To Attend or Not to Attend: The Wedding Dilemma That’s Causing Internet Buzz

Pssst, gather around, folks, because do I have a spicy story that’s circulating the interwebs, and trust me, you’ll want to stick around for this one. Straight from the heart and keyboard of a real person on Reddit, we’ve got a family debacle that’s as juicy as it is heart-wrenching. So, grab your popcorn—or better yet, a slice of wedding cake—because this is one tale you won’t want to miss. And remember, you heard it from Roger, your go-to for all things audaciously opinionated and delightfully controversial at HotTakes.

The dilemma at hand? A sister torn between her duties as a family member and her responsibilities as a new mother. With not one, but *two* weddings on the horizon for her brother, both set in a land far, far away (or 1300 miles, to be precise), our protagonist finds herself in quite the predicament. The first wedding, a nod to his fiancé’s heritage, is set for July, while a traditional American wedding follows in September. The catch? Our Reddit friend is seven months pregnant, with her bundle of joy’s grand entrance into the world meticulously timed between these matrimonial celebrations.

Ah, but the plot thickens. Neither celebration is welcoming of children, a rule that, while understandable, presses our protagonist further into the confines of a logistical nightmare. With a baby too young to vaccinate and the thought of a solo flight with a newborn, the risks and hurdles stack higher than a wedding cake. And let’s not gloss over the suggestion to leave the baby in a hotel room—yes, you read that right—which brings us to a whole new level of ‘what the heck?!’

The family’s solution? Fly out with a six-week-old to attend the September event. However, this proposes a dizzying array of challenges: missed birthdays, separation from her toddler and partner, and a postpartum recovery that’s anything but predictable. Not to mention the sheer logistics of handling a newborn amid wedding festivities and the cacophony of unfamiliar faces.

As our dear Reddit user pens her thoughts, seeking advice from the court of public opinion, the verdict slowly emerges: attending seems not just implausible but borderline impossible. And you, beautiful reader, can’t help but nod along, understanding the weight of her decision.

Now, as promised, here’s Roger’s Hot Take: In the grand theater of life, where family and personal well-being often vie for the spotlight, choosing oneself isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity. Life’s curtain calls come in many forms, and sometimes, the bravest act is to simply say, ‘I cannot attend.’ This tale isn’t just about missing weddings; it’s a narrative of maternal instincts, personal boundaries, and the subtle art of saying no for the sake of one’s health and sanity.

To the doubters and the naysayers, let’s remember that love doesn’t require proof of attendance. It thrives in understanding, support, and the occasional difficult decision that, while heartbreaking, is often the most loving act of all.

And to our protagonist, if you ever stumble upon this humble abode of sass and wisdom, know that Roger and the entire HotTakes crew stand with you. Life’s too short for regret, and frankly, your courage to prioritize your newborn’s well-being is the truest testament of love and responsibility.

So, dear readers, as we put this tasty morsel of drama to rest, let us raise our glasses (or coffee mugs, for those reading this at an ungodly hour) to the brave souls navigating the tempestuous seas of family obligations and personal well-being. May your choices always reflect your hopes and not your fears. Until next time, keep it spicy, keep it real, and remember, in the world according to Roger, staying true to oneself is the ultimate mic drop.

Cheers, darlings. – Roger.

Original story

For context, my brother is having two weddings. The one in July is to commemorate his fiancés heritage and the other is in September that’s a traditional American wedding.

There are no children allowed at either one, which is totally fine with me. It’s their day and I get kids would be disruptive, but it is part of the issue and why it would be difficult for me to attend. Both of the weddings are in another state, 1300 miles away from where I live or a 21 hour drive. I’m also 7 months pregnant right now, due at the beginning of August. I’d be too far along to fly in July and the baby would be 6 weeks old by the time the second wedding rolls around.

I talked to my brother a month or so ago about it and he doesn’t expect me to come to the one in July, but would love for me to be at the September one.

My parents already have flights booked in September (on my birthday-3 days before the wedding) to make sure they’re there before the festivities commence. Id have to fly with a 6 week old baby on my birthday, miss out on spending the day with my 3 year old son and my husband, and who knows if I will even be healed completely by then (especially if I have to get a c-section, I will not). I’d also be away from my son for 5/6 days and he’d probably have to be with my in laws that whole time since my husband works or my husband would have to take a week off work. Which I’m not sure if either one of those is very plausible.

My brother suggested to leave the baby in the hotel room for the ceremony (wtf, not happening lol) and my dad said I could come to the rehearsal dinner the night before and the reception after the ceremony with the baby. I’m worried about noise levels with an infant and how much I’d have to miss with feeding baby/putting baby to sleep.

This all sounds so exhausting and like such a hassle. I feel like I’d be in such a bad mood the whole time, even though my mom would be there to help as much as she could, but she has other obligations as mother of the groom stuff to do. I’d have to go so many days before the actual wedding, since I refuse to fly alone with a brand new infant. From my understanding, I’d be sitting in the hotel room for 5 days basically by myself with little to no support.

Does it even seem plausible to attend?? I love my brother and his fiancé, but the timing just seems off and I’m not trying to be a downer during their wedding, but would it be worse if I didn’t even show up?? Help!!

ETA: thank you everyone for your replies! I definitely will not be attending either wedding unfortunately. People have made it abundantly clear (and I didn’t even realize when writing this out) that the baby won’t be able to get vaccinated that young and would be surrounded by a ton of people (majority of them I do not know) which in turn could get her extremely sick and that alone is enough for me to not even consider it any farther. I’d still be recovering at 6 weeks pp and is dangerous for baby or I to fly that soon afterwards. I appreciate everyone’s honest responses and helping reassure me that going would be too much. I’m going to ask and see if they’re planning on doing a Zoom call for people who cannot attend so I can at least see the ceremony, which is the most important part of a wedding to me. I will be telling them I will not be attending for a magnitude of reasons this weekend. Thanks again everyone!