AITA for Yelling at My Sister After She Leaked Private Videos of My Room???

AITA for Yelling at My Sister After She Leaked Private Videos of My Room???

Gather ’round, my dear readers, because I’ve got a story that’s juicier than the latest episode of any reality show you secretly binge but pretend to be above watching. This tale emanates from the land of Reddit, where real people air their real grievances, and I couldn’t resist diving in like a cat on a laser dot.

The Scene: Home Sweet Chaotic Home

Meet our star, 19-year-old powerhouse—let’s call her Veronica. Veronica lives with her parents, her younger sister (a.k.a. The Snitch, who’s 16), and their four dogs (because why not add more chaos to the batter?). Things were already a rollercoaster in this house, but we took a sharp turn into a mental horror-themed park when Veronica’s sister pulled a stunt so outrageous, it’s like she was gunning for the villain role in the family drama.

The Crime: Video Villainy

One fine day, when Veronica was at her lowest mentally—picture a room that looks less like a Pinterest board and more like an avant-garde art project about depression—The Snitch decides to film it. Under any normal circumstances, this might be a passive-aggressive sibling move. But oh no, The Snitch goes above and beyond, sending these videos to her beloved “friend”.

Let’s side-step for a minute to meet this so-called friend, who needs a title befitting their nastiness. How about we dub him “The Troll” (22M)? The Troll gleefully sends these private videos to all of Veronica’s and The Snitch’s friends like he’s Santa on a sleigh of humiliation. And guess who gets a front-row seat to this spectacle? Veronica’s boyfriend and several of their friends. Cue the mortified gasps.

The Fallout: Hell Hath No Fury Like a Sister Scorned

Veronica, displaying more self-control than any mortal human, channels her inner banshee and screams at The Snitch and The Troll. Not content to only use the power of her voice, she wields the mighty ‘Block & Unadd’ sword on The Troll. Now, would someone please hand this girl a medal?

As if Veronica’s day couldn’t get any worse, in swoops Mother Dearest with a critique that’s so tone-deaf it could win a Grammy for Best Misjudged Remark. Mom hits Veronica with, “You did it to yourself. You should have kept it clean.” Excuse me while I pick my jaw off the floor. Not even a passing acknowledgment of her daughter’s mental state when those videos were filmed. Somebody call a mom-exorcist because empathy has clearly left the building!

Public Court: Reddit Style

Spoiler alert: Veronica hits up our favorite online therapist—Reddit’s AITA community—and asks if she was wrong for going off on The Snitch. Let me tell you, the responses were a blend of support, virtual hugs, and some digital torches ready to chase after The Snitch and The Troll.

Roger’s Verdict: Sass Delivered Fresh

Alright, my dear readers, it’s time for Roger’s verdict. In the court of sassy public opinion, Veronica, you are NOT the a**hole. Let’s lay it out plain and clear:

Rejecting this insanity was a power move, Veronica. Blocks were made, silence reigned—for now—and you stood up for your own dignity. Your furious response wasn’t just justified; it was needed. If anything else, you helped underline the necessity of empathy and privacy in family dynamics.

To all readers caught in the orbit of similar family drama, take a page out of Veronica’s book—stand up, make noise, block the toxic, and hold onto your peace. Love from Roger. Stay sassy! 💅✌️

Original story

I (19F) live with my parents, my younger sister (16F), and our four dogs. Recently my sister sent private videos of my room that she took when I was at my lowest point mentally to her friend.

This friend then sent the videos to all of our friends. For everyone we knew to see.

My boyfriend (22M), and several of our friends saw it before they finally took it down because my mother told them to. My sister’s friend said he did it because I “needed to learn my place”, and that “no one was going to give me any sympathy” because I “didn’t deserve it”.

I screamed at my sister and her friend, and called them out for invading my privacy, and humiliating me purposely. I blocked my sister’s friend and unadded them on everything.

I still haven’t really talked to my sister. My mother then said that I had done it to myself and I should have kept it clean, though she knows that I was not at all mentally stable/well at the time those videos were taken.