AITA for Telling My SIL to Stop Treating Me Like a Kid? Spoiler Alert: I Might Have Snapped 💥

AITA for Telling My SIL to Stop Treating Me Like a Kid? Spoiler Alert: I Might Have Snapped 💥

Okay, gather ’round, dear readers. Today, I’ve got a tale that’s fresh off the Reddit press. This one features a blossoming bromance, meddling in-laws, and a dramatic outburst that would make Kanye West blush. Seriously, grab your popcorn.

The Cast of Characters 🎭

Our story’s protagonist is a 19-year-old lad — let’s call him

Original story

Ok, so I, 19M, have an older brother 25M, Olly, who is married to Molly, 28F, they married when I was 16, and everytime Molly comes over when I am present she goes out of her way to baby me even more than my parents do. She calls me Olly’s ‘cute little baby brother’, pinches my cheeks, and gives me sucky lollipops, like the ones you get from Sainsbury’s, and always asks me to eat them in front of her, even though they’re kinda gross.

I’m 19 fucking years old and she’s acting like some old auntie with a child. I feel bad, because she’s a really nice person and she does probably see me as a little brother of some kind since she’s always getting me stuff and giving me compliments, telling me how much I look like Olly.

This all came to a head earlier today, when Molly gave me one of those suckers, and I said thank you and put it in my pocket. She told me she wanted to see me have it, as I was a ‘growing boy’ and she was worried about me.

This is where I may have been TA, because I snapped at her that I wasn’t a ‘growing boy’, I was grown fucking adult and I’d appreciate it if she stopped treating me like a kid.

She got really upset, and told me she didn’t expect me to be so rude and impolite. She went back over to Olly, and I went back to my room and I’m feeling really guilty now.

I didn’t mean to upset her, but I just don’t want to be treated like a bloody toddler anymore.