AITA For Telling My Wife To ‘Fucking Relax’ After She Made A Big Deal Of A Mess In Her Car?

AITA For Telling My Wife To ‘Fucking Relax’ After She Made A Big Deal Of A Mess In Her Car?

Today we’re diving headfirst into a real-life Reddit thread that’s juicier than the leftover ketchup packets rolling around in the backseat of your car. Buckle up, buttercup! We’ve got a husband-and-wife quarrel on our hands, complete with wayward burgers, and a truckload of sass.

So, here we are. Our protagonist, a guy, is on a presumably joyous road trip with a party bus filled with kids – let’s call them the ‘Messy Quartet.’ He’s got his wife on board too, who clearly is expecting this trip to resemble a luxury hygiene retreat rather than… well, reality.

Here’s the scene: kids (all under the age of 10, mind you) in the back of a shiny family car, road-tripping their way through pothole-ridden streets. They pull up to a fast-food drive-thru, and since kids + car + fast food = an inevitable mess, it’s a combo we all know too well.

Big sigh here; the wife, obviously having forgotten that children are basically tiny tornadoes with zero penchant for keeping food inside the confines of a wrapper, opts for the ‘to go’ option. They’re hardly out of the drive-thru before niece drops a burger, lettuce, and onion scattering like they’ve got somewhere else to be.

Now, any reasonable person (read: anyone who hasn’t recently achieved nirvana or isn’t on copious amounts of CBD oil) would probably raise an eyebrow and say a few stern words. But it seems our dear wife is not reasonable. Cue a ripping tantrum about the fate of the sacred car mats. She’s threatening to excommunicate every edible item from car rides for all of eternity. Guess someone’s not having their Wheaties tomorrow, huh?

Amidst the lettuce apocalypse, our man has had enough. He’s on mat-picking duty, dealing with the aftermath, while listening to his wife ramble like someone just spray-painted profanities on their front lawn. After experiencing enough verbal ear lashing to last a lifetime, he hits his breaking point and tells her bluntly to “fucking relax.” Gutsy move, right? Or perhaps just plain suicidal. You be the judge.

And here he is, tagging in Reddit for a digital referee, wondering if his outburst makes him an irredeemable jerk. So, AITA he asks?

Enter Roger: The Sass Master’s Verdict

Brace yourselves. Here comes the one-two punch:

First, my dear, your handling of the ‘bext (burger + next) explosion’ situation deserves a standing ovation. You did everything right – you stopped the car, cleaned up the mess, and tried setting a peaceful, albeit slightly impatient vibe. You deserve a medal for that gumption alone.

But – and there’s always a but, isn’t there? Your choice of words? Yeesh. Like adding gasoline to a fiery marital dispute. ‘Fucking relax’? Oh honey, that rarely leads to actual relaxation. If anything, it naps on the couch of impending rage and snuggles close with the imminent argument. You basically tossed a lit match into a gasoline storage. Not the smoothest move in the playbook.

As for the missus… dragging a burger-dropping child over hot coals for a mess? Really? She planned the food option, corralled the kids, but when burger meets pothole, it’s Defcon 1? Feels a bit overkill for a road trip meant to be fun.

Now, let’s talk strategy my friend. Next time this happens – and trust me, with kids, there will be a ‘next time’ – repeat after me: Deep breaths. Simmer down. Instead of throwing ‘fucking relax’ around like it’s confetti, try “Taking care of it, dear,” with a smile. Less ‘nuclear meltdown’, more ‘defuse the tension’. You’ll diffuse the drama, maintain domestic tranquillity with minimal new gray hairs.

So, are you TA? It’s a mixed bag, dude. You did great until you decided to command presence like a boot camp sergeant. But hey, live and learn, road trips are flagrant training grounds for crisis management.

Final thought: next time, pack wet wipes, and maybe consider installing that ‘no eating in the car’ rule. At least until your wife makes peace with the existence of burgers, onions, and gravity. Good luck!

Original story

Currently on a road trip with my kids (9F and 8F), my niece (6F) and my nephew (6M). With my wife (38F).

Well, last night, on our way, we took our food to go. And obviously, with 4 kids in the car, that means mess.

I like to keep my car clean, and so does my wife, but this was bound to happen anyways, and we didn’t buy a huge SUV for nothing.

Well, as expected, my niece dropped her burger over a pothole. That’s fine, we can clean it later, but my wife was ready to let it rip on my niece, but luckily I stopped her.

We pulled over at a rest stop to clean it up, and I was picking up lettuce and onion remains from the mats, my wife is babbling to me about how from now on no eating or drinking in the car (Her idea to get to go btw) and all some other stuff.

After a bit more of that, I was kind of gettting annoyed, so I told her to f-ing relax and just to relax, and that it wasnt a big deal. I get it, she’s stressed, but it’s not something to really worry about at that moment IMO.

AITA? She seems a bit annoyed now.
