My Husband is Emotionally Unavailable… What Do I Do?

My Husband is Emotionally Unavailable… What Do I Do?

Hey there, fabulous reader! Today, I’ve got one juicy slice of life to dissect. Gather round, sit tight, and sip on your favorite beverage, because we’re diving deep into the emotional labyrinth of married life. Yes, we’re talking about a real post from Reddit that reads like the plot of an emotional rollercoaster. Buckle up!

From Lovebirds to Co-existing Roommates

Alright, darlings, let me set the scene. We’ve got a distressed wife who’s been with her husband for 13 years—married for five. Picture it: two kids, a dynamic household, and one spouse emotionally checked out. If this scenario doesn’t call for some major side-eye, I don’t know what does.

Our protagonist is not just your average superwoman. Nope, she’s a double-duty heroine. Apart from juggling general motherhood, she’s the primary caretaker for their disabled child. She schedules, advocates, and attends CSE meetings like a boss. And what does she get in return? Crickets from her hubby. Not a “thank you,” not an “I love you,” just dead air and the clicking sounds of TikTok videos. Whatever happened to partnership and support?

TikTok: The Grim Reaper of Time

Hi there, TikTok. We meet again. Our protagonist’s husband seems to be glued to his phone, investing more emotional energy into 15-second clips than he does into his marriage. TikTok is like one of those bad romance novels you can’t put down but know you’ll regret in the morning. But guess what? Unlike a trashy book, you can’t just toss it aside and move on when it’s your partner’s addiction. Snap out of it, Mister!

The Death of Effort

Psst, folks. You know what really grinds my gears? It’s when people confuse apathy for emotional unavailability because frankly, there’s a world of difference. A little effort can go a long way, and our girl here has been begging for it for YEARS. Let’s break this down: no planned dates, no Mother’s Day recognition, not even a token gesture for her birthday. If this guy was trying to set the bar low, congratulations, mission accomplished!

Oh, the audacity! After thirteen years, it’s almost like he’s forgotten that acknowledgment exists. She doesn’t want lavish gifts—just a crumb of emotional investment. Even the smallest actions, like a handwritten card or making her breakfast, could have spoken volumes. Time to cue my famous “Do Better” mantra.

The Mother-in-Law Ex Machina

But wait, plot twist! Enter the mother-in-law with surprise flowers. MIL, you might just be the unwitting star of this otherwise tragic flick. Imagine coming home to find that the only person who remembered your birthday isn’t your life partner but his mother. Ouch, that has ‘heartache’ written all over it.

Listen, if your MIL scores more brownie points than your husband, that’s a flashing neon sign telling you something is terribly, delightfully wrong. And no, it’s not a quaint little Chuck Lorre sitcom; this is real life, folks.

The Heart-to-Heart Wake-Up Call

I can hear you all saying, “Okay, Roger, so what’s your grand solution?” Oh, sweethearts, brace yourselves. When it comes to rescuing a sinking ship like this one, both of them have to be willing to put in the work. That means laying it all out in a heart-to-heart. Spill the beans; tell him he’s been aloof, unappreciative, and downright neglectful.

Communication is key, but it’s a two-way street. If he’s not willing to fetch his head out of the TikTok rabbit hole, then it’s time to think long and hard about whether this partnership is worth the emotional toll.

After years of silent suffering, maybe it’s time to sound the alarm bells and demand change. Look, saving a marriage ain’t a piece of cake, but neither is living in a loveless, apathetic void.

Roger’s Revelations: The Master Opinion

Here’s the tea, my lovely readers: love isn’t just a feeling; it’s an action. It’s not enough to say “I love you”; it’s something you demonstrate every single day. This man needs a serious wake-up call and fast. If someone wants to make an effort, they will. Actions speak louder than words, and frankly, his actions are whispering contempt.

To our Reddit heroine: it might be time to throw a Reddit polling party and weigh some heavy options. From the sound of it, your emotional needs have been ignored for far too long. Life is too short for half-baked love. So go ahead, woman up, and demand your worth. TikTok hubby either steps up or he steps out. Period.

And as for the rest of you reading this drama-filled novella, take a page from this heart-wrenching tale: Don’t settle for less. Each of you deserves a partner who turns up, day-in and day-out, not just when it’s convenient. And never forget, you’re all fabulous!

Original story

My husband and I have been together for 13 years, married for five. We have two children together, one who is disabled.

I take care of everything regarding our disabled child; the scheduling of appointments, communicating with providers, advocating, CSE meetings, etc. That’s not my problem though.

My husband never opens up to me. He is constantly on tiktok and is never present with our kids.

I have been asking him for more effort for YEARS-like planning dates for us, making small efforts here and there. On Mother’s Day he did nothing, literally nothing.

No card, no breakfast, nothing. I don’t want gifts.

I want to know that my hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. My birthday was also last week, to which he also did nothing.

No card, no birthday cake. I came home to surprise flowers from my MIL.

I’m confident he no longer loves me or else he would show it. What’s that saying?

If someone wants to make an effort, they will. I’m so hurt and I don’t know what to do.