A Royal Wedding or Babysitting Duty? A Tale of Nuptials, Nepotism, and Nonsense

Let’s dive into the juicy details of a story inspired by a real Reddit post. Our protagonists, a couple as dazzling as your favorite celebrity pairing, are stuck in a whirlwind of family drama. Buckle up, folks, because this tale is about a wedding that may need to be postponed for a pregnant sister-in-law. Please, hold your gasps until the end.

Setting the Stage: A Fairytale Wedding in India

Picture this: our bride, we’ll call her Joy (28F), has been dating her fiancé, we’ll call him Mike (28M), for a decade. They’ve been saving for five of those years to splurge on an extravagant wedding at a palace in India. That’s right—Joy and Mike are aiming for the kind of wedding that makes Meghan and Harry seem like they got hitched in a backyard. They planned it meticulously and sent out ‘save the date’ invites well over a year in advance to ensure their loved ones marked their calendars accordingly. Thoughtful, right?

The Unsinkable Entitled Sister-In-Law (SIL)

Enter Queen Annoying, aka Mike’s sister. Now, this SIL always got everything she wanted while poor Mike, the family cash cow, was perpetually left grazing without any acknowledgment. If his mother needed anything shiny and new, Mike’s her golden goose. Joy graciously stayed out of their usual familial melodrama, until her wedding plans hit a royal snag.

The Plot Thickens: A Baby Bombshell

So, here’s where it gets juicy. SIL, already married, receives her personal stork’s notice and expects her bundle of joy in December. Of all the gin joints in all the towns…right? Joy and Mike, being the decent human beings they are, clapped their hands in congratulations. But wait—SIL’s next note was a kicker. “Now you can just move your wedding to City Hall, ’cause I’ll need help with the baby.”

If you’re sipping tea, this is the moment to do a spit-take. The audacity, right? Joy was flabbergasted. When she told SIL the wedding date wasn’t changing, SIL threw a meltdown fit and hung up ‘quicker than a cat on a hot tin roof.’

Matriarchal Meddling: The Mother-In-Law’s Ultimatum

Contacting Joy wasn’t enough for SIL. Mama Bear swooped in, talons out. She demanded the wedding be postponed by six months, so precious SIL could attend. She even dared to call her own son’s wedding “STUPID.” Yes, you read that right. Suddenly, Europe’s favorite dysfunctional family seemed like the epitome of normalcy.

Joy, despite her best attempts to keep her cool, went full “Hell hath no fury” on the Mother-in-Law. Her stance was ironclad—SIL knew about their wedding for over a year. This was clearly a calculated emotional ambush. Postponing their happiness because dear SIL prioritized her pregnancy seemed overly accommodating in the grand scheme of entitlement.

The Big Question: To Postpone or Not to Postpone?

In the aftermath of Mama Bear’s ultimatum, Joy and Mike were left standing in the debris of shattered decency. Mike was too upset to respond, while Joy felt like going all Hulk on their wedding guest list. Honestly, what’s a girl to do when her dream wedding is under siege by familial chaos?

Joan’s Judgement

Time for me, Joan, your beloved sassy sage, to weigh in. Here’s the deal: No, Joy— you would not be the asshole for not postponing your wedding. Weddings, especially one planned over years, don’t revolve around someone’s sudden personal developments, pregnancy or otherwise.

Listen, your wedding is a milestone, a decade in the making. You offered ample notice for everyone to arrange their lives, including the entitled SIL. The gall to hijack such a long-awaited moment with her own life event is the height of conceit. Remember, your life doesn’t go on hiatus because someone else decided to steal the spotlight.

Final Thoughts: Hold Your Ground

Ladies and gents, in this social circus we call family, standing firm is the balancing act. Joy and Mike, your palace wedding in India is not just an event; it’s a triumph of love and planning. So, stand your ground, hold that date, and as Queen Elsa would say, ‘Let It Go’ with the familial demands.

And for heaven’s sake, if they can’t be civil, you have my permission to just enjoy that extravagant Indian wedding without the sideshow. You don’t need a real-life soap opera on your guest list.

Cheers to love, sass, and sticking to your plans no matter what!

Original story

My fiancé (M28) and I (F28) are set to be married in December. We got engaged in June 23, and decided on the wedding date a year and half in advance for everyone’s convenience.

We have been dating since 10 years and have been saving up for the wedding since 5 years, to be able to afford an extravagant wedding in a palace in India, and we finally made those arrangements.

My husband’s sister has always been a golden child. She always got what she asked for, as opposed to my husband who they treat like a cash cow.

Every time his mother needs anything expensive, he’s the first call she makes. I try not getting between them, but she’s never shown any interest in his life.

Coming to the wedding, we sent out save the dates in December 2023, for people to plan their holidays/plans way in advance. My SIL got married 3 years back.

It was a nice wedding, but not as fancy as ours. When she knew about the plans, she started finding problems in everything to a point where my husband asked her to stop interfering.

Last week, we got a call from her in all excitement to tell us she was pregnant and is expecting a child in December. Both of us were shocked but happy for her and congratulated her.

She then proceeded saying “so you can just come to SF to get married at the City Hall. I would need help with the baby.

” I was baffled and told her the wedding is still on, and her having a child does not change our wedding plans. She threw a fit when I said that and hanged up.

Later that day his mom called and told us to postpone the wedding 6 months so his sister could attend it and if we don’t then she wouldn’t attend either, and that her daughters pregnancy is a bigger event than our “STUPID” marriage. My husband was upset and chose to not respond but I lost my shit.

I told her that if my SIL prioritised her pregnancy over our marriage (which she knew for about a year and half), we’re not obligated to prioritise her pregnancy over our happiness.

My husband is speechless and we don’t know what to do. WIBTA for not postponing the wedding?