When Waiting Gets Windy: The 20-Minute Standoff That Shook Our Friendship

When Waiting Gets Windy: The 20-Minute Standoff That Shook Our Friendship

Alright, folks, buckle up because today’s ride is a tale of tardiness, windy waits, and epic friend face-offs. This story builds upon a real Reddit post from a literal human being who had to face the horrors of being made to wait outside — and trust me, the drama delivers.

Setting the Stage: Game Night Gone Wrong

Picture this: You’re all set for a delightful evening with friends, featuring board games and the laughter-inducing numbing of friendly competition. You’ve even put on your best ‘ready-to-win’ face for the event hosted by your friend with the enviable patio/backyard setup. But alas, life throws a late arrival curveball your way. Enter our tale’s hero—or perhaps, anti-hero.

Late to the Best Patio in Town

Our protagonist—a pseudo-Cinderella without the glass slipper—finds herself arriving 15 minutes late, a delay she owes to her mom’s transport services. Upon arrival, she shoots a quick message to the hostess, who pulls a classic “give me 10 minutes” line. Nothing unusual there, right? But wait, folks! Here’s where the plot thickens faster than grandma’s gravy.

Fifteen windy minutes later, our humble hero, not signed up for a chilly waiting game, pings the hostess again. But instead of the warm welcome, she gets a message colder than an ex’s heart: “No, you made me wait 15 minutes, so now I’ll make you wait 20.”

The Clash of Cultural Norms and Personal Patience

Now, unless you’re living under a rock, you’ll know that cultural norms play a part in how punctuality is perceived. In some cultures, arriving 15-20 minutes late is basically arriving on time. So our hero’s surprise is as genuine as baby’s first snow. This, however, is seemingly lost on the hostess who evidently runs her world on a Swiss-watch schedule.

When the friend finally opens the door, another friend already had her sofas pre-warmed and wasn’t subjected to the 20-minute exile. Our hero attempts to joke about the situation with a classic, “How unpunctual,” but the hostess, gripped in an iron mood clinch, retorts with a “Tone it down, I’m not in the mood.”

If you thought patience was a virtue, our exasperated protagonist’s final straw has snapped, and she’s the Farrah Fawcett of decisive exits, hailing an Uber and riding off into the awkward sunset.

Debriefing the Drama

Back home, probably recounting the less-than-thrilling tale to the sympathetic ears of Reddit’s AITA forum, our hero questions if her exit was warranted. Is she the asshole for leaving when her friend’s frosty reception sprawls out like the cold winds of Westeros? Let’s dive into the comments section’s wild analysis.

Reddit Weighs In, One Upvote at a Time

Kudos to Reddit for bringing their A-game. The celebrated comment collectors pour their judgments—some hasty, some measured—in a digital Caesar’s thumb-up or down format.

By a collective measure, the verdict leans heavily in favor of our protagonist: “NTA” (Not The Asshole). Viewpoints vary from “Your friend was too harsh” to “You did make her wait,” but overall consensus floats around sympathy for our narrator. Not a hint of surprise there, considering she didn’t exactly stonewall the banquet.

The Great Reconciliation

Fast-forward to the UPDATE, and we find our steadfast sentinel finally exchanging words with the offending friend. Kudos to human decency; they actually hash it out in person. Our hero admits her tardiness peccadillo, while the hostess, seemingly on a humanizing arc, acknowledges her less-than-glowing actions. Both apologies were exchanged and peace restored, ensuring all’s well that ends well—perhaps with fewer cold waits and less Uber-induced exits in the future.

Roger’s Final Word

Alright, gather ’round ye purveyors of punctuality, for Roger is about to drop some hot

Original story

Me and my friends usually do get togethers at my friends house since she is the one with the nicest patio/backyard. Two weeks ago we arranged our usual get together and planned on playing board games (nothing too crazy), she told us to come at 7 but since I do not drive and depend on my mom to take me everywhere I was a little late (15min aprox) and forgot to let her know, when I got there I sent her a message letting her know I was there to which she replied “give me 10 min”, nothing weird since she has done that before when she’s not ready yet.

After 15 min aprox I texted her again asking if she could open the door since it was getting windy to which she replies “No, you made me wait 15 minutes so now I’ll make you wait 20” I was PERPLEXED, she had never ever done anything like this before and mind you in our culture it’s pretty common to arrive a little bit later that the accorded hour (15-20min), by the time she opened the door my other friend was already there waiting for her and she did not make her wait outside like she did with me, I said jokingly since that is how we talk to each other “How unpunctual” to which she replied “Tone it down, Im not in the mood” this was the final straw for me so I told her I was leaving, took an uber home and have not talked to her since, so am I the asshole for leaving and getting mad?

UPDATE Thank you everyone! Me and my friend talked in person about this whole situation, while she seemed mad about my behaviour she also accepted that she was in the wrong and definitely not in the mood that evening, I also apologized for being late and promised to do better since I know it can be frustrating for others.

Hopefully this never happens again!