To Go or Not to Go: Navigating the Rocky Shores of Love, Ultimatums, and Family Vacays

Oh, sweet readers, gather ‘round for a tale of love, drama, and the oh-so-daring act of setting sail to Puerto Rico—against a lover’s wishes. That’s right, folks, pull up a chair because we’ve got a real Reddit story from a real person that’s juicier than the tropical fruits awaiting on that forbidden island getaway. You’re in for a treat, or perhaps a lesson in relationships and boundaries, served up hot and fresh by yours truly, Roger, your guide to all things sassy and scandalous at HotTakes blog. Let’s dive in, shall we?

Imagine this: a young woman, 21, caught in the fervent grip of love (or so it seems), facing a Bermuda Triangle of decisions. On one corner, a family trip to Puerto Rico planned for her sister’s birthday—a celebration, a break, a moment to cherish. On another, a boyfriend, also 21, wielding the dreaded ultimatum like it’s Excalibur: “Don’t go, or we’re done.” And on the third, our heroine’s own heart, torn, fluttering—a compass spinning madly between desire and duty.

Why, you ask, is our leading lady in such a quandary? Well, dear reader, it seems the beau doesn’t trust her or her sisters—an issue stickier than a piña colada spill on a hot summer day. Despite a love story marked with more offs than ons, our damsel debates sacrificing the trip (and the $400 deposit—ouch) to salvage this teeter-totter romance. And here’s the cherry on top: post-breakup, she admitted to a tryst and some less-than-flattering commentary about her knight in tarnished armor (mind you, during one of their off phases).

Now, before you cast your votes in the ‘is she the a-hole’ arena, let’s peel back the layers, shall we? On one side, a plea for freedom, adventure, family bonds tighter than your favorite jeans post-lockdown. On the other, a relationship hanging by the thread of ultimatums, mistrust, and emotional blackmail.

But wait, there’s more! Amidst this chaos, a beacon of hope—or perhaps a warning flare. Friends and sisters, forming a Greek chorus of concern, branding the relationship with the scarlet ‘T’ for toxic. Yet, our protagonist stands at the crossroads, love blinders on, pondering if a vacay is worth the price of love’s labor lost.

As your intrepid guide to the mess and marvel of modern love, here’s Roger’s Hot Take: Sweetheart, pack your bags, grab your passport, and go chase the sun. Relationships, like fine wine or stinky cheese, should improve with time, not leave you sour or aged before your prime. Ultimatums are for reality TV, not real love. Trust, once cracked, might be glued back together, but those seams will always show. And if love asks you to choose between the warmth of family and the chill of loneliness, well, I’d say it’s time to get some new love.

Depriving yourself of joy for a love fraught with doubts is like skipping dessert because someone threatened to take away your spoon. You, my dear, deserve every bit of happiness, every adventure, every slice of birthday cake on a Puerto Rican beach. And if he loves you, truly, he’d be the first to hand you a fork.

In the end, dear readers, let’s raise our glasses to freedom, to choices, to finding love that lifts us up and never asks us to miss out on life’s grand adventures. To the young woman behind this tale, may your journey be filled with clarity, joy, and perhaps a touch of sass—just enough to remind you that in the game of love and trips, always choose the one that will take you great places.

Until next time, stay daring, stay delightful, and above all, stay true to your fabulous self. Roger out.

Original story

My (F 21) boyfriend (M 21) and I can’t come to an agreement without breaking up. My family and I have planned a trip to PR in June. Before setting these plans, my boyfriend was hesitant with me going and threatened to end things if I decided to go. He’s asked me multiple times to plan a couples trip and I promised him I’d go on it before going on another group trip, because he didn’t enjoy the last group trip we went on… other factors came into play when he got a new job. He had to wait 3 months to go on a trip and we were constantly arguing being on and off so during that whole time my sister planned her birthday trip (this upcoming PR trip) so we never got to fit a trip in. He keeps arguing he doesn’t trust me nor my sisters. With all of the back and forth I ultimately decided to go and paid for my trip ($400). It ended with us breaking up and being no contact for a few weeks. He recently reached out to me and I went back on my decision after already paying, so I won’t be going. Our relationship is not perfect and we have been on and off for a few years but I love him so much and don’t want to lose him over a trip. A big part of his reasoning is he doesn’t trust me. I want to stay with him but also be able to go on a trip with my family. I can’t have both and I don’t want to end up regretting anything. So would I be the a-hole for going, ending my relationship?

Edit: I’ve never written a Reddit post so I hope I did it right and I am submitting this on behalf of my friend (approved by her). I believe she shouldn’t let him hold her back on a FAMILY trip. Especially after paying $400. Among other things… her sisters and friends (including myself) believe her relationship is very toxic but we can’t seem to say anything or do anything to help her stay out of it. Please help!

Edit 2 per friend: she wants to mention how she made out with a guy while they were broken up and hid that fact once they got together and he found out. She also spoke badly about him to this guy. She doesn’t have any association with the guy she kissed anymore.