Think Your Nightly Sleep Prep Is Perfect? Discover the One Mistake Most Women Make Before Bed!

Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle! You clicked on this article, didn’t you? Now, bless your heart, don’t feel bad about it; you just might stumble upon a nugget of wisdom by the time we’re through.

I remember back in the 70s, when setting up for bed meant brushing your teeth, saying your prayers, and a good, old-fashioned read before tucking in. But in these modern times, there’s been a little hiccup in our grand bedtime routine that even our grandkids are picking up on.

Now, if you think you’ve got your nightly sleep ritual down pat, well, “hold your horses” as we Texans like to say. Let me tell you a quick story. Picture this: I’m chatting with my dear friend, Betty. We’re both in our sewing circle, stitching away and gossiping—err, exchanging valuable information. Betty swore up and down she was doing everything right for her beauty sleep. And then, bam! In swoops the surprise twist—she was missing one crucial step. Curious? Well, let’s carry on, y’all.

Let’s Take a Step Back—Memory Lane, Anyone?

Back in the good old days, our grandmothers had it right, didn’t they? A bit of lavender under the pillow, some warm milk, lights out, and snoring away. You knew where you stood with your bedtime then—clear and straightforward. If anything got in the way of that routine, boy howdy, you’d remember it. Oh, sweet baby Jesus, just thinking about those days makes me nostalgic—made simple by our time-honored traditions.

Modern days are a bit more hectic, aren’t they? We’ve got kids and grandkids zooming in and out, our eyes glued to screens, and our heads filled with endless news cycles. Not to mention, figuring out how to help our kids raise their kids… don’t get me started! It’s a miracle we manage to hit the hay at all.

The Sneaky Culprit—It’s Lurking in Your Hand!

Alright, y’all, here’s the drumroll moment. The colossal bed-time misstep: spending those last few golden moments before sleep glued to that fancy, glowing screen in your hand. Oh, you know what I’m talking about—your smartphone! Now, let’s not get too haughty here; we all do it. We check our emails, scan through social media, or play just one more round of a game (you know the one).

Not to sound like a cinch bug in your ear, but science has caught up with our common sense. It seems those screens emit a type of blue light that dances on our retinas like a sinner in church—throws our natural sleep rhythm right out of whack! Good Lord, you’d think just glancing at your phone would be harmless, but it’s a regular sabotage to a good night’s rest.

Studies show that all that blue light hullabaloo tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daylight, and next thing you know, you’re tossing and turning. Oh, bless your heart if you thought you were doing everything right.

Unplug and Reclaim Your Rest

Now, we’re not talking rocket science here. If you’ve got a hankering for that classic, peaceful sleep, it’s time for a bedtime power-down. Switch off that phone, set that tablet aside, and get back into some of our old-school ways. Remember knitting? Reading a wholesome book? Or, heavens to Betsy, even some quiet prayer? Lord knows, a lot can be remedied with a bit of faith and a passing thought of gratitude before bed.

Unplugging from the digital world an hour before you plan to sleep can make all the difference. Get yourself a delightful little bedside lamp with a warm glow, make sure you’ve got that Bible nearby for some spiritual nourishment, and close the curtain on the digital clutter that’s invading our calm.

The Real Difference—Peace and Quiet

Trust me, I’ve seen the transformative power in my own life. When I finally decided to cut out that digital distraction, I felt like the Lord had given me back my nights. It’s a precious switch from chaos to calm, and oh boy, does it feel heavenly!

Let’s embrace these small changes. Switch off that phone, dive into some prayer, reminisce about the good old days over a cup of chamomile, pet your cat, and just soak in the stillness. Our nightly routines don’t need any high-tech frills to keep us tethered to the chaos. All they need is a little bit of timeless tranquility.

Don’t think of it as giving up something; think of it as gaining an evening of true peace and preparation for a restful night. With that, you’ll conquer the next day with renewed vigor and a song in your heart, ready to embrace whatever comes your way. As we good ol’ Americans always say: sometimes, it’s about getting back to basics.

So here’s my two cents—and you didn’t even have to pay a nickel for it! Put down that phone and reclaim your nights, dearest. You, too, deserve the restful slumber coming your way. And who knows, there may be a heaven-sent message waiting in those quiet moments.