AITA for Asking My Millionaire Boyfriend to Pay Me Back $7K? Spoiler: Hell to the No!

AITA for Asking My Millionaire Boyfriend to Pay Me Back $7K? Spoiler: Hell to the No!

Picture this: You’ve just settled into your cashmere robe, a cup of perfectly brewed Earl Grey in hand, and you decide to dive into the bottomless pit that is Reddit. And oh boy, do I have a story for you today! This one’s so juicy it might just make your mother-in-law look saintly.

So, Reddit user throwaway5678 shared a tale of generosity, love, and a few million-dollar twists. The setup? Our heroine (who we’ll call Jane, because why not) is worth a cool four million dollars. Yes, you read that right — four freaking million. Cha-ching!

Jane has a boyfriend, let’s call him Bob. Now, Bob isn’t exactly rolling in dough like Jane is, but he’s not dirt-poor either. Recently, Jane lent Bob $7,000 — an amount that to some of us might be a down payment for a house, but to Jane, it’s like dropping a few coins into a Starbucks tip jar.

The Spark That Lit the Reddit Fireworks

Jane, in her financially secure glory, asked Bob to pay back the $7K. Bob, on the other hand, had the nerve to be flabbergasted. His excuse? Since Jane is worth millions, she shouldn’t need it back. Oh honey, the audacity!

“AITA for asking my bf to pay me back $7K if I’m worth 4 million?”

Reddit shattered into a thousand sassy pieces. Half the users clutched their imaginary pearls in indignation over Jane’s request, while the other half were ready to rally in her defense, pitchforks and torches at the ready.

The Case of the Entitled Boyfriend

Listen, folks, I don’t care if Jane is worth four million or forty. Lent money should be returned — it’s just common decency. Bob’s response? “You’re rich… you don’t need it.” Darling, if someone lends you money — no matter how fat their bank account — you pay it back! Asking a rich person to forgive debt is like telling a chef they don’t need another knife just because they already own a dozen. It’s borderline insulting.

Bob’s logic is shakier than a cheap Jenga tower. Sure, Jane could probably wipe her nose with that $7K, but that’s not the point! A loan is a loan. Relationships thrive on boundaries and mutual respect, not on banking discrimination. You don’t deprioritize your responsibilities just because someone has a healthier financial cushion than you do.

Who’s the Real A**hole Here?

Gather ‘round, folks, because here’s the juicy part: Redditors were divided on this compelling issue. Some empathized with Jane, arguing that her asking for the $7K back was wholly justified, wealth be damned. Others, however, presented their arguments with a tone that screamed “Jane’s obviously a greedy dragon hoarding her gold.”

But the real kicker? Many sided with Jane yet threw shade her way, stating she should never have lent Bob the money in the first place. Oh the hypocrisy of it all! Smells like jealousy if you ask me.

Roger’s Relentlessly Real Rebuttal

Alright, buckle up buttercups, because here’s Roger’s take, raw and unfiltered. Jane, my dear, you’re NTA. In fact, you are saintly for even thinking of helping your beau financially. Bob, however, needs a serious reality check. There’s a delightful little thing call integrity and, newsflash, it doesn’t come with a dollar limit.

If Bob wants to contest this $7K, maybe he should examine his principles first. Just because Jane’s rolling in dough doesn’t mean her kindness should be taken for granted. Sure, love should be unconditional, but financial responsibilities aren’t bound to the same leash. It’s a matter of respecting one’s word and values. As long as you keep supporting people like Bob, they’ll continue to expect handouts, thinking they’re entitled to your hard-earned fortune.

In conclusion, Jane, next time, think twice before acting as Bob’s personal ATM. Yes, relationships are about support, but they’re also about mutual respect. Your ask for repayment was more than reasonable. And as always, if someone’s supposed to return borrowed money, they bloody well should.

There you have it, folks — another day, another drama on the world’s favorite pseudo-agony aunt forum, Reddit. Until next time, remember: lend wisely, love freely, and for heaven’s sake, ensure you’re appreciated.

Original story
