AITA for Telling My Mom I Don’t Trust Her Anymore? You Bet Your Bottom Dollar I’m Not!

AITA for Telling My Mom I Don’t Trust Her Anymore? You Bet Your Bottom Dollar I’m Not!

Let’s crack open this nutty tale that’s got more drama than a reality TV show. And yes, ladies and gents, it’s based on a real Reddit post by a real person. Grab your popcorn because this family saga is about to get spicy. Settle in, darlings, as I, Roger, unravel the tale of a 20-year-old caught in a storm with just his loyalty to his furry friend as his anchor.

The Canine Conundrum

Our protagonist, a 20-year-old whose gender remains a mystery (but let’s call our brave soul Alex for simplicity), is locked in a battle of wills with dear old Mum. Oh, the classic parent-child friction, but with a twist: it’s all about a dog. Yes, folks, Alex’s mom announces one fine day that her fiancé is allergic to dogs. Translation? Fido has to pack his bags for the shelter. No discussion, no room for negotiation, nada.

Here’s the kicker – Mom forgot that Alex is 20 years old. Oh, bless her heart. The age of majority in their country is 20, but for some reason, the memo didn’t reach Mom’s brainwaves. Honestly, how does one forget a birthday? But I digress.

The Great Escape

Alex, being the clever cookie they are, decided to take matters (and their dog) into their own hands. They hoofed it to Dad’s place, presumably where sanity thrives and dogs are not banished. Cue the entrance of Mom, playing the role of a misunderstood soul. She comes knocking, flailing her arms like an overdramatic actress, demanding Alex return home – even threatening to drag poor Dad to court. Oh honey, talk about a scene!

That’s when our hero drops the bombshell: they’re already 20. The look on Mom’s face was probably the same shade as a fire truck. Embarrassed, she backpedals faster than a circus clown in a unicycle race, suggesting that maybe – just maybe – her fiancé could pop some allergy pills. But Alex stands firm, stating a simple, cold truth: “I don’t trust you.”

Sister’s Sage Advice?

Enter Sister, stage left. She’s on Alex’s side but believes some truths are better left unsaid. Oh really? Tell that to Alex, who was nearly forced into a canine-less existence under the tyrannical rule of an allergy-stricken fiancé. Alex wasn’t having it then, and they aren’t having it now.

In a heart-to-heart update, Alex reaffirms their stance. They aren’t risking it. They’d rather hit the books at uni and grind at work than risk coming home to find Fido shipped off to parts unknown. And I say, bravo!

The Roger Verdict

Now gather ‘round, minions of the blogosphere, because it’s time for Roger’s witty verdict. AITA? Not by a long shot! Alex here is a hero in a world where dogs are family, not disposable inconveniences. Mom may have her feelings in a twist, but let’s be honest – she played a dangerous game, and Alex saw through it.

To all the Moms out there contemplating pet-related ultimatums, take notes: If you don’t respect the bond someone has with their pet, expect a rebellion of epic proportions. Alex smelled something fishy and decided to skip that meal entirely. Can we blame them? Not at all, darlings.

At the end of the day, trust is like a fine china vase. Once shattered, it’s made of too many shards to glue back together seamlessly. Alex did right by standing up for themselves and their dog. As for Mom, here’s a piece of Roger advice: Next time you consider someone else’s feelings and a little less about theoretical court drama, you might just keep the peace – and your child’s trust.

Until next time, keep it sassy and clever – just like Roger.

Original story

My(20) mom told me that her fiance is allergic to dogs and said that we are taking my dog to the shelter so that he can move in. No negotiation.

Did not hear a word I had to say. Now the age of majority of our country is 20 so up until two weeks ago I was still a minor.

My mom didn’t know that I’m already 20 though. She forgot my birthday.

When I took my dog and went to my dad’s yesterday, she came over, saying I can’t just leave like that. Even threatened to take my dad to court if he didn’t return me.

So I told her I’m already 20.

She was very embarrassed. Then she said that maybe her fiance could try getting those pills to deal with allergy.

I said no and she asked me why, so I told her I don’t trust her not to take my dog to the shelter behind my back. She was very upset to hear it and my sister told me that while she agrees with not trusting me, some things are better left unsaid and that telling mom I no longer trust her didn’t do anything other than hurt her feelings.

I’m still firm in my resolve to not go back there. I really don’t trust her.

But was I wrong for telling her so?

UPDATE : She called me and I reaffirmed my position to her, telling her that under no circumstances am I going back since there is no telling what she would try to do when I’m at uni or work. Not safe.

Just not worth taking the risk.