The Real Housewives of Resentment: How One Woman Learned Her Boyfriend’s True Colors

Gather ’round, darlings, because today’s drama-filled tea spill is piping hot. You might want to get your pearls ready to clutch, because this story—ripped straight from the annals of Reddit—has deceit, heartbreak, and the shocking realization that some people just don’t know how to adult. Our protagonist, a 25-year-old woman at her wit’s end, has been unwittingly cast in the role of her own personal soap opera star. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the saga of ‘I Resent My Boyfriend and I’m Not Sure How to Deal with It.’

The Unwanted Reunion

First, let’s set the scene. Our girl—let’s call her Fiona—and her boyfriend, who we’ll name Chad because “Chads” just have a certain je ne sais quoi, have been in an on-again, off-again relationship for about five years. Breakups were never due to any scandalous betrayals; they just sucked at communication. After what I assume were enough “U up?” texts to choke a horse, they found themselves back in the same town and decided to rekindle their lukewarm flames.

Ah, the sweet, misguided hope of fourth chances.

Surprise, You’re Pregnant!

What should have been a joyful reunion turned into a visit from the Stork faster than you can say ‘plot twist.’ Fiona, previously convinced she couldn’t have children due to an earlier abdominal surgery, found herself pregnant after a single romantic encounter. Couples who are actively trying to conceive don’t have this kind of luck, but that’s life for you—full of comedic timing.

When Fiona’s doctor assured her that yes, she could carry a baby to term, she was practically floating on a cloud of mom-to-be hormones. Imagine her surprise when she broke the news to Chad, only for him to react with all the enthusiasm of someone hearing their favorite Netflix show just got canceled.

The Abortion and Emotional Desertion

Chad, ever the prince, suggested an abortion. Fiona was crushed but agreed because she felt like she couldn’t do it alone. Saying goodbye to her dream of motherhood again, she went through with the procedure. And did Chad step up? Console her? Hell, even Netflix has better emotional support. Instead, he decided it was a fab time to hit the slopes for some snowboarding. Yes, snowboarding. Because nothing screams ‘supportive partner’ like leaving your recently post-abortive girlfriend alone and starving for four hours.

The Aftermath

When Chad finally showed up, likely with some sick powder moves to brag about, he found an emotionally shattered Fiona who had no food and no way to get back to her own place. This is where even the most moderately empathetic being might think, ‘Gosh, I’ve really messed up.’

It seems Chad is a slow learner because it took him several weeks to realize that, lo and behold, emotional abandonment isn’t a great look. He now regrets his decisions and wants to make amends. But Fiona is stuck in a cycle of resentment—towards him, towards herself, and towards the choices she felt cornered into making.

Breaking the Chains of Resentment

Darling Fiona, if you’re reading this: run. Save yourself the years of therapy bills and snide Facebook status updates. You deserve someone who will not only be present when the going gets tough but will also have the good sense not to leave you isolated and in pain while they frolic in the snow.

Resentment is like that old saying—drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. It’s toxic, and the longer you let it fester, the more it eats away at you. If Chad can’t find his backbone and start acting like a partner, then you need to recast the male lead in your life’s drama. There are plenty of non-Chads out there who understand that being a decent human being isn’t a seasonal sport.

Sure, give it time if you must, but don’t lose yourself to his half-hearted attempts at redemption. You’ve already taken the harder road by confronting these feelings head-on. Honor that courage by making the choice that’s right for you.

Joan’s Final Take

In conclusion, Fiona’s tale is a classic case of one person getting enlightened while the other remains in emotional kindergarten. It’s a harsh lesson on the importance of both parties being invested, especially when life throws a curveball. Remember, loves, it’s better to be alone and whole than tethered to someone who can’t—or won’t—meet you halfway.

Original story

I F25 and my boyfriend M30 we’ve been off and on for about five years, nothing bad that broke us up just distance and we both aren’t good with calling and texting. We recently moved back into the same town unexpectedly and have started dating again.

We’ve been together this time for about 4 months.

We had both talked about never having children, mostly because I couldn’t physically do so after an abdominal surgery. But I had always said how much I’d like to be someday.

Someday came sooner than I expected. I found out I was pregnant.

We had literally had sex once since we had gotten back together and boom baby town. Because I wasn’t able to carry to full term without complications, or so I thought, I went to my primary doctor and she informed me that my previous doctor was mistaken, and I was able to carry full term with very minor if any complications.

I was ELATED! I’d wanted to be a mom since I was a kid, I am the oldest of all my siblings and truly enjoyed taking care of them… but I put it out of my mind because I thought it wasn’t possible.

I told my boyfriend then about the pregnancy and about the truly real possibility that we could be parents. He did not have the same reaction, he didn’t smile, he wasn’t excited….

He wanted to get the abortion… and I was so devastated. I told him that I wouldn’t want to do this without him involved because it wouldn’t be fair to the child to not be wanted by a a parent.

He decided he did not want to be a parent, so we went through with the procedure.

Afterwards, in the weeks following, he was not there for me. I was sitting in HIS house without any food because he didn’t bother to go shopping.

I had no way of going back to my house because he convinced me to leave my car at my place for the duration and that he would be there if I needed anything. He decided to just go snowboarding, and was gone for 4 hours after he told me he would be home.

I was sitting in pain, crying, devastated and he was just not there. I resent him for that choice, for his decision.

I resent myself for not thinking I could do it alone. And I resent myself for going through with it, for believing that he would be there for me afterwards.

Now he wants to say that he regrets the decision he made and the choices after but I can’t seem to get over it. Everyone I’m around him I just get mad, and resentful and I just don’t know if I can ever look at him the same or be around him without feeling anger.

What do I do ? Do I leave him?

Do I just give it time ? I’m lost and angry.