Breakups, Sassy Moms, and TMI Conversations: A Wild Ride

Breakups, Sassy Moms, and TMI Conversations: A Wild Ride

Hello, my fabulous readers! Gather around because Roger’s got a story today that’s juicier than a watermelon on a summer day! This tale spins around the wild narrative of a real Reddit user who threw everyone for a loop with her PCOS, mom chatter, and a boyfriend who simply couldn’t handle it. Buckle up, buttercups! 🍿

The Context: Hello Drama, My Old Friend

So, our Reddit heroine, who I’ll call Sarah, is a smart, ambitious 25-year-old lass working her caboose off for a PhD. This powerhouse is dating a military man, let’s call him John, who’s the ripe age of 26, juggling military duties and a bachelor’s degree. Color me impressed, right? They have been dating for two years and have already discussed all the serious future stuff—kids, careers, and you know, moving in together. Things were sailing smoothly until… they weren’t.

The Event: Oh, the Humanity

Sarah had gone to stay with her parents for a two-week leave to recover from her IUD replacement procedure. The dear woman suffers from endometriosis (endo for the cool kids), so recovery comes with small talk and TLC from her amazing mom. John, seizing a rare week off, decided to crash the family gathering for some well-deserved R&R, family bonding, and avocado toast with Sarah’s fam… or so he thought.

Cut to the island in the kitchen, where Sarah casually mentioned to her mom that her “hooha” was off-limits for six weeks. You heard that right! These forthright ladies discussed sore outer regions like we discuss the weather. Now, no judgments here, dear reader—keeping open channels about health issues can be vital.

The Fallout: Hell Hath No Fury…

Well, turns out our boy John was within earshot. Gasp. He was horrified. Disgusted. Positively aghast at the most human of anatomical discussions. John even suggested Sarah’s darling mom needed to be on some kind of registry—because apparently, discussing postpartum healing and medical issues transforms you into a criminal. Who knew?

According to Sarah, John said he could no longer look at her the same way, now that he knew she had these open lines of explicit communication with her mother. He spat out his venom and stormed off with Sarah telling him they were done on the spot. Cue the dramatic music!

The Fallout, Part Deux: Cue the Peanut Gallery

Since then, John’s been blowing up Sarah’s phone with apologies bigger than the promises politicians make during election seasons. Texts from friends rained in like a Seattle monsoon, with mixed reviews on how Sarah handled the breakup. Most leaned into the “Oh, he was just caught off guard; give the lad another chance” territory. Only a couple of her true homies saw it her way, that John had crossed the line into jerk territory.

Now, Sarah is left wondering if she was too hasty, too cold-hearted, too savage for her impulsive move—and that’s why sharing her story on Reddit. Am I wrong, she asks? Was I cold and insensitive for abruptly ending it?

Roger’s Take: Drum Roll, Please 🥁

Alright, Roger’s opinion time—sit tight, ’cause it’s gonna be a wild ride. To start, Holy Heck Roger commends Sarah for her nerve. Relationships are all about respecting each other’s boundaries and understanding where the other person’s coming from. In a world of helicopter moms and inappropriate oversharing, sure, Sarah’s bond with her mom might look like it’s out of a Lifetime movie—but it’s their normal, healthy or not.

But here’s the rub: if John had issues with Sarah’s openness with her mom, there are about a billion more tactful ways to address it without devolving into pejorative comments about who should be on registries.

John calling Sarah’s mom disgusting while demonizing an entirely natural conversation was a train-wreck collision of his problem, not hers. Relationship authorities, human decency police, and common sense judges alike will tell you: calm conversation and understanding are key. It was never about the talk on hooha policies—it was about mutual respect and communication.

So, Bravo, Sarah, for standing firm. You dun’ goof’d once again, Roger’s faithful readers. We live in a world where we should uplift and not belittle each other’s support networks, even if other moms would rather discuss garden tea parties than vaginal stitches.

In conclusion, my dear readers, whether you share everything with your moms or wouldn’t tell them what brand toothpaste you use, the judgment police should be banned from making life-altering decisions for you. Some relationships simply aren’t cut out for the stark, intimate honesty others find so normal.

Until next time, keep it real, keep it sassy, and most importantly, keep those morons on registries out of your personal space! 🚀

Original story

This is sort of long but I tried my best to condense it.

My (25F) boyfriend (26M) and I have been together for two years. We are very close, and have talked about our future, moving in together, if we want kids, what we want to do career wise.

We both are currently in university. I am pursuing a PHD and he is pursuing a bachelors, as he is also in the military.

Because of him being in the military and also going to university, he is pretty busy and has already been on two deployments of 10+ months each. Granted that those aren’t terribly long in comparison to many others.

I am in uni full time and also have a full time job so I am also busy but not in the same capacity as him. We both have met each others parents countless times, and everything seemed to be going flawlessly.

Or so I thought.

Two weeks ago I went to my parents on scheduled leave as I was getting my IUD changed and needed to recover after that, as I get put under for it due to endo, so they also remove any lesions or growth. They offered to have me over and I said yes, because it meant home cooked meals (I live on campus at my uni as it is cheaper than renting an apartment in the area, so I eat on campus the majority of the time since its included in my tuition.

) Four days into my two week leave, my boyfriend asked to stay a few days as he had the week off and wanted to spend time with me and my parents. They said of course, and I of course did too.

He came over and everything was fine until the two days later.

My mom and I are very close, as in, no topics are off limits close. To keep it brief, we talk about literally everything, including very personal things like medical issues and explicit topics.

I know explicit topics may raise some red flags, but let me explain, as it was what caused the issue with my boyfriend. So bear with me and this might get a bit personal but I will try to keep it clear but controlled.

As I said, I recently got my IUD replaced, I’ve had one since I was an early teen, but this time I changed brands as the previous one started to give me issues. I was sitting at the island in our kitchen while my mom was washing dishes at the sink.

She had asked how I was doing with the new brand and IUD insertion, and I told her how my “outer region” is super sore, and hurts worse when I stand, and that it feels like someone is pummeling my cervix. She nodded and sympathized with me, and mentioned that I shouldn’t make it worse and to keep my “hooha” off limits until the 6 week mark, which is when my doctor said that things can enter it again.

I laughed and she continued with telling me how when she gave birth to my brother, who was quite the large baby, she needed stitches and she said how my dad was “forbidden from entering her child portal” until she was ready. This isn’t even the worst conversation we have had.

But I digress.

My boyfriend was apparently in the next room within earshot. I didn’t know this, as he said he had to go out and pickup a package from an amazon locker at Walmart so I guess he got back and then sat down in the living room.

My moms and I conversation changed subjects because I had forgotten to ask her about a recipe I wanted, but after about 30min it ended and so I got up and went to the living room to wait for my boyfriend but as I mentioned he was already there. He looked appalled and asked to talk to me outside.

He told me how it was disgusting that I was talked about my private area with my mom, and it was even more disgusting that she told me about her and my dads “situation” after the birth of my brother. He told me that he can’t look at me the same now knowing that my mom knows all of my business and that she should be, verbatim, “on a registry or list or something because that’s f**king disgusting and inappropriate.

” I told him that since he feels that way, he doesn’t have to ever see her again, because we are done. He didn’t say anything and left.

Ever since then, he has been blowing up my phone apologizing and asking if we can talk, if he can have another chance, and that he wishes he had never said what he did. Now I know that not everyone has a good relationship with their mom, and that not everyone who does, is this close with her.

We are close enough that if anything ever did cross a line, we would make it known. I also know that some people may take us talking about our genitals in a weird way, but everyone has them and its not weird or gross to us so we aren’t embarrassed to talk about our struggles, especially as women.

I’m not judging anyone who isn’t comfortable with talking about that, so please don’t judge me for being comfortable with it. I don’t expect everyone to be on my side, because I do realize our closeness is probably abnormal, as I have been told that many times.

But a lot of the friends in our friend group have been bombarding me with texts about how I was cold and insensitive for immediately breaking up with him on the spot. I would have been fine with his stance if he had just approached it politely or probably literally any other way than he did, considering he said my mother should be on a “registry” or a “list”.

I mentioned that to our friends and they all say that he was just caught off guard and that anyone would have reacted emotionally in his situation. Two of our friends are on my side and say that they would have done the same.

Am i wrong for breaking up with him? I am about 90% convinced that I did nothing wrong but that 10% has been in the front of my mind for a while.

Any advice or thoughts are appreciated.

EDIT: I thought it was implied so I apologize for not being clear about this. He knew my mom and I were close.

To quote one of my replies to a comment, “..

.he’s heard me talk about personal things with her before, for example about a month before the IUD conversation, I talked to her on the phone about my wild bowel movements and issues with my colon (thanks to the endo) while we were sitting in my dorm.

Granted this is the first time he’s firsthand saw/heard me talk about reproductive issues. I’ve mentioned to him before how I’ve talked to her about things like my period and other health problems but this is the first time he has heard a conversation in person.
