When ‘Just Go Back to Your Country’ Becomes the New ‘No Thanks’: A Tale of Rejected Kisses and Entitled Nonsense

When ‘Just Go Back to Your Country’ Becomes the New ‘No Thanks’: A Tale of Rejected Kisses and Entitled Nonsense

Gather round, lovely folks, because your favorite sassy commentator, Roger, is ready to spill the tea on a juicy real-life Reddit story that will have you shaking your heads and rolling your eyes. Picture this: a supposedly friendly encounter turns into a cringe-worthy drama fest because someone couldn’t handle rejection. Let’s dive in, shall we?

The Shower Surprise

Our brave hero of this story is a man who, after heartbreak, chose to wallow in his own misery instead of succumbing to the advances of a “friend” who clearly couldn’t read the room (or the signals). You see, this lady friend (let’s call her Miss Entitled) had the audacity to invite herself over under the guise of needing help with science classes. Typical, right? But wait, the plot thickens.

One day, Mr. Heartbreak arrives home to find Miss Entitled striding out of his shower… using his towel. She had also walked into his home without permission, adding new layers to her already impressive resume of boundary violations. Mr. Heartbreak’s response? He told his roommate to keep uninvited guests out—wise move, buddy.

The Hypothetical Kiss

If you thought that was the climax, you’re mistaken. This is where Miss Entitled takes things to a whole new level. Our hero, being the respectful and considerate guy he is, humbly declined her kiss. Yes, you heard that right—she leaned in for the kiss, likely thinking she was about to get rewarded for her past creepy behavior. But no, Mr. Heartbreak was still getting over his ex-girlfriend, and his lips were back-ordered on affection.

Miss Entitled didn’t take this well. Like a toddler denied candy, she threw a tantrum. Only, instead of tears and screams, she went straight for the jugular: “Go back to your country!” Classy, right?

Rejection Sparks Racial Insults

Now, let’s pause and appreciate the level of entitlement here. Because someone dared to turn her down, her only recourse was to whip out a racist low blow? Miss Entitled was not only out of line—she was out of her damn mind.

Our protagonist was understandably taken aback. He’d done nothing to provoke such a venomous response. All he did was point out that he was still emotionally raw from his breakup. Yet, her fragile ego couldn’t handle a simple “not interested,” and she went nuclear.

Let’s Make Up… or Not

Fast forward a bit, and Miss Entitled reached out again, trying to patch things up. Oh, honey, no. If this were a novel, this is the part where our boy would slam the door in her face and we’d all cheer. But real life has a habit of being messier. Mr. Heartbreak hasn’t responded yet, leaving us on tenterhooks waiting to see if he’ll reopen Pandora’s box of her unsolicited advances and blatant racism. What a cliffhanger!

Roger’s Sassy Take

Alright, my sassy verdict? Miss Entitled needs to get a grip—preferably far, far away from Mr. Heartbreak. Rejection is part of life, but not an excuse for unveiling your inner bigot. We all know what should be tossed out here, and it’s not Mr. Heartbreak back to his country. Nope, it’s Miss Entitled off her high horse and into a lesson on basic respect. Mic drop.

So, my dear readers, the moral of the story is this: if someone isn’t into you, respect their space and exit gracefully. Don’t be a Miss Entitled, lurking in someone’s shower and ready to unleash hateful comments when the universe doesn’t align perfectly with your wishes. Because, honey, life’s too short for that kind of drama.

Original story

My friend had the courage to suggest that I go back to my country simply because I politely declined her kiss after just ending a relationship with my ex-girlfriend. She often came over under the pretense of needing help with science classes, but one day I arrived home to find her coming out of my shower and using my towel without asking.

I was quite surprised and immediately told my roommate not to let anyone in unless I was there.

When I turned down her advances, she got upset and made hurtful comments and told me to go back my COUNTRY!!

. I had done nothing to provoke her except for stating my lack of interest and mentioning that I was still dealing with my recent breakup.

Now, despite her past actions, she wants to reconnect and make things right. I haven’t responded to her efforts to reconcile just yet.
