My Super Drunk Boyfriend is Killing My Vibe: A Relationship Rollercoaster

My Super Drunk Boyfriend is Killing My Vibe: A Relationship Rollercoaster

Alright ladies and gents, gather ’round because Roger’s got a tale hotter than a kitchen during a Friday night rush. This story, lifted straight from the digital archives of Reddit (where else can you find unique drama?), is a cautionary tale of love, debauchery, and questionable life choices. Buckle up, because it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

The Rom-Com Meets Horror Show

So picture this: we have our leading lady, a 24-year-old queen, who has been with her 25-year-old boyfriend for six years. Ah yes, young love… mountains of potential and, evidently, oceans of booze. These two met back in their college days, where beer pong and keg stands were as much a part of the curriculum as Psych 101. Fast forward a few years, and his drinking habits haven’t just survived but have evolved into a full-blown circus act.

The Beach Bash Disaster

Picture a quaint beach town. You’d think it’s paradise, right? Wrong. Apparently, this town has nothing better to do than getting plastered because our boyfriend, let’s call him Drunky McDrunkFace, has a legendary (for all the wrong reasons) night at an employee party. Homeboy barges into a bathroom where three unsuspecting ladies were already doing their thing and proceeds to do his, dropping trousers and all. Classy!

Meanwhile, our heroine is playing hide-and-seek only to find her Prince Charming stark naked on the front lawn, flinging clothes like a toddler in a tantrum. And of course, he forgets everything the next morning, as if his inebriated rampage was erased by bourbon-flavored amnesia.

The Phone Flop

Next chapter: the concerned girlfriend waiting for Drunky to answer his phone after a night with his ‘new friends’. Spoiler alert—he doesn’t. When he finally does, it’s a garbled mess of slurred words and incoherent blabbering. The GPS of shame is her only savior, leading her to his inebriated carcass after a 30-minute game of ‘Marco Polo’ in the car.

The Great Spit Fiasco

And then there’s the time he comes home so blasted that he mistakes the floor for a spittoon. Our girl is on her way to work at ungodly baker hours when she catches him stuck in a spit cycle, adding bodily fluids to his list of misdemeanors. Video evidence in hand, she confronts him the next day. He doesn’t remember? Surprise, surprise. He’s horrified, of course, but that doesn’t put a leash on his late-night drinking escapades for long.

Scratches, Raves, and Zero Responsibility

Ah, but the pièce de résistance! Mister Life of the Party comes home with more scratches than a cat’s favorite scratching post after hitting up a rave. Two coworkers-turned-caretakers had to drag him into the house like a sack of potatoes. And when I say the guy’s got commitment issues, oh honey, I mean he can’t even commit to feeding the dog without falling apart. This guy’s drama makes Shakespeare look like a writer for Hallmark movies.

Roger’s Unvarnished Opinion

Alright, Roger’s two cents: Hun, dump his sorry ass. You’re dating a frat boy stuck in perpetual Peter Pan syndrome. Love is supposed to be blind, but you’re not supposed to be the one walking him home every night and cleaning up his vomit. Here’s a thought: get yourself a man with the decency of a golden retriever who values a good night’s sleep and can handle his liquor without turning into a one-man apocalypse.

Listen, you’re not his mother and definitely not his babysitter. ADHD may explain, but it doesn’t excuse grown-up baby behavior. Get off this tragic rollercoaster, dear, and find yourself a partner who doesn’t leave you questioning his capacity for human decency. Your peace of mind and dignity are totally worth it. Ditch the drama and upgrade your life—Roger’s orders!

Original story

Im not sure what to do here, but just wanted to see if I’m trippin or not. I (24 F) have been with my boyfriend (25 M) for 6 years.

We met freshmen year of college and have pretty much been inseparable since. For back story, my boyfriend has always been a super outgoing person, and loves to party and drink alcohol.

In school, we were still really young and everyone partied a little too hard, but that comes with being in college as well. Over the past couple years, I’ve been seeing a repeat pattern of his drinking and coming home super late/ extremely drunk.

We both work in food service/ hospitality so I guess it comes with the territory, but even when I’ve worked in a restaurant I’ve never acted this way or adopted those toxic habits.

But, there have been a few times too many when he has taken it way too far. For background, his hometown is a beach town, and drinking is something everyone does just because there’s not much to do.

All his friends drank at a young age and were reckless kids. A couple years ago, we were visiting for a summer helping his parents with their restaurant during Covid, and one night we went to an employee party.

He gets so wasted that he barges into a bathroom with 3 girls already in there, and proceeds to pull down his pants and pee in front of them. I’m looking for him, and finally find him and pull him out the bathroom.

At this point I’m so fed up i just wanna go back home, but of course his drunk ass refuses. I have to drag him out of the party and we start screaming at each other; this scared the shit out of me cause we’ve never done that, and now it’s taking me out of my character to match his energy.

I finally get him in the car and we drive back home (yes I was sober btw). I pull up in the driveway, and he proceeds to take off his clothing items one by one and litters the front lawn with it.

He kinds of throws them at me too, and i just follow him into the house collecting his clothes on the way in. (Mind you this is his parents house, and they are literally inside sleeping.

) The next morning he doesn’t remember a goddamn thing…

Another time, he goes out with his friends and it starts getting really late so i text and call… no answer. I’m a little worried cause these aren’t friends he’s known for a long time, just work friends; so I just wanna make sure he’s safe or if he needs a ride i can pick him up.

I called probably 15 times and he finally answers. He’s so drunk I can’t even understand what he’s saying.

Luckily we have each others locations, so i tell him I’m on my way, and to answer the phone when I call so he can come outside. I get there, call him, and of course no answer… i sat outside for probably 30 minutes, calling and texting him, before he comes stumbling to the car.

After we moved, he started a new job at a restaurant he really seems to enjoy working at. This is where I noticed him drinking more frequently and coming home super drunk.

He’s a cook so they often get out really late. (On the weekends it’s probably around 12:30/1am).

Of course he wants to get to know his coworkers and make friends, so he occasionally stays out late and comes home maybe around 3am. He’s not always drunk, but it always wakes me up and i need to be up super early.

I work in a bakery right now and usually get there at 4/5am.

One night he comes home as I’m leaving for work (4am), and he’s so drunk he just stumbles in and starts getting undressed to lay in bed. He goes to the bathroom and i hear him throwing up.

Already annoyed, I just roll my eyes as I’m getting my bag and shoes on. But then I hear him spitting, and I know he’s not in the bathroom anymore cause i heard the toilet flush.

I walk into his room and see him slumped over on the side of the bed, sitting there repeatedly spitting on the floor. I started getting angry and start yelling at him.

He yells back, and starts cursing at me, “gtfo, i don’t care, I’ll clean it up later…”. Then I take out my phone and record him.

I record him yelling at me, the spit all over the floor, and the vomit all over the toilet and bathroom floor. I get home later that day and he’s still sleeping.

When he wakes up, of course he remembers nothing. I show him the video, and he’s super apologetic and disgusted with himself (as he should be).

After this he didn’t go out or drink for a while.

Now about last night… Again, he comes home after I leave for work. On the weekend, I usually get home early around 11am/noon; and when i come back home he’s still sleeping.

The dog hasn’t been taken out nor has she been fed. This pisses me off cause she shouldn’t have to suffer or have an accident in the house.

He wakes up as he hears me walking around and rummaging through the fridge for her food. He comes to me and immediately apologizes for sleeping in so late.

As I’m changing, he asks me if i was still home when he came home. I look at him confused and say, “no, you don’t remember?

” He doesn’t remember a thing. One of his coworkers always goes to raves and they went to one last night.

He then shows me these huge scratches on his arms, and there’s even a scratch on his face. I asked how he got home, and he says 2 of his coworkers drove him; and they even drove his car back too.

He told me they had to carry him inside. As I’m writing this, it’s 4:30pm and he’s still sleeping…

I’m just so tired of this at this point. We’ve had multiple conversations about his habits, and I’ve expressed my concerns.

I just don’t know if this can be worked through, or if i should start distancing myself from the relationship. I feel like I have trauma from all this cause every time he goes out, I immediately get anxiety and can’t sleep well.

I never know if he’s going to come home, what time, or in what condition…

Side note: he has ADHD, and tends to fixate on things and develops addictions (ex: vaping, several hobbies, binging YouTube videos about said hobbies, etc.) He’s not on medication, and says he doesn’t like it cause it messes with his appetite and sleep.

I told him he needs to learn new skills to manage it, but he has put no effort into doing so…