Girl, Bye: My OBGYN Prescription Drama with My ‘Situationship’ Partner

Girl, Bye: My OBGYN Prescription Drama with My ‘Situationship’ Partner

Well, well, well, grab your popcorn, folks, because have I got a doozy of a story for you today. Picture this: a 25-year-old nurse, yours truly, entangled in a situationship with a guy who might just be pinning a new definition to the term ‘drama king’. Buckle up, because what you’re about to read is based on a real Reddit post from a real person, and let me tell you, it’s a tale so juicy, it might as well be an episode of a reality show.

The Not-So-Fun Pap Smear

So there I was, living my best life, when I got hit with the news that my pap smear was abnormal. Now, for any of you who aren’t familiar with this delightful female rite of passage, it means my doctor found some inflammation that raised eyebrows. I, being the diligent nurse, decided it was time to give my 26-year-old ‘situationship’ partner the lowdown, even though we’re not officially exclusive. Because, you know, transparency in situationships is key—or so I thought.

But girl, did it go south quickly. This man practically jumped out of his skin, immediately jumping to HIV conclusions and loudly proclaiming his innocence like he was auditioning for a courtroom drama. ‘I did nothing!’ he hollered, as if I was about to lock him up and throw away the key. Sigh. Men, amirite?

A Freebie Prescription and One Heck of a Tantrum

After that heated exchange, I trotted back to my OBGYN for a follow-up. The good doctor assured me the inflammation was likely thanks to latex rubbers (a common enemy in my reproductive saga). Just to cover all bases, he generously handed me antibiotics for free for both of us. Win-win, right? OH, NO.

Being the dutiful, transparent nurse, I informed my partner about the free treatment. You would think I suggested he wrestle a bear—it was that dramatic. ‘Your doctor doesn’t even know what’s wrong with you,’ he snapped, completely ignoring the part where I explained the latex situation and the antibiotics being just a precaution. For the love of sanity, man!

And as if on cue, when I asked if he’d be taking the FREE meds, he went radio silent faster than a teenager dodging chores. Now we’re not talking, which leaves me popping my prescribed pills solo and him potentially exiled from future bedroom activities. Sorry, my guy, no meds, no fun. Them’s the rules in this lady’s playbook.

Is This Real Life?

Honestly, it’s moments like these where I start questioning the sheer fragility of male egos. Here I was, trying to be responsible, making sure we were both safe, and he turned it into a full-blown soap opera. Is it too much to ask for a guy who can handle a minor medical precaution without turning into a melodramatic diva?

Or maybe the real issue here is that the term ‘situationship’ is as flimsy as our soon-to-be-no-more bedroom escapades. I tried clarifying we’re not exclusive, yet we’re somehow expected to navigate murky waters where basic health precautions are met with suspicion and denial. Riddle me that.

Roger’s Sassy Opinion: Get It Together

Listen up, lovebirds. Here’s Roger’s take on the matter: If your ‘situationship’ partner is acting more like a toddler who lost his toy than a mature adult, it’s time to take a step back and reevaluate. The fact is, you were doing your due diligence to keep both of you healthy. Your partner should be thankful you’re looking out for his health too, and not questioning the doctor’s qualifications like he’s on a mission to discover the lost city of Atlantis. Boy, bye.

In conclusion, if he can’t swallow a few precautionary pills (especially when they’re free!), maybe it’s time to consider finding a partner who actually values communication and mutual care. You deserve someone who listens, trusts, and is willing to make minor sacrifices for the sake of shared health.

Rant over. Good luck, Nurse Legend. The dating pool needs more people like you.💅

Original story

I (25F) told my partner (26m) that I had an abnormal pap smear, giving him the chance to say anything he needed to say since we are technically not exclusive. I am a nurse so I went over all the posible scenarios as to why there was an abnormal result.

That chat didnt go well since he jumped to HIV and kept saying “he did nothing”. Well after that talk was over, I had my follow up appointment and the doctor explained to me that the inflammation that was present during the test was due to using latex rubbers.

Still just in case he gave me antibiotics for FREE for both of us. When I told my partner he became defensive because and I quote ‘It doesn’t make sense that your doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with you’ when I clearly told him that it was due to the rubbers and the antibiotic was just a precaution as well as there being nothing wrong.

He didn’t answer when I asked him wether he would take the FREE treatment or not, and now we are not talking. I am taking the treatment, it’s just 4 tablets over 2 days and if he doesn’t go through with the meds there won’t be anymore bedroom fun.

So, AITA for telling my partner that my obgyn gave me treatment for both of us to prevent an infection?

Edit: to clarify a couple of things. 1.

We are in a “situationship” I guess you could call it, I don’t see anybody else but I do not know if he does or does not.

The pap smear said cervicitis, no changes associated to HPV. I also got tested for all the stds/stis and it was negative Here, both parties get treatment so that if there is any infection agent gets treated.

The reason why my ob gave us the medicine free of charge is because he is a family friend and the cost of the medicine was quite elevated and not covered under the insurance. We have had unprotected sex, in between using condoms and not using, I didnt check that we got the non latex ones.

I am also on birth control.