Family Feud at Its Finest: How My Baby’s First Birthday Blew Up Father’s Day

Family Feud at Its Finest: How My Baby’s First Birthday Blew Up Father’s Day

Gather ’round, friends, because today we have a tale that’s juicier than a soap opera marathon on a rainy Sunday. Picture this: you’ve got a loving partner, an adorable baby who’s about to have their first birthday, and you’re all set to celebrate. But wait! What’s that? A family feud waiting just around the corner? Oh, it’s all here, darlings, in a story straight out of Reddit.

The Setup: A Plan Perfectly Crafted… Or Not

Our protagonist (40M) and his partner (33F), brimming with excitement, decided to plan their son’s first-ever birthday bash. They even went above and beyond by seeking feedback from family members at a recent gathering. The response? A super casual ‘Whatever works!’ and ‘Hey, why not combine it with Father’s Day?’ Seemed like a plan. Set it for 1 PM on Father’s Day, and we’re golden!

The Plot Twist: A Sibling Surprise

But, oh, how the plot thickens! Just when you think it’s smooth sailing, a wild message appears in the family group chat. Our dear sister tells the clan, ‘Hey y’all, Father’s Day brunch at our place at 10:30 AM. RSVP, please!’ Can you hear the sound of our protagonist’s jaw hitting the floor?

He politely—or as politely as one can while smoldering—reminded everyone that, hello, there’s a lil’ birthday bash happening. And they can’t do both because life’s not a time-turner from Harry Potter. But apparently, Common Sense 101 was not a family prerequisite.

The Clash: Miscommunication or Selective Hearing?

Sister claps back (politely, of course) saying she meant no harm. ‘I always do Father’s Day, and my kids will cry buckets if we skip!’ Cue the world’s tiniest violin, please. She defends her intention, and you can almost hear the siblings’ facepalms echo through the group chat. Brother joins the mini-revolt by backing their brunch plan, unapologetically.

Here’s where the gloves come off. Our protagonist, let’s call him Papa Bear, fires back, pointing out that he sought this feedback earlier to avoid a double-booking nightmare. Sister doubles down, ‘Oh, I didn’t realize you meant I couldn’t have the rest of my day free.’ Honey, the eye-rolls could fill a stadium at this point.

The Explosive Finale: Boom!

And then, it happens. Papa Bear can’t hold back anymore. Labels start flying like confetti at a parade: ‘Ignorant. Obtuse. Insensitive.’ Mic drop. The group chat goes silent before Sister and Brother peace out in dramatic flair. Boom! Years of familial bliss? Torpedoed into oblivion.

Roger’s Sassy Verdict

Alright, lovely readers, let’s break this down. Who’s in the right here? Papa Bear for planning ahead with due diligence? Or Sister for sticking to her guns over a beloved tradition? Here’s my take, marinated in sass and garnished with a twist of truth:

If you ask me, Papa Bear has every right to be peeved. He did everything short of getting it notarized to sort out this day. The fam’s laissez-faire attitude? Total facepalm. Sister pulling a last-minute brunch stunt? Rookie move. And the drama? Oh, darlings, the drama! If only they showed this much enthusiasm in group activities, they might be planning a smashing day instead of a catastrophic showdown.

Pro tip: Next time, put it in writing, slap it on the fridge, send a calendar invite, and maybe throw smoke signals for good measure. Family affairs might just run like a well-oiled machine—or at least not implode spectacularly.

As for the birthday boy, someone get this kid a cake and a crown, pronto. No baby’s milestone should be marred by grown-up theatrics. So, what do you think, dear readers? Whose side are you on in this family fiasco?

Original story

My partner (33F) and I (40M) were planning my son’s first birthday, which happens to fall on the Monday after Father’s Day. At a recent family gathering, we asked for scheduling feedback.

The family was ambivalent. There was a lot of ‘oh we’ll make whatever work’ and ‘well, if we’re going to get together anyway, we might as well just have the bday party that day’.

So we planned the bday for this coming Father’s Day at 1pm. Great!

Not so fast.

A couple of weeks later (today), and there is a msg in the family group chat from my sister stating that ‘We are planning a Father’s Day brunch at our place at 1030am’ and asking for RSVPs. After staring at this msg in disbelief for a good minute, I state that as we discussed, we will be hosting baby’s bday that afternoon, and we won’t be able to do both.

Partner and I are baffled. Input was sought to avoid this exact scenario; we literally cannot attend their family event because we’ll be setting up our family event at another location.

I wrote to explain that we did the early recon and planning with them so that we could avoid scheduling issues. I tried to highlight that we couldn’t attend this if we wanted to, and the whole thing was rather confusing and hurtful.

I threw an afterthought message of ‘But anyway, what’s done is done and there’s no fix at this point. If you’re coming to the bday party, I guess we’ll just see you there’.

Sister says she did not intend to offend or disrespect, but that she always does a Father’s Day event, and her kids would be upset if they did not. This is only true in her own household.

She does not host our family FD celebration annually. She says she is sorry if offense was taken & that ‘I think we misunderstood each other because i never intended that we weren’t celebrating Father’s day, just that we could do both.

I took issue with that and responded that she misunderstood or didn’t communicate, because I specifically sought clearance to plan for this day, and if there was already a plan it should’ve been communicated then so we could reschedule. I finished this msg asking for accountability.

At this point my brother says he and his wife are also planning it, and ‘sorry if you’re offended but NOT sorry that we are planning said brunch’. Sister then says she’s fine with her accountability, and again, sorry if I’m upset.

She says ‘I did not understand that you meant the rest of my day wasn’t free to myself’.

Partner says it is just a confusing surprise ‘not to be involved in any of the planning’ when we tried to preemptively avoid this problem.

Sister here says that she doesn’t see the problem with doing both, so ‘I’m a little confused about the drama. No disrespect was intended.

At this point I kinda blew up & finished with: ‘Ignorant. Obtuse.

Insensitive. Call it what you will’.

My brother and sister left the group chat, and i feel like years of growth&connection just got torpedoed.

FYI – first time posting & heavily redacted to meet max character count.