Lies, Pregnancy, & In-Laws: A Dramatic Trio! 🍿

Welcome back, my fabulous readers, to another episode in the human saga that often rivals the most convoluted of soap operas. Today, brace yourselves for a tale of deception, family drama, and the ultimate protective maneuver by a soon-to-be mommy bear. Now, get your snacks ready because this is a real Reddit story from a real person, and it’s as juicy as they come. Pour yourself a glass of your favorite beverage (I’ve got my iced latte at the ready!), and let’s dive in.

Imagine the scene: a joyful discovery of pregnancy is overshadowed by the dread of invasive in-laws. Our protagonist, a 29-year-old fierce lady, finds herself ensnared in a web of disrespect courtesy of her MIL (Monster-In-Law? Maybe so!). From wedding woes to pregnancy peeks, the disrespect knows no bounds. Now, add to that mix a high-risk pregnancy, and you’ve got a pressure cooker waiting to burst.

When our heroine reveals her pregnancy news to her in-law family, she pleads for privacy – a simple, reasonable request, right? Wrong! Faster than you can say ‘baby bump,’ the news spreads like wildfire, thanks to the indiscretion of said MIL. The audacity, folks! It’s the stuff telenovelas are made of, but with the added spice of real-life consequences.

Fast forward, our leading lady is 18 weeks into her pregnancy journey, faced with a critical decision: to lie or not to lie about her due date. Opting for the former, she tells her in-laws a little white lie to ensure her peace and privacy during one of the most vulnerable times of her life. The due date deception? Telling her in-laws she’s due in mid-November when, in fact, the stork will be making an early delivery in mid-October.

Now, let’s talk strategy. By engineering this one-month buffer, she’s not just navigating around the invasive MIL she’s essentially setting up a protective perimeter around this pivotal moment in her and her baby’s life. Can you blame her, though? With a MIL who’s known more for her delegation than her dedication to domestic duties, it’s a preemptive strike against unhelped and undue stress.

But, as your dedicated scribe of societal follies, I must pose the question burning on everyone’s lips (or at least those who’ve managed not to spit out their drink from shock): **Is she the antagonist in this drama for laying a breadcrumb trail of deceit?**

Cue the drumroll, my delectable readers, for it’s time for Roger’s Hot Take: Absolutely not! In the grand theatre of life, where boundaries are often more trespassed than respected, our protagonist does what many wish they had the courage to do: protect her peace. In an ideal world, honesty would reign supreme, and in-laws would understand the concept of boundaries. But darling readers, we live in a world where sometimes, a little fib is the silver armor guarding our sanity.

Lying about a due date to overbearing in-laws may not win her the Nobel Prize for Peace, but it surely secures her a spot in the Hall of Fame for Ingenious Mommies. As for the in-laws flying in to meet a baby who’s already a month old? Let’s just say, in the art of war, timing is everything—and our lady just played a masterstroke.

Until this saga unfolds further, I leave you with this nugget of wisdom: in the battle of peace vs. truth, sometimes peace must take precedence, especially when facing the eye of the storm (also known as the in-law typhoon).

Stay sassy, stay classy, and never be afraid to establish your boundaries, even if it means spinning a yarn or two. Roger out! 🎤✨

Original story

My (29F) MIL lives in a different country along with their whole family. During our wedding last year she was extremely disrespectful towards me in ways I’m not even going to bother mentioning.

In March I was in their country visiting with my husband- we found out I was pregnant there. I was 7 weeks when I found out, we told his mom dad and sisters right away. Only because we were there another week and it was better to tell them in person of course.

My husband and I asked my in laws to keep this personal info to themselves until I’m 12 weeks at least. I told them not to tell a single other person, as I hadn’t even told my mom yet. They said okay.

The next day all of my husbands cousins on his moms side started messaging me on Instagram.. “congratulations”. My jaw dropped and I almost dropped my phone.

Im also high risk pregnancy- I have PCOS, a high BMI and many other factors. So I was extremely nervous that I wouldn’t even make it to 12 weeks.

I told my husband he was very upset and called his mom and yelled at her. She didn’t even apologize at all

Fast forward, I’m 18 weeks now. They asked me the due date when I went for my scan I told them I’m due in mid November.. though I’m due in Mid October.

My MIL, FIL and sister in laws will be flying in in November thinking they will be here for the birth. But baby will be one month old by then.

I did this because I know she won’t be giving me any privacy and will make everything about herself. I know she’ll absolutely help with nothing. She doesn’t do any house work at home.. she had a maid. Let alone help me. So her coming here will just make me more stressed during birth week.

AITA – for lying about the due date?