Trainwreck Travel Troubles: Am I the Villain for Not Splitting Extra Costs?

Trainwreck Travel Troubles: Am I the Villain for Not Splitting Extra Costs?

Welcome, folks! It’s Roger here, your go-to guru for all things sassy and spicy. Buckle up as I dive into the drama-filled saga of missed flights, frantic decisions, and some questionable financial fairness. Yes, darling, this is a tale inspired by a real Reddit post from a globetrotting lass who found herself in a bit of a post-vacation pickle. Get your popcorn, and let’s unpack this train wreck!

The Oversleeping Ordeal

Picture this: our heroine and her fabulous friends, all a delightful 26 years old, just wrapped up a dreamy holiday. Everything was fine and dandy until they performed the ultimate post-vacay faux pas – they overslept and missed their flight home. Panic ensues. Get ready, because the following shenanigans are about to kick off a whirlwind of finger-pointing and financial fiascos.

The Emergency Exit Plan

So there she was, jaws on the floor, panicking like a cat that spotted a cucumber. Why? Because she had responsibilities – a workday looming menacingly on the horizon. She starts hunting for flights like they’re the last pair of Louboutins on sale. Her brilliant brain finds an inexpensive way out, involving a coach to another airport and a cheap, albeit convoluted, flight back home. Did the friends flock to this economic escape route? Absolutely not! The nerve, right?

Instead, they left her no choice. With her job breathing down her neck, she found the single golden ticket – a direct (and pricier) flight home. Two nod along in agreement while one diva crowns her move as selfish. Excuse me? I have a hunch on who forgot to pack the common sense.

The Social Media Scuffle

Drama doesn’t do takebacks, and our girl booked her solo flight, leaving her posse to fare for themselves. Then, amid the flurry of airport security and overpriced lattes, came the message dilemma: one of them suggested splitting the total cost of all their flights. She hesitates, mulls it over, and finally agrees, albeit grudgingly.

But fate’s a fickle friend. She ends up stuck in flight purgatory with a nine-hour delay, while her companions get home faster. Of course, they had to take a train from a different city – a detail that escalates into another level of drama royale.

Money Matters: The Train Ticket Tango

Once everyone is back in their snug little nests, it’s calculation time. She meticulously sends over her math, only for them to throw a fit because, surprise surprise, she didn’t include their train fare. The nerve! They would’ve needed a ride home even if they had caught the original flight. Her point is crystal clear: the train tickets weren’t part of the cost-sharing deal they initially discussed.

Suddenly it feels like she’s been cast as the villain for… choosing responsibility over a lengthy trip? Oh, the injustice! And let’s not forget her acts of kindness pre-vacation. Hosting them, saving a nifty £50-£60 on pre-trip transportation, and her partner covering the drop-off fee – but did anyone shower her with praise? Crickets. Absolute crickets.

Setting Boundaries and Standing Her Ground

Our heroine finds herself in murky waters of guilt and anxiety. She’s wrestling with the athletic feat of setting boundaries while being circled by financial piranhas. They’re having a fall-out, throwing shadows over what should’ve been a fabulous post-holiday glow. She’s torn, debating if she’s the bad guy for sticking to what was initially agreed upon. Honey, it’s like they forgot the password to Friendship 101!

Roger’s Rant: The Final Petty Judgment

Time for Roger’s grand finale – and darling, I’ve got something to say. First off, kudos to you for keeping your sanity when the situation could’ve turned into a full-blown soap opera. My take? Your higher-priced flight was for a valid reason – not a tropical whimsy – and if they co-signed it earlier, they need to sip that tea and move on.

As for the train tickets? Unnecessary if you ask me. They were already clutching at straws with that entire “split the flights” spiel. Fact: everyone’s getting home was bound to involve a dime or two. Without prior agreement, slapping you with those extra ticket costs is beyond uncool. Hence, honey, you’re not the villain; you’re the unsung heroine of your own travel drama.

So there you have it, folks! Don’t let anyone pressure you into a doormat role. Stand your ground, know your worth, and savor the memories of that amazing holiday for what it was. That’s all for today’s saucy storytime. Until next time, stay fabulous and fearless!

Original story

AITA… for not splitting my friend’s train tickets home after getting different flights due to missing our original flights home?

Context – all 26F. We have just been on holiday and missed our flight home due to oversleeping.

We woke up and I was panicking as I had work the next day so was looking at flights. I had originally found a cheaper option which would mean us getting a cheap coach to another airport meaning that we get the cheaper flight to a different city in our country, and that my partner would pick us up and drop us home.

They didn’t want to get the coach even though it would’ve worked out cheaper for all of us, so I had to make a decision and found one seat on a direct flight home which would get me in earlier. This was okayed by two of them but one of my other friends said it was selfish.

I booked the flight and then helped them find an alternative flight for the three of them. Splitting any of the costs wasn’t discussed or agreed at this point.

I left for the airport and then got a message from one of them asking if I would be cool to split the costs of all the flights together. At first I wasn’t sure but had a think about it and decided it was fair as they got more expensive flights.

My flight was delayed by 9 hours and they ultimately got home before me. They had to fly to a different city and get train tickets home for a 3 hour train.

The next day I sent over the calculations of what I would have to send each of them but they weren’t happy as I hadn’t included their train tickets, but they would’ve had to buy transport home regardless of if we made our original flight (albeit the new train tickets they bought were more expensive). This wasn’t a cost agreed and now there is back and forth about what I should pay as they spent more on getting home.

I didn’t choose the earlier flight due to cost, just to get home for my responsibilities as I had work the next day whilst they had an extra day off. Now I feel villainised for doing so, although they were okay with it at the time of me booking my flight.

I feel like I’ve been more than fair in splitting the flights but the train was a surprise cost put on me. Before the holiday I hosted them the night before and my partner gave us a lift to the airport which saved us about £50-£60 in airport transfers and he also paid for the drop off cost.

Am I the asshole for disagreeing with this? I struggle to set boundaries sometimes and feel a bit bullied into this.

I feel like they have fallen out with me over this, which seems pointless as we have had a lovely holiday. Has anyone got any advice with this?

I want to say no but I am struggling with advocating for myself here.