AITA for Not Settling My $1000 Bet? The Dog Dilemma Unleashed

AITA for Not Settling My $1000 Bet? The Dog Dilemma Unleashed

Buckle up, folks! I’ve got a juicy tale for you, straight from the Reddit underworld. Yes, it’s relatable, scandalous, and dare I say, downright paws-itively entertaining.

Let me set the stage: Picture a couple, together for about a year, with two dogs in tow – one named Max, a boxer mix, and the other called Jupiter, a divine border collie. So far, sounds like a ‘typical dog-loving couple,’ right? Wrong. Our lead character, let’s call him Mr. Wager, and his girlfriend, Miss Trainer, have contentious pet practices, mainly because Miss Trainer fancies herself the Cesar Millan of their household. She believes Max is an unruly peasant while her Jupiter is a canine monk.

The Bet that Started It All

Our story takes a spicy twist when Max snags a grilled cheese sandwich Miss Trainer left unattended – rookie mistake, am I right? Naturally, Miss Trainer goes ballistic, accusing Mr. Wager of being a dud dog owner. This leads to an epic showdown: Mr. Wager, brimming with misplaced confidence, challenges Miss Trainer to a bet. They will leave two steaks in front of Jupiter and see if he sneaks a nibble. The stakes (pun intended)? A cool $1000, not the chump change Mr. Wager initially offered.

Tension Rises: The Results

Here’s where the plot thickens. They prepare the steaks, place them in front of Jupiter, and then leave the room, a phone recording the whole event for added drama. Five minutes later, they return, expecting chaos, but what do they find? Jupiter hasn’t even sniffed the steak! He’s the epitome of canine discipline, leaving Mr. Wager gaping like a fish out of water.

Suddenly, that $1000 bet isn’t so harmless. In a moment of magnanimity (read: gloating), Miss Trainer decides Mr. Wager should pay her in $200 monthly installments. Fair? Not exactly.

The Aftermath

Realizing the financial sinkhole he’s tumbled into, Mr. Wager tries to renegotiate. He’s already shelled out $100, but Miss Trainer insists on the remaining sum. Mr. Wager’s earning $21/hour – not exactly making it rain. In turn, he’s branded the ‘A-hole’ for trying to dodge the bet they shook on.

And Here’s What Roger Thinks…

Oh, honey, get out the popcorn because here comes my two cents.

Mr. Wager, you’ve found yourself in a self-made pickle jar, and it’s not looking good. You strode into this bet like a millionaire at a yard sale, underestimating both Jupiter and Miss Trainer. Never underestimate a smug partner – they thrive on proving you wrong.

Yet, does that make you the a-hole? Sort of. You’re the lovable idiot who bet way more than you could afford because you thought you were untouchable. Classic hubris. You called Jupiter’s bluff but forgot that border collies probably do yoga and meditate in their free time.

Miss Trainer, darling, don’t be too smug – no one likes a show-off. Yes, you proved your point, and yes, dogs like Jupiter with their zen mindsets make us mere mortals look inept. But forcing the poor guy to cough up $1000 he doesn’t have? That’s called legal robbery in the form of a smirk.

In summary, Mr. Wager, you’re slightly terrible for placing a reckless bet, but Miss Trainer? You’re teetering on the edge of being the bigger A-hole for extracting every penny like a gold-hoarding dragon. Love is about understanding, compromise, and maybe showing a pinch of mercy, even when you’re right. How about accepting the $100 and moving on, or at least lowering the debt? It’s a win-win – you both get to keep your dignity, and Max finally gets a fair shot at training.

Original story

My gf and I have been living together for about a year and one of our main arguments is around my boxer mix Max. She thinks she’s a dog whisperer because her dog Jupiter is basically the perfect pet and that I’m a lousy dog owner.

I think it’s because she has a border collie that just train themselves. She hasn’t developed any of the normal routines that dog owners do like put their shoes out of reach or never leave food unintended and gets angry everything she pays for it.

She left a grilled cheese and Max helped himself. She was pissed and told me I was the asshole for not training my dog.

I argued no dog is going to turn down a grilled cheese and after arguing around we agreed to see if Jupiter is that impressive by leaving steak in front of him, leaving and seeing if he sneaks a bit. She said $100 was on the line and I said sure and then said it was too low and said $1000 and I admit I agreed because I didn’t think it was possible for me to lose.

Well we cooked steaks and put 2 on plates near Jupiter and left. She reminded Jupiter to leave it and we left a phone to record in case he licked but didn’t eat it.

We left for 5 min. Jupiter didn’t even seem tempted.

I was honestly shocked I didn’t think it was possible. I admit I’m kind of impressed.

Max would have eaten it immediately. But now I cannot afford to pay the $1000.

My gf wants me to pay it to her in increments. $200/month until I paid it.

I’m trying to talk her into lowering the price. I already paid her $100 but she thinks I’m the asshole for agreeing and then backing out.

I already admitted she won and I only make $21/h, I’m not rich. I think she’s getting a bit greedy and smug from winning but AITA for trying to go back on paying the entire $1000 after losing our bet?