Oops, She’s Out: The Saga of the Reluctant Godmother – Should I Kick My Sister-in-Law Off the Pedestal?

Oops, She’s Out: The Saga of the Reluctant Godmother – Should I Kick My Sister-in-Law Off the Pedestal?

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, a tale unfolded on Reddit about family drama, broken promises, and the eternal struggle of doing the right thing. Intrigued? Buckle up, because today’s story comes from a Reddit post that will have you picking sides faster than you can say “real-life soap opera.”

Our story begins with a promising start. Picture it: a mother-to-be, her doting husband, and a sister-in-law who, despite facing years of fertility challenges, agrees to be the godmother to this bundle of joy. Ah, the serenity is palpable, right? Wrong.

From Godmother to Ice Queen

When little Junior was just a glimmer in his parents’ eyes, our protagonist (let’s call her Mom) and her husband decided it was only fitting to appoint his sister as godmother. Things, however, went downhill faster than you can say, “family pic at Christmas.”

The sister-in-law, who once buzzed around them like a happy bumblebee, suddenly transformed into an ice queen when Junior hit 4 months. No visits, no friendly messages, just an enigmatic, eerie silence. When they did cross paths, she treated the baby like he had the plague. Roll eyes at the baby crying during dinner? Check. Rejecting his efforts to get some good ol’ attention? Double check. If there was a gold medal for awkward and cold behavior, she’d nab it.

Playing the Blame Game

Of course, this scenario drags Mom through some mental Olympics. With memories of her own terrible godfather, she’s determined not to let history repeat itself. And who can blame her? When you’ve been burned by an inept godparent, it morphs you into a vigilante mama bear for your own cub.

Enter: The Husband. Nice guy, lovely husband, but boy does he have a soft spot for his sister – after all, he did promise her the godmother slot way back when they were both sporting braces and struggling with algebra.

Mom, with her perfectly rational “been there, done that” PTSD from her dysfunctional godparenting experience, wants to yank the godmother title faster than Donald Trump’s eviction of staff. But the husband? Oh, he’s a wall of emotional loyalty, blaming his sister’s cold demeanor on her unfortunate baby luck.

Sorry, Straight Talk Express–Here Comes Roger’s Opinion

Now listen, Mom, Dad, Sister-in-Law, and dear readers, Roger’s here to drop some sass-infused truth bombs. Let’s start by addressing the glittering elephant in the room:

So, am I throwing shade at Dad’s obstinacy? Absolutely. It’s about time he waded out of Nostalgiaville and stepped into Parent City. If his sister’s got issues – and, honey, clearly she does – she needs therapy, not an honorary title that demands affection and commitment.

The Bottom Line

Mom, you’re not TA here. You’re a practical parent with a pretty accurate BS detector. It’s high time you both sit down with Sister-in-Law and have the adult conversation twenty-first-century parents dread but cannot escape. Be honest but kind. Heck, offer some support and understanding for her issues, but make it crystal clear that the current situation is unworkable.

Remember, folks, real familial love includes tough decisions. Sometimes, perception-challenged in-laws need a reality check.

And in my sassy, unflinchingly wry opinion? Go ahead, Mom. Find a godparent who’ll be swooning over Junior’s baby milestones and cherishing every Baby’s Firsts. Your family’s well-being deserves nothing less than a drama-free fairy tale ending. 🌟

Well, that’s a wrap, folks. Now you know just how deliciously complicated family dynamics can get. As always, till next time, keep it real, my sass-savvy readers!

Original story

Context: During the pregnancy, at my husband’s request, we asked her if she would like to be the godmother. That wasn’t a problem for me because I don’t have any siblings and we had a good relationship.

The situation has changed since the birth of my son. It should be mentioned that my sister-in-law has been trying to have a child of her own for years and it hasn’t worked out yet.

At first she visited us often, but not since he was about 4 months old. She hasn’t even sent us a message.

When she did see him, she was cold and dismissive. A few days ago we met her at a family celebration and I assumed she would be looking forward to seeing her nephew, but she treated him very badly, rejected his attempt to contact her, and during dinner she rolled her eyes when he got a bit loud.

(he is 9 months old) I myself had a terrible godfather who couldn’t stand me (my father’s worst) and I don’t want the same for my son. Am I the asshole for telling my husband to tell her that someone else will be the godmother?

My husband refuses because he promised her when they were children and he thinks it’s because of the unfulfilled desire to have children.