AITA for not wearing the cosplay costume my husband made me?

By Joan, your sassy and witty blogger friend

Okay darlings, grab your popcorn because today I’ve got a spicy tale straight from the front lines of Reddit’s “Am I the Asshole?” forum. We’re diving into the world of cosplay, love, and sartorial drama. This story centers around a young cosplayer and her husband—let’s call them Sarah and Eric. Plot twist: it’s all about a costume conundrum. Buckle in!

The Backstory

Picture it: the magical realm of comic conventions where the nerdy meet their nerdy Prince (or Princess) Charmings. Sarah, a self-proclaimed costume enthusiast, has been in the game since she was a wee nerdling. She met her husband, Eric, in college at one of these conventions, and bam, they hit it off. I mean, who can resist bond forms over sewing patterns and LED lights, am I right?

However, while Sarah is all about modding and adding cute accessories to her store-bought costumes, Eric’s on another level entirely. He’s like the Tony Stark of cosplay, whipping up armor and gadgets as if he has a mini Arc Reactor in his workshop. And yes, his pièce de résistance is an Iron Man costume that glows up like a Christmas tree (if Christmas trees were cool).

The Plot Thickens

Now, fast forward to a recent invitation Sarah gets from her college friends for a convention. She decides to go as Starlight from “The Boys,” channeling that superhero glow—and doesn’t spill the beans to Eric. Here comes the twist: Eric, being the loving and ultra-dedicated husband, has a surprise up his sleeve. He’s finished a Malenia (from Elden Ring) costume way ahead of schedule for this exact event. And folks, this isn’t just any costume; it’s a techno-marvel of wires and lights!

No Cape, No Glory?

When Sarah breaks the news that she’s planning to rock her Starlight outfit (one she grabbed from a store, and let’s be honest, screams “I’m fabulous”), Eric’s heart visibly cracks. He calls her chosen garb a “typical slutty hot girl costume.” Wait, wait, before you clutch your pearls—Sarah clarifies that this isn’t as savage as it sounds. They have a ranking system for costumes, including a ‘slutty-ness’ scale. Now, that’s couple goals for ya!

Sarah’s argument is simple: she wants to feel sexy, not overdressed like she’s starring in a Broadway show. She’s all for donning Malenia at the later, planned convention. Eric’s counter? If he’d known, he wouldn’t have fast-tracked the high-tech Malenia ensemble. Tensions rise, and he has to rush off to work, leaving Sarah to type furiously to Reddit for validation. Drama bomb detonated.

Joan’s Judgment

Alright, my beautiful geeks and geekettes, gather ’round. While many of you might pick sides faster than a lightsaber duel, here’s the tea from Joan.

First off, Sarah darling, you should have communicated your plans to Eric better. Springing a last-minute change on a partner who has gone above and beyond to create a work of art? Yeah, not your best move. It’s like Eric prepped the sword fight scene and you showed up to tango.

But, oh honey, Eric—chill a bit with the high expectations and unsolicited surprises. The whole point of cosplay is to have fun and express yourself, whether in a DIY masterclass or in a simple, sexy Starlight suit. A little heads-up to your partner about the surprise might’ve dodged this snafu entirely.

In conclusion, neither of you is the outright villain here, but a combo of miscommunications and high stakes amped up the tension. My advice? Sit down, swap your favorite fandom tattoos, and agree on the expectations next time. Because let’s face it, love and cosplay both work best with a little collaborative planning.

And remember, kids: whether you’re in a “slutty” costume or a high-tech wonder, it’s all about expressing your fabulous, geeky self!

Ciao, darlings!

Joan, the sassy sage of all things dramatic

Original story

Ok a little background first. I (26F) is married to Eric (26M) for 2 years now.

We met at a comic-con type event and immediately hit it off. We both share our love towards cosplay, video games and a lot more.

I was into cosplay since I was a kid. In college I found some like minded friends, and we were hitting many comic conventions with our awesome costumes.

But I was never a good designer nor a seamstress. It was always buy something that I like and do little mods and add accessories kinda deal.

But I enjoyed it a lot.

It was during this time I met Eric, and oh golly he’s a master designer and he’s good with electronic stuff too! He makes these really awesome costumes with lights and stuff that is on another level when compared with what I do.

( his proudest achievement is an iron man costume with a light-up arc reactor, eyes and palm rockets which is a sight to behold at night )

Anyway after we met he made costumes for me also, and we hit conventions like it’s no ones business.

Ok coming to the problem now. My college friends invited me to a convention a month ago, and I said yes.

I decided to go as starlight (the boys). I did not mention this explicitly to Eric.

Today Eric surprised me with an ongoing project of ours. We were on our way making a Malenia costume (elden ring) for me, for a convention that’s later this year.

Eric had finished the costume early to surprise me for the convention next week. Mind you, this is a very complicated piece to put on and it has some electrical plugs too while putting it on which I’m not too comfortable doing alone.

I said already decided on going as starlight, and he asked to show the costume, so I showed the one-piece starlight costume I got for this event.

He said it was a typical slutty hot girl costume, and I said maybe I want to be a slutty hot girl with my friends, and not be completely out of place at a not-too-fancy convention with a fancy sophisticated costume. I just wanted to be simple and just feel sexy in my hometown with my old friends.

I could see that he was very hurt by my remark, and I said I can still wear to the original convention according to our plan anyways. He said still I should have mentioned about my costume earlier, so he could not have rushed the Malenia costume.

Then I told him that he should have asked me first and that it’s not his responsibility to make me costumes for everything.

He had to leave for work, so this is where we stand now. Sorry for the long rant, I’m typing this all to calm down my nerves a bit because we never had a argument of this magnitude before.

AITA here?

PS – I read this all again, and I want to clarify that when he said ‘slutty’ it was not disrespectful. We review a lot of costumes on our free time, and we give them a ‘slutty-ness’ ranking out of 10 amongst other scores.

I have worn 10/10 slutty-ness costumes with and without him before and it’s not an issue. It’s just that he thinks the store made ones are too generic.