Fiscal Fiancé Fiasco: The Costly Concert Conundrum

Hello, darling readers! It’s your favorite purveyor of piquant perspectives, Roger, coming at you with a tale that’s as juicy as it is jaw-dropping. Today, I’ve got a story ripped straight from the real-life drama archives of Reddit, where our protagonist faces a modern love quandary that begs the question: *Is love truly unconditional, or does it come with a price tag?* Buckle up, my dears, for this ride is as bumpy as it is enlightening. And remember, you’re hearing it here first on HotTakes, where we peel back the layers of the internet’s most riveting stories. Let’s dive in, shall we?

Our saga begins with a gentleman whose living situation takes a romantic turn when his fiancée moves in, spinning dreams of shared expenses and a larger living space. But alas, the dream quickly sours as our lady love proves as job-averse as she is particular, turning up her nose at the mere suggestion of retail or food service. Her employment strategy? The occasional DoorDash excursion, albeit only with a trusty knight (our hero) by her side. Sounds like a modern-day fairy tale, except our prince is now drowning not only in disillusionment but also in increased rent and a mountain of medical debt. Oh, the humanity!

But wait, there’s a twist! Amidst this financial fracas, our damsel expresses a burning desire to attend a concert, with tickets priced at a cool $490. And here, dear readers, lies the crux of our tale: With a treasury depleted by debts and dreams of domiciliary bliss, our man wonders if he’s the villain for keeping his wallet firmly closed.

The plot thickens as our leading lady throws a tantrum worthy of a Shakespearean tragedy, bemoaning her fate of missing the last performance of her favorite artist. Our hero, pragmatic yet torn, stands his ground, invoking the sacred texts of fiscal responsibility and future planning. Ah, but the heart wants what it wants, and hers wants concert tickets.

Cue the internet’s chorus, which sings a harmonic blend of tough love and practical advice, urging our protagonist to see the neon red flags waving in the breeze. After much deliberation, a resolution emerges from the chaos: a compromise, a deadline, and a job in the horizon. Our lady agrees to brave the dreaded world of customer service, and our story ends with promises of repayment and personal growth.

**Roger’s Hot Take:**

Now, my lovelies, as you dab away the tears and ponder the moral of our story, allow me to impart my hot take. While love might be blind, it certainly shouldn’t be financially foolish. Our gentleman’s stand against buying the concert ticket, despite his ability to do so, is a testament to the importance of boundaries and financial integrity in a relationship. Love, after all, is not just about grand gestures and indulging every whim—it’s about building a future together, brick by pragmatic brick.

And to our damsel, a word of advice: The real world requires compromise and occasionally embracing the less savory to achieve the greater good. Let this concert conundrum be a lesson in love, life, and the pursuit of financial harmony.

So, what do you think, dear readers? Was our hero right in his concert ticket stance, or should love’s ledger always be in the red? Sound off in the comments, and until next time, keep your takes hot and your wisdom hotter. This has been Roger, signing off with a wink and a nudge toward a life less ordinary. Ta-ta!

Original story

My fiance moved in with me 5 months ago. I upgraded us to a 2bdr apartment under the impression that she’d find a job and start paying a portion of rent. It’s been 5 months and she hasn’t secured a job because she’s picky and won’t work retail, grocery store, fast food, or basically anything involving customer service… She does doordash, but only if I’m with her for safety. Defeats the purpose since my job pays much more than what she could possibly get from Door Dash.

There’s a concert coming up that she really wants to go to, but she doesn’t have money for tickets. The tickets are $490, which I can afford, but I don’t want to for a couple reasons;

She hasn’t gotten a job and it feels like she isn’t being serious about getting one.
I now pay almost 50% more rent for our new apartment.
We recently procured some medical bills (both of us had a visit to the hospital recently), now we have $1500 of medical debt.

She’s all up in arms about this now. Blaming me that she’ll miss the last performance of this artist. All I told her was “I can’t really afford to pay for those tickets. We have debt I’m trying to get us out of, and I want to continue saving for a house with what’s left of my income..” Her response was that she’d pay me back when she gets a job, but I just said I can’t afford it sorry.

Am I the ass for not buying this concert ticket for her?

EDIT: Didn’t expect this to blow up. So many comments! I’m seeing a general consensus to either breakup, kick her out, or give her a deadline. I will consider these, and I definitely see how this is a major red flag now.

Something I forgot to mention is she lived in another state before moving in with me. So she had to quit her job. She’s never had an issue with holding a job, but getting one seems to be the problem here, especially with how picky she is.

Thanks for all the comments and advice. I will be having a serious discussion with her before considering marriage. This was truly eye opening!


We had a good talk about this. She’s going to get a temporary retail / customer service job until she can secure a desired job. She doesn’t want to be a mooch and she admittedly told me she was just scared to go back to customer service. We agreed on a deadline of the end of July.

I still won’t be buying her ticket since I’m not even the one going with her (it’s her and her friend), but she understood why and is going to ask her friend to pay for it. Thanks for all the comments and helping me get through this.