AITA for Changing My Passwords So My Sister Can’t Use Any of My Apps for Work?

AITA for Changing My Passwords So My Sister Can’t Use Any of My Apps for Work?

Grab your popcorn, folks, because today’s tale comes straight out of Reddit, where a real, live person (yes, flesh and blood!) shared a sibling drama that’s juicier than a soap opera. Buckle up!

The Spoiled Darling vs. Miss Independent

Meet our protagonist: a 30-year-old woman who’s got it all together. Let’s call her Jane. Jane is the very definition of self-made success. She’s been grinding since she was 16, has her own successful business, and showers her family with lavish gifts like Oprah does with cars. But hold your applause for just a sec because there’s more to this story.

Enter Jane’s 29-year-old sister, who I’ll creatively dub Sweetie Pie. Sweetie Pie is the quintessential pampered princess. Picture her cradle-to-cubicle journey: from being coddled and adored by the entire family to finally, oh-so-grudgingly, dipping a toe in the job market a few months ago at the tender age of 29.

Jane to the Rescue (Again)

As if showering Sweetie Pie with gifts wasn’t enough, Jane, being the family saint, also decided to help her dear sister get started with her newfound gig as a personal assistant. Sweetie Pie needed a computer? Jane lent her the cash. Sweetie needed apps for work? Jane shared her passwords and even provided tech tutorials! I mean, what is this, tech support or sisterly love?

But life’s not all rainbows and butterflies, is it?

The Clash

One fine day, Sweetie Pie reverted to her old, bratty ways, demanding assistance and then mistreating Jane because, obviously, gratitude is for the weak. Things escalated, words were exchanged, feelings were hurt, and Jane finally, dramatically, snapped!

The Password Power Move

Jane decided to deploy the ultimate sibling deterrent: she changed all her precious passwords. No more freebies for Sweetie Pie. And oh, you can bet that decision created a tsunami of drama. Cue the family wrath! Mom, Sweetie Pie, and a chorus of relatives unleashed the fury of a thousand Karens, demanding apologies and the return of those oh-so-vital passwords.

To Apologize or Not to Apologize?

And here we are: Jane finds herself staring into the abyss of familial guilt, wondering,

Original story

I (30 F) have a sister (29) that has been a spoiled child since she was born. Not only my parents, but everybody would overprotect and give her anything she demanded, claiming that she was the sweetest.

On the other hand, i’ve always been rebellious and independent. This resulted in me working since i was 16, and currently owning my own successful business, while she has not worked a day in her life until a few months ago.

Since i make a pretty good amount of money, i shower them both, my mom and my sister, with gifts everytime i can. Cellphones, brand clothing.


anything, and it is never the other way around.

I decided not to help my mom with anymore money until my sister began to do the same, because she’s been avoiding that responsibility saying she is depressed or anxious.

She recently got a job as a personal assistant, where she required to know some stuff to get the job done. She also needed a computer and she needed some specific apps.

I pay a monthly fee for those apps, so i shared my password with her, taought her how to use them, and lend her some money to get a laptop. I’ve been helping with anything she needs.

But today, she decided to go back to her old self. Demanding help and miss treating me afterwards.

I decided to give back the same attitude and we ended up having a big fight. I decided to change my passwords, not allowing her to work anymore on what she was doing.

I know she can’t afford them, and now i have her, my mother and a couple of relatives calling me the ah. They are demanding me to apologize and give the new passwords.

I’m so done with her being a 29yo spoiled kid. If itah, then so be it.