A lifetime of ‘Savery’ related jeers? No, thank you.

In the grand tragicomedy of life, sometimes you need someone to step up and pull you back from the brink of well-intentioned disaster. Kudos to our protagonist for having the spine to challenge bad ideas under the guise of family love and concern. Bravo! Let the boyfriend stew in his own ‘savery’ juices. Our niece Margo will thank her aunt someday, mark my words!

Well, that’s all for this episode of crazy Reddit tales. Keep your wit sharp and your sass sharper, dear readers! Roger out.

Original story

This is my first time posting on Reddit after a long time lurking. On mobile, so sorry for any typos.

My sister (19f) announced to the family that she and her boyfriend were pregnant a few months ago. She immediately followed it up with the names she’d chosen: Tyler is it was a boy (after the father), or Savery if it was a girl (pronounced “savory”).

Apparently she liked the name Avery, but wanted to make it unique, hence the extra letter. Obviously, this is a terrible name for a baby, and I politely asked if they were considering any other names.

She said no, that they’d already decided. My sister and I aren’t really close, so I decided to let it be and congratulated her.

A while later, my sister announced that they were definitely having a girl, and that little Savery was healthy so far. At this point, I’d decided to become more involved with my sister, since this was going to be my first niece or nephew.

But I couldn’t stop thinking about the poor kid getting teased for her name. My sister has untreated BPD and any direct challenge to her decisions always escalates to a huge blowout, so I had to play my cards carefully.

I got her a specific baby name book from my mom, the very same book our mom had gotten both of our names from. She loved this gift and we spent all night eating snacks and going through it.

That night, I opened up about my concerns for the name she’d chosen and the bullying that might come from it, which she was receptive to, because we’d both been bullied in school. Over the next few weeks, I said things like, “Oh, this would be a cute name” or “I saw the coolest list of names on Pinterest.

” My sister loved some of the names and finally, after all of that, she announced that she had settled on the name “Margo” instead, taken from the baby name book. I was overjoyed at having saved my niece from a life of being named the way someone would describe a steak.

Shortly afterwards I got a text from my sister’s boyfriend, who I didn’t really know at all because he was never home when I was there, calling me all sorts of terrible things for getting involved in his family. I asked what he was talking about and he continued to cuss me out because he chose the name Savery and I had no right to change it.

I pointed out that I was only interested in the well-being of my niece and that my sister was my family, so I had a right to an opinion. This man had the nerve to tell me that I was an idiot, that I didn’t know anything about family since I was still single despite being older than both of them.

I pointed out that I clearly wasn’t the dumbest one in the conversation, since I didn’t try to name my daughter after a literal piece of meat. Now my sister is angry at me for getting involved and calling her boyfriend stupid, even though he said much more hurtful things in his texts to me.