Keeping It in the Family: A Tale of Betrayal, Cousins, and Insurance Shenanigans

Keeping It in the Family: A Tale of Betrayal, Cousins, and Insurance Shenanigans

Oh honey, where do I even begin with this one? Grab your popcorn, because we’re diving into a juicy story straight from the hallowed halls of Reddit. A drama so rich, Shakespeare himself would shed a tear, brought to you by Roger, your go-to source for sass and wisdom wrapped in a hilariously biting package.

The Not-So-Holy Matri-moan-y

Our story begins with a woman who’s been married for over 15 years, but for the past two, she’s been living the blissful life of a separated wife. Now, why hasn’t she filed for divorce, you ask? Because she’s keeping her soon-to-be-ex’s kids on her insurance out of the goodness of her heart. Bless her soul. Meanwhile, her charming husband has been defining the modern lexicon of infidelity, claiming sexting other women isn’t cheating. And if you could see me right now, I’m rolling my eyes so hard they’ve done a full Olympic-level backflip.

Soon, our heroine wanted the husband gone, not just from her life but from her friends and family’s lives too. Seems like a simple, dignified request, right? But, oh no, darling. This story’s got a plot twist more dramatic than an episode of Real Housewives.

Meet the Cousin: Betrayal Bloodline Edition

In the pantheon of betrayals, sleeping with your ex’s first cousin has to be one of the top ten, right up there with stealing someone’s lunch from the office fridge. But that’s exactly what our separated-but-not-divorced-hubby did. Oh, and did I mention? Neither he nor the cousin sees anything wrong with it. If my sarcasm had a face, it would be that meme with Futurama’s Fry squinting and saying, “Not sure if serious…”

The cousin, oh, let’s call her “Judasena” for the drama, decided she didn’t care about the emotional shrapnel her love affair was causing. No, our cousin here decided to live her own twisted fairy tale, oblivious to—or perhaps delighting in—the cosmic wreckage she was leaving behind. Family gatherings? Thanksgiving dinners? They’ve evolved into scenes of social tension you could cut with a knife.

Are You the Jerk or Just Justified?

Now, our leading lady turns to Reddit’s endless sea of opinions, asking if she’s the jerk for being mad. Oh sweetheart, not only are you not the jerk, but if there were a support group for people wronged by treacherous relatives and philandering spouses, you’d be the keynote speaker.

Let’s dissect this like a high school biology frog, shall we?

Roger’s Pearls of Wisdom

Now, prepare for my closing act because Roger’s got thoughts and he’s ready to spill the tea.

First off, cut that financial umbilical cord. Those kids need stability, yes, but maintaining ties through insurance is like wrapping a gift in barbed wire. Painful and, let’s face it, impractical. Let their father step up—a revolutionary concept, I know!

Second, your fury is valid. Anger can actually be quite the clarifying force. Use it to fuel your future, not to wallow in what could have been. And as for Judasena, her story will either end in self-realization or self-destruction. Either will be poetic.

Finally, take this wounded heart to court and secure that divorce. Let that be the final act of kindness to yourself. Focus on your own spectacular renaissance and let the peripheral characters—cousins, estranged husbands, and stray dogs—fade into the background where they belong.

So, there you have it, darlings. Another tale of modern romance gone horribly askew, with a side of family betrayal served cold. Until next time, stay fabulous and always remember: Sometimes the best revenge is just being happy. But a killer lawyer doesn’t hurt either.

With all the love and sass,


Original story

I was married over 15yrs. I actually have not filed for divorce 2 years after we have seperated because his kids will be taken off my insurance and I’m trying to help them.

He lied, he cheated (which he says sexting other woman is not cheating) he was mad when I called the other women and told them he has a wife. Instead of caring how it hurt me, he was mad over losing those girls for someone to talk to 🤦‍♀️.

.hence the divorce.

I asked him please don’t date any family or friends of mine. He is sleeping and dating my cousin now.


1st cousin. Neither of them find it wrong.

And don’t care how bad it’s hurting me or our children or family members. Am I the jerk for being mad and hurt by this?

*I think many of you are misunderstanding because of the way I worded things. I want the divorce.

I have been separated for 2 yrs from him. His kids will be taken off my insurance which I do not want, because I love them and care for them.

I was asking is it wrong that I feel upset with my cousin and him dating? Or am I over reacting?