Would I be the ahole for asking my husband to not be in the delivery room for the birth of our first baby?

Original story

My (f26) husband (m30) faints quite easily when it comes to needles and medical situations, he fainted during my first ultrasound and more recently he fainted at a restaurant when I was injecting insulin due to gestational diabetes. Although I would love him to be there with me, I am having a planned c-section so this terrifies me.

Our baby has an omphalocele (birth defect causing an abdominal wall defect in the stomach) and because of this will be transferred to another hospital pretty much straight after she is born, I am unable to go with her after the birth due to the c-section. I will be in a Maternity hospital for four to five days.

I understand he really wants to be there for the birth but I am really worried that he will faint and may even hurt himself during the birth as he is going to be the one to go with our daughter to the Childrens Hospital afterwards and I think that is more important that he is okay and ready to go with our baby than actually there for the birth. The epidural is what I’m most worried about because I know that is all he will really see with the curtain.

It would be possible to have my mom there with me so it’s not like I would have to go through this all by myself. Honestly if we were having a baby without complications I would not be this nervous because then he wouldn’t have to go anywhere and if he passed out it wouldn’t be a big issue, I may be panicked over nothing but I just feel like he has such an important job, looking after her especially for the first few days!

! We have discussed this and he does want to be there for the birth and does agree that he may faint.

Does anyone have any advice and would I be awful for asking him to not be there??