AITA for Telling My Parents They Don’t Celebrate My Achievements?

AITA for Telling My Parents They Don’t Celebrate My Achievements?

Gather around, my fabulous readers, and let me whisk you away on a journey based on a real-life Reddit post that will have you shaking your head, rolling your eyes, and maybe even letting out a sassy “oh no they didn’t!”

The Scene: Teenage Ambition Meets Parental Apathy

Imagine, if you will, a bright-eyed 15-year-old female heroine, henceforth known as Debating Dynamo. Our heroine, having recently discovered her talent for debating, has managed to beat out 50 teams, storming into the finals that will be held at none other than Parliament. For the love of all things holy, this girl is about to debate in the hallowed halls where elections are held and decisions that shape the nation are made. Cue the dramatic spotlight, please!

Part One: The Great Achievement

After a grueling 1.5-hour semi-final debate that would make even the most seasoned public speaker break a sweat, our Debating Dynamo and her team emerged victorious. Champagne… uh, I mean, sparkling juice all around! This is not just any win, folks; this is the kind of win where you feel the universe should break into a standing ovation.

Part Two: The Parental Response

Now, if this were a feel-good underdog movie, Debating Dynamo rushes home to her parents, expecting trumpets, confetti, and an all-out parade in her honor. Instead, what does she get? A one-word wonder: “Cool.” Yes, my dear readers, in the great lexicon of the bored and uninterested, her parents could muster no more than a “cool.” They then pivot to talk to her older brother about his PE assignment. PE! The least academic of all the academic endeavors. I mean, really?

Part Three: The Confrontation

Well, our dynamo was not having it. Thank you, next. She decided to speak her truth, confront her parents, and let them know their lack of enthusiasm is far from charming. And what does she get in return? Accusations of disrespect. Oh, the irony of being chastised for wanting some good old-fashioned recognition. Now, the parental units are giving her the silent treatment. How mature.

Roger’s Witty Opinion: Time for a Reality Check

Alright, let’s dish. First, Debating Dynamo, you are not the asshole. If anything, you are an inspiration and a reminder that sometimes it takes courage to demand the recognition you deserve. Your parents, on the other hand, need a swift reality check. Hello, your daughter is about to slay dragons in the Debate Chamber of Parliament!

A “cool” simply doesn’t cut it. How about rolling out the metaphorical red carpet or at least acknowledging her hard work with congratulations that last longer than a SnapChat story? The silent treatment for speaking her truth? Oh, honey, they need to read a parenting book or twelve.

Take a bow, Debating Dynamo. You are a queen and should be treated as such. As for the parents, maybe it’s time they learn the value of recognizing when their child accomplishes something truly remarkable. Because, honestly, if debating in Parliament doesn’t earn more than a “cool,” then maybe they need to redefine their priorities.

Original story

I (15f) have been doing debating for my school this year. We beat out 50 teams and managed to get into quarter finals, and then the semi finals.

Today we had the semi finals. It went for 1.

5 hours and it was a really good debate. Fortunately, my team managed to come out on top.

Now, we are in the finals, and we’ve been told it is going to be held at Parliament. We’re going to be debating in the Debate Chamber, where elections are held and decisions are made.

This is one of, if not my greatest, achievement.

I came home to tell my parents, and they said “cool.” And then started talking to my older brother about how he did his PE assignment, and how proud they are of him.

He did a compulsory assignment and he gets all the praise in the world. I get to debate in the same place our prime minister is decided, and I get a “cool.

” I’ve only been debating for 6 months, as has my whole team. We’ve beat 50 teams and have accomplished a huge thing and my parents don’t care.

So I said so. I told them they don’t value my achievements and my brother is always praised for things that don’t need praising.

They got mad at me for ‘disrespecting’ them and now won’t talk to me. I feel like I just want to be appreciated and no matter how many times I’ve told them that, they just don’t care.