Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner: My Meddling MIL

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner: My Meddling MIL

Oh, the joys of in-laws, my friends. If you think your mother-in-law is a handful, wait until you hear about this hero from Reddit! Today’s story is best enjoyed with a tall glass of something strong. Trust me, you’ll need it.

This fine specimen of familial drama originated from a throwaway account (always a good start, right?). Why? Because the protagonist didn’t want their personal chaos traced back to their main account. You know it’s juicy when someone has to go undercover like they’re in some sort of family spy thriller.

The Upper Eastside MIL We All Love to Hate

Picture this: Our Reddit storyteller (let’s call him Joe for anonymity and fun), married into a swanky family of 7 hailing from the illustrious East Hampton. Sounds dreamy, doesn’t it? But hold onto your monogrammed towels, folks. There’s always a catch when you’re dealing with the rich and judgmental.

Joe’s MIL – let’s dub her Cruella, just because – never thought Joe was fit for her daughter. Oh no, despite Joe making decent bank, Cruella was convinced he wasn’t breaking enough bread. So, when Joe proposed two years ago, Cruella made it rain on their wedding. But oh, she didn’t just stop there. She made sure to remind Joe of her financial contributions every time she could. Can you feel the love tonight? Because I sure as hell can’t.

Baby on Board – and So is MIL

Fast forward a bit: Joe’s wife has a bun in the oven, and naturally, Cruella is over the moon. But she’s one of those grandmothers-to-be who thinks cash is love. Showering the couple with expensive baby stuff, gold-plated diapers, a crib carved from the wood of the most endangered tree – you get the picture.

Joe’s wife and Cruella sign up for one of those parent classes, and Joe plans to build the nursery with his wife. Romantic, right? Except Joe’s moneymaker job keeps him late, and by the time he gets home, the nursery is half done. Who’s responsible? Take a wild guess… That’s right, Cruella got the project off to a running start. Horror of horrors, they didn’t even wait for Joe. Thanks, MIL.

A Wild Accusation Appears

This triggered Joe. He was ready for a face-off. But instead of finding solidarity in his wife’s arms, she confronted him with worries that work wasn’t his only affair. The spicy input? All thanks to Cruella’s innuendos. Joe was furious and reassured his wife he wasn’t cheating. I mean, he doesn’t even work with women – his job is a no-girls-allowed zone. Still, his wife was shaken. Weddings, babies, and now potential infidelity? What a charming trifecta.

Mind Your Own Matrimony

Joe’s frustration hit a boiling point because here’s the kicker: His wife sided with this meddling MIL! I mean, what’s a guy gotta do to get his spouse to see that her mom’s a well-meaning serpent? His wife wanted her mom around for support during the pregnancy, but Joe was convinced Cruella was systematically dismantling their union between shopping sprees.

And just so we’re all on the same page, Joe isn’t ungrateful. He appreciates the help but let’s face it, Cruella’s intentions are as clear as crystal meth. His wife’s a little nervous about the baby coming, and who can blame her? But it seems like Cruella’s taking advantage of that vulnerability to poke at their marriage.

Roger’s Real Talk

Alright, sit tight because here comes Roger’s two cents. Joe, darling, you’re being outplayed by a master manipulator. Take a breath, enjoy a mimosa, and listen up. Your MIL is orchestrating a hostile takeover and you’re letting her headline the show. Remember, it takes two to tango, and right now, you’re dancing with the wrong partner. It’s either time to grow a spine or get ready to play second fiddle for the rest of your life.

You’re never going to win a financial pissing contest with Cruella, so stop trying. Focus on your bond with your wife, and set some hard boundaries. Revisiting couples therapy could help, but make sure it’s a counselor, not a boxing referee.

And a note to Joe’s wife: Honey, it’s time to wake up and smell the manipulation. I get it, pregnant and hormonal – the whole nine yards – but your primary relationship is with your husband, and facilitating Mommy Dearest’s meddling is only going to push him away.

So readers, what’s your take? Is Joe being played by the family maestro? Or does he need to step up his dad game and prove his worth? Sound off in the comments. Meanwhile, stay classy and keep your mother-in-laws at arm’s length.

Original story

I don’t want my personal issues linked to my main, so I’m using a throwaway.

According to my MIL, she never thought I ever took her daughter seriously and didn’t think I was enough for her. My wife’s parents are a very well-off, big family of 7, living in East Hampton.

I didn’t grow up poor, but I was definitely nowhere near as well off as they were. I have a well-paying job, and I make enough to support me, my wife, and our daughter.

My MIL still thinks I don’t make enough. When I proposed 2 years ago, my MIL made sure to put in a lot of money into the wedding and to throw it in my face every chance she got to.

My wife has had issues with her mom before but still keeps her in our lives because, with our baby coming soon, she wants her mom there for her. When my wife and I announced the pregnancy, my MIL was really happy and made sure to, again, throw money in my wife’s face, buying clothes, blankets, expensive baby stuff, etc.

And I think shes trying to kick me out of my marriage.

My wife scheduled one of those parent classes, and my MIL went with her; I didn’t get a say on this. I thought me and my wife had agreed we would build the nursery together, and we agreed on a set day to do it together.

But work got ahead of me, and I came a little later than agreed; I notified her I’d be a little late. When I got home, the nursery was half done.

I know it’s stupid, but I was a little upset by it. I just felt like my MIL had gotten ahead of me on everything, and this was the one thing I wanted to be something for my wife and me.

When I told her this, she decided to bring up worries of her own. She brought up my work, who I work with, and how much I work with them.

I’ve been trying to limit my workload, but I still have a lot. She said my MIL mentioned to her my work hours and expressed that she was worried work wasn’t the only thing I was “doing.

” I am not cheating on my wife, and I reassured her this, but it still bothered her. This is causing issues in my marriage, and I know she’s the origin of it.

I want her out of my marriage, but now my wife is siding with her and is saying she just wants to be there for her at this time.

Edit: I wanted to clarify some things because I noticed I left out a lot of stuff. The co-worker things, I don’t work with any women because there aren’t any in my department, only in the others ones mine.

My wife knows this, but I know there’s still a chance for her to worry. The nursery thing, some of the furniture was already built because my MIL hired someone to do that, and their stuff was given to us; we just needed to arrange things.

My MIL dropped by, and I came home for lunch and suggested starting on the nursery without me since I’d be home later, so even if I did come at the time agreed, some stuff would’ve been done already; I was 20-30 minutes late than agreed. I am grateful for the help my MIL has offered us, but I know what her intentions are with it, and my wife had agreed on it before but didn’t want to interfere.

I do admit I prioritize my work a lot, but I have tried cutting on hours, but my boss takes the chance to throw more stuff my way because I work more hours than the rest of my co-workers. I would also like to clarify that my wife does have a backbone and that she has no part in the problems me and my MIL may have.

She’s been nervous with preparing for the baby, and I cannot blame her for taking the help my MIL has offered.