The Baby Shower Blues: A Tale of Family Drama, Missteps, and Unmet Expectations

Oh, sweet honeydew melons, have I got a story that’ll make your jaw drop faster than a hot potato in a game of catch. This one comes straight from the heart of Reddit, where real people spill the tea on their real-life sagas. So, grab your popcorn, get cozy, and let me take you on a journey through the baby shower that never was. Welcome to ‘Roger’s Hot Take,’ where I dissect the juiciest tales with the sass and wit you so rightly deserve. Let’s dive in, shall we?

Imagine being 30 weeks preggo, hormones doing the tango, and all you want is a nice little celebration for your unborn peanut. That’s where our protagonist, a 31-year-old first-time mom-to-be, found herself. She handed the reins of her baby shower to her mom, thinking, ‘What could possibly go wrong?’ Gosh, if only she knew.

The plan seemed simple: mom plans the party, gets in touch with the fiancé’s mom for the guest list from his side, and boom, you’ve got yourself a baby shower. Except, our shower planner extraordinaire (the mom) dropped the ball so hard it practically bounced back and hit everyone in the face. Communications with the fiancé’s mom? Non-existent. Updates to the preggo daughter? As barren as the Sahara. And when finally confronted, she decides to play the blame game.

What’s more, our dear protagonist gets a side order of yelling from dad and a guilt trip about college funds because why not add more stress to a pregnant woman, right? And just when you think it couldn’t get more twisted, the mom lies about the fiancé’s mom never reaching out. Cue the dramatic gasp.

Now, our mom-to-be, in an act of self-care and boundary-setting that deserves a standing ovation, cancels the baby shower and cuts off the nonsensical drama. But wait, there’s more! The estranged sister decides it’s her cue to enter stage left with a volley of vile texts that include the unborn child. Because, of course, this story needed more villains.

So, grab your tissues and your pitchforks, because here comes Roger’s Hot Take: This tale isn’t just about a botched baby shower; it’s a saga of family dynamics, missed connections, and the importance of taking responsibility for one’s actions—or in this case, the glaring lack thereof.

Our pregnant protagonist isn’t just a mom-to-be; she’s Wonder Woman in maternity wear, standing up against the cyclone of family drama with grace. So, to you, dear mom-to-be, I say: You are not the antagonist in this story. You are the hero. It takes immense courage to set boundaries, especially with family. You’ve shown that no amount of guilt-tripping or blame-shifting can sway you from what’s best for your baby and yourself.

The moral of this fiasco? Communication is the lifeline of any event, and accountability is not just a fancy buzzword. And to the estranged sister, let’s remember that if you can’t say something nice, then it’s best to say nothing at all—especially when unborn babies are involved.

As we roll down the curtain on this drama, remember, dear readers, that sometimes the best-laid plans go awry, but it’s how you handle the aftermath that truly defines you. Cheers to our brave mom-to-be for putting her foot down and showing us how it’s done. Now, let’s all send her virtual hugs because, goodness knows, she deserves them.

Stay sassy, stay classy, and until next time, this has been another episode of ‘Roger’s Hot Take.’ Where the stories are real, the people are passionate, and the takes are always hot. Ta-ta for now!

Original story

I’m (31F) 30 wks pregnant with my 1st baby. My Mom (58F) volunteered to plan my baby shower which I thought was great since my relationship with my family has been strained for awhile.

I told her all that I would like such as theme, decorations, guest list, food etc. I knew she never planned big events like this so I told her to get in call my fiancé’s mom (54F) since she has experience planning big events & to get the guest list from her for my fiancé’s side of the family because my fiancé (36M) doesn’t have all the contact info for them.

She told me she would & weeks pass. I come to find out that she never called her & my fiancé’s mom took the initiative to call her & offered help. My Mom declined & didn’t get the guest list. She told my fiancé’s mom that she could make food. I had to also take the initiative to keep calling my Mom weekly to offer help since she wasn’t updating me to let me know what was happening with my baby shower. She always declined my help & never offered any info on what’s going on with my baby shower.

My fiancé’s mom called my fiancé yesterday to let him know that my Mom never called her back on what to make for the baby shower or got a guest list from her. I was so confused since I was under the impression that they’ve been in contact more than once.

I called my Mom & asked her why she didn’t call her back to tell her what to make & didn’t get her guest list. She got defensive towards me & tried to blame me for her not doing any of it. She only invited my fiancé’s mom & sister. Nobody else on his side of the family. I hung up on her once she said, “Would anyone even come or you trying to make me feel shitty?”

My Dad (60M) called me & yelled at me over this situation & he got hung up on since I’m not getting yelled at 30 weeks pregnant. We had a back & forth through text after the call until my Dad told me that he’s taking my Mom to urgent care.

About 20 mins pass & my Dad calls me back. He argues with me & throws up funding my college in my face even though I’ve been financially independent for nearly 10 yrs. They always make me feel bad about getting me material things that I never asked for yet never listen to what I really need which is for them to just listen & be there for me.

The boiling point is when my Mom flat out lies in front of my Dad since both are on the call claiming that my fiancé’s mom never called her. That was it for me. I told them to cancel the baby shower this weekend & that I’m done. She blatantly lied to save her own ass & tried to blame someone else instead of apologizing & taking any accountability. She disrespected my fiancé’s family & didn’t even invite any of them besides mom & sister even though there’s family in the area.

I haven’t heard from them since yesterday & just feel heartbroken and so stressed out. On top of it, my estranged sister (27F) sent me horrible evil vile texts that included my unborn child. AITA?