Her Deceased Mother-in-Law’s Name Almost Led Her to Leave Him! An Update That Will Leave You Speechless

Her Deceased Mother-in-Law’s Name Almost Led Her to Leave Him! An Update That Will Leave You Speechless

Ah, Reddit! The cornerstone of modern drama and the confessional booth of the 21st century. It’s where you go to hear stories so juicy, the scriptwriters at Netflix would turn green with envy. Today, darlings, I’ve got an update on a post so fraught with melodrama, it’ll make your own family squabbles look like a serene afternoon tea party.

Backstory: In Case You’ve Been Living Under a Rock

This tale begins with a woman who was ready to pack her bags faster than you can say “emotional rollercoaster,” all because her partner wanted to name their unborn child after his recently deceased mother. Imagine being so torn that naming a bundle of joy sends you spiraling down into existential dread!

The Plot Thickens: Gender Reveal Roulette

Hold on to your hats, folks, because just when you thought this story couldn’t get any juicier, it takes a sharp left turn. Our dear mom-to-be, who was convinced she was carrying a girl, found out at her final appointment that she’s actually expecting a boy! That’s right – every ultrasound up to that point was just as confused as the rest of us in 2020. The high-risk doctor revealed this plot twist, and it was as if the heavens decided to give her partner one last emotional gut-punch for good measure.

Predictably, her partner shut down faster than a nightclub during quarantine. He actually walked out of the appointment! She was left standing there, bewildered and probably questioning reality itself. Can you blame him? The poor guy thought he was about to honor his late mother’s memory only to find out the universe had other plans.

Tender Solutions and Family Therapy

Not to let a little gender reveal saga derail them, our dynamic duo decided to tackle this like sensible adults: with copious amounts of communication and therapy. Yes, everyone, from her partner to their oldest child, is clocking in their hours on the therapist’s couch. And you know what? It’s working. Her partner, who once turned into a ghost of his former self, is slowly but surely coming back to life.

A Middle Name That Speaks Volumes

Here’s where the tissues come out. Our clever mom-to-be decided that if they couldn’t give their son the full honor of his grandma’s name, they could at least use her surname as his middle name. Ladies and gents, this is compromise at its finest, a masterstroke in the art of making everyone a little bit happier. It cheered him up, but let’s face it, it’s not quite the same. Still, it shows thoughtfulness and empathy, which are priceless in a relationship.

The Necklace: The Ultimate Emotional Band-Aid

As if gifting her partner with a precious necklace urn wasn’t the most touching gesture! Now he can keep a tiny piece of his mom with him wherever he goes. It’s like “A Walk to Remember” but with fewer tears and more emotional growth. This necklace, complete with his mom’s picture and a beautiful quote, is literally going to light up his Father’s Day. It’s both a tribute to the past and a sign that the couple is walking a brighter path together.

Roger’s Sass-Tastic Opinion

Alright, gather ‘round for some real talk. Naming your child after a deceased family member is always a minefield. Trust me, it’s hard enough picking out a paint color you both agree on, let alone a name! But honey, if your relationship is strong enough to weather this storm, you’re golden. And let’s address the elephant in the Reddit thread: those who were quick to suggest he’d go behind her back clearly underestimate how much therapy can reshape a person.

Ultimately, what we’ve got here is a tale of epic emotional resilience. These two went from a potential break-up to naming compromise specialists in the span of a month. If that isn’t relationship goals, then I don’t know what is. Honestly, they should bottle whatever they’ve got and sell it because self-help books around the world could use a sprinkle of their magic.

So, to all you keyboard warriors and armchair relationship experts: sometimes, things aren’t just black and white. The world is full of grayscale, and it takes as much to appreciate the many shades. Now, go forth and navigate your own dramas with the grace and sass of our Reddit stars. Remember, communication and therapy: they’re the new black.

Original story

Edit to add ..

. He was already in therapy before we found out our girl was a boy.

He left the room during the appointment because he knew his mother would never get to know we were in fact having a boy and he was sad about it. He was already back to the original name after the grief therapist got ahold of him and was able to explain why it wasn’t a good idea.


he agreed it wouldn’t be good for him to hear. He has been actively doing therapy.

So have I and so has our oldest. Everyone saying he would have gone behind my back I really don’t think he would have.


maybe me being naive but I was starting to see him again and not the person I’ve been seeing since her passing. He communicates again.

He is still actively doing therapy both grief and other. So am I and I will continue that also.

He isn’t the best but he isn’t bad. As for the naming situation as everyone is after me about.


I have no family. My mother left when I was 10 and my dad molested me so I have zero family.

Naming my children after “family” would be a heartbreak I could never fathom because I am in fact alone. So for everyone who is beating on the fact that I didn’t get to out my families name here is the very sad reason why I don’t have a child named after anyone in my family.

Simply they were either going to be named after a person who abandoned or abused me.

Hello guys I know it’s been a month but I wanted to update you guys on the situation since I made my last post. Little backstory if you didn’t know my situation.

Partner decided to change our daughters name without talking to me about it after his mother’s recent passing without even accepting a compromise and I come templated leaving him. Well guys a big flip to our story.

This whole time it’s been confirmed a girl until two weeks ago..

. We are having a little boy.

Every ultrasound has been wrong. We went to my final appointment and the high risk doctor confirmed we all have a little boy due in two weeks.

It broke my heart to see him shut down in the office. He actually left my appointment.

He became distant so I sat down with him and we had a talk after our babies were sleeping. I’m going to give our son his mother’s surname as a middle name.

It cheered him up but I get it’s not the same. Things have drastically calmed down since we got his mom’s ashes back.

I bought him a beautiful necklace urn for fathers day which has his mother’s picture and a beautiful quote on it. He can have a little piece of her with him forever.


he doesn’t know about it yet but I know he is going to love it. His therapy is going well as is mine and as is our daughters.

We are all healing very well. We are stronger than ever.

Thank you all for the advice good and bad.