The Price is… Doubled? A Redditor’s Tale of Capitalism in Action

The Price is… Doubled? A Redditor’s Tale of Capitalism in Action

Gather ’round, my dearly beloved readers, for I have a delectable tale that’s hotter than a fresh batch of jalapeño nachos. It’s a saga snatched from the morally ambiguous world of Reddit’s “Am I The Asshole?” forum, where a user (let’s call them Avery) takes the capitalist creed to a brand new level. So grab your popcorn, relax, and let’s dive headfirst into this spicy story of supply, demand, and one very irked customer.

The Capitalist Conundrum

Picture this: Avery is a humble seller of vintage goods. You know the kind – items from yesteryear that could fetch a pretty penny in the right marketplace. One fine Tuesday, Avery listed a groovy retro lamp for $30. But wait! The plot thickens! Suddenly, out of nowhere, a ravenous stampede of buyers besieged Avery’s inbox with offers. Apparently, this retro lamp was the Holy Grail of 1970s kitsch. Who would have thunk it?

Here’s where things get juicy. Sensing a golden opportunity, Avery had a moment of entrepreneurial brilliance (or cunning, depending on which side of the moral fence you’re on). With a flick of the wrist, Avery doubled the asking price to a cool $60. It was the ol’ supply and demand philosophy in action, better known as supply-and-screaming-Demands avenue.

Enter: The Irked Buyer

Among the initial sea of bargain hunters was one particularly interested party, let’s call them Jamie. Jamie was pretty miffed when they saw the new price tag. Shouldering the moral high ground, Jamie barked at Avery, claiming this sudden inflation was shady, greedy, and a tad bit opportunistic. Was Avery, in fact, the Gordon Gecko of the garage sale world? Jamie certainly seemed to think so.

But Avery, cool as a cucumber and smugly perched atop their mountain of justified pricing theories, argued back that this was pure, unadulterated capitalism at work. Hey, if people wanted to pay more, why not let them? It’s Economics 101: price goes up when demand skyrockets. Or as I like to call it, the Cha-Ching Doctrine.

The Reddit Verdict

And so, Avery took to the digital coliseum known as Reddit to seek judgment. Were they the asshole for doubling the price? Well, dear readers, let me tell you, Reddit was as divided as ever. It was a clash of titans: on one side, the die-hard capitalists wielding their invisible hands of the market; and on the other, the ethical crusaders advocating for fairness, decency, and less exploitation in day-to-day transactions.

The comment section was a feeding frenzy. Some Redditors accused Avery of being the poster child for greed, while others applauded the savvy business move. “Supply and demand, baby!” one user cheered. “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should,” chided another.

King Roger’s Royal Opinion

Well, folks, it’s time for me, your benevolent narrator, to step in with my sage wisdom. Buckle up, because here comes Roger’s scorching hot take on the whole kerfuffle.

First off, I have to say hats off to Avery for recognizing a chance to make a little extra cashola. In a world where Bezos is blasting off to space on a rocket FULL OF MONEY, can we really fault a person for trying to make a buck? But, my dearest, don’t be surprised if your potential buyers bring out the pitchforks when you yoyo the price faster than a kid hyped up on soda at a carnival.

Was it a bit opportunistic? Oh honey, absolutely! Would I have done the same? Let’s just say I’d probably be rubbing my hands with glee as I drafted the new price tag. But here’s the twist – I’d also offer to throw in something extra with the purchase, like a complimentary lesson on the virtues of capitalism. Educate while you elevate, right?

So, dear Jamie and other potential buyers, here’s a free nugget of advice: you’re getting your feathers ruffled on the wrong hill. Prices fluctuate, and if you really wanted that lamp at $30, you should have pounced on it. Now you’re just facing the beautiful chaos of a free market. Next time, act fast or be ready to pay up when the going gets hot.

Now, go forth, my loyal followers, and share your newfound wisdom. And remember, in the grand bazaar of life, sometimes you’ve got to pay the piper. Or in this case, the lamp seller.

Peace, love, and sass,


Original story
