A Battle of Wheels: Why I Turned Down My Husband’s EV Gift | Roger’s Sassy Take

A Battle of Wheels: Why I Turned Down My Husband’s EV Gift

Buckle up, folks! I’ve got a juicy story straight from the highways and byways of Reddit. Picture this: our tale revolves around a spunky woman (34F) who narrowly escaped the clutches of a freak accident that totalled her car. Yep, thankfully, no one was hurt, and the universe gifted her a golden opportunity to shop for a newer, snazzier ride. But wait, let’s throw in a plot twist – hubby (also 34) enters stage left with an agenda that’ll leave you rolling. This isn’t just a story about car shopping; it’s a tug-of-war on wheels.

The Sweet Beginning – or so you’d think!

So our leading lady, let’s call her Jane, is on the cusp of upgrading from her basic, boxy SUV to something that actually has, gasp, heated seats and, brace yourselves, a power tailgate. Can I get an amen for the power tailgate believers out there? Imagine the things she can haul – sports equipment, potential babies; you name it. But there’s a catch. Enter Hero Guy, her husband, who thinks he’s channeling Elon Musk.

Introducing: The Electric Dilemma

Husband Darling shows up with an overwhelming zeal for electric vehicles (EVs). Y’all, he’s been bitten by the eco-friendly bug and won’t take no for an answer. Our gal Jane, however, isn’t convinced and stands her ground. She politely but firmly says, “thanks but no thanks” to his magnanimous offer. Oh, and can we cue the dramatic music for the passive-aggressive speech about how he wanted to make up for the non-fancy engagement ring? Somebody pass the popcorn!

Jane’s Test Drives and Hubby’s EV Temptation

Jane, who’s resourceful and pragmatic, tests a couple of vehicles she loves. The excitement is palpable – she’s ready to move forward. But just when she thought she could sidestep this EV talk, her hubby drops a bombshell on her: “I made an appointment for us to test drive an EV!” Enter the Chevy Bolt with all the subtlety of a neon sign.

Jane being the trooper she is, decided to appease him. Note the tone there, because sometimes being open-minded requires a Herculean level of patience. Test drive done, Jane confirms what she already knew – it’s a NO from her. The Chevy Bolt is too small, cramping her style and storage needs. Despite her honest feedback, Hubby is pumped and labels her as a—wait for it—“spoiled teenager.” Oh honey, didn’t see that one coming, did ya?

Cutting the Cord – No, not the Charging Cable

Now picture Jane weighing her options: accept an impractical car that handcuffs her lifestyle or stick to her guns and finance a car that ticks her boxes. It’s like choosing between an all-you-can-eat buffet (you know, with choices) or a salad bar with one wilted romaine. Avoiding the latter, she realizes she’d be better off with a car that suits her needs, even if it means a monthly payment. Priorities, am I right?

Roger’s Hot Take: A Masterclass in Choosing Yourself

Now here’s where Roger swoops in with a hot take – grab your sassy self and listen up. Hubby’s heart was in the right place, but somewhere along the electric grid, wires got crossed. Jane’s reasons were not just valid; they were rock-solid. How dare she want a functional vehicle for her sporting escapades and future tug-o-wars with a stroller! Can you blame her for turning down a car that would make every trip a strategic recharging nightmare? Absolutely not.

Ladies and gents, sometimes the best gifts are the ones you give yourself. Jane needs what Jane needs, and an EV falls short. The real lesson here is about standing up for your choices and keeping your life uncrossed by other people’s well-meaning but misguided generosity. A spoiler? Jane doesn’t just need a man; she needs a car that works for her life. Now, go ahead, Jane – reject that EV and drive off into your practical, future-focused sunset. Ain’t nobody got time for inconvenient gifts!

Original story

A few months ago my (34F) car was totaled in a freak accident. Thankfully no one was hurt, no one was in the car.

We finally settled with insurance and I’m starting the car buying process again. I decided that since my old car was very basic I wanted to buy something a little nicer since I’m starting the car buying process over.

My old car was a base model SUV. For my new car I was hoping to purchase something that had heated seats and a power tailgate.

I use my car frequently to travel for sports, I haul equipment back and forth. Having a power tailgate seemed useful.

We are also trying to start a family so I was car shopping with that in mind as well.

Insurance gave me enough money to use as a down payment on the new car. So I will need to finance.

My husband (34 M) started to float the idea of him buying me a car. He drives and older station car and my car was our weekend car or trip car.

I have declined his offer many times, because he is really pushing me to buy an EV. I do not think an EV is really the right car for me or my needs.

I don’t want one, I drive long distances, and I don’t want the anxiety of having to charge it away from home.

I found two cars that I liked and went to test drive both of them. I felt like I found my new car, and was excited to move forward.

My husband gave me this long speech about how he wanted to buy the car for me, and how I didn’t get a fancy engagement ring, or wedding ring, and how he wanted to do this for me. He told me I could get whatever car I wanted, including one of these two vehicles.

Neither are flashy. But both fit my needs and have those extra features I want.

We are not talking about luxury cars. After the test drive we talked at home, and both decided on which of the two cars we should get.

We were going back to the dealership the next day to test drive it again and move forward.

The day of the test drive my husband calls me and says that he made an appointment (same time as the test drive) for us to test drive an EV. A Chevy Bolt.

He said he always wanted to test drive an EV and that I should go and be open minded. I obliged, and went on the test drive.

I did not like the car at all, and the storage space was not what I need. It’s a very small vehicle compared to what I am used to driving.

My husband was very excited. And when I expressed my dislike for the car he told me that I was behaving like a spoiled teenager.

I really don’t need him to buy me anything. It would be nice to not have a monthly car payment, but this car would likely limit my ability to travel and participate in my sports with friends.

I also don’t see it being a good option for having a child. AITA for declining my husbands offer and buying my own car?