Doctor, Doctor, Give Me the News: The Battle of Titles That’s Stirring the Brews

Greetings, curious minds and thirsty souls, it’s Roger here, serving you the freshest slice of the internet’s drama casserole, straight from Reddit’s kitchen! Today, we dive into an intriguing tale of titles, traditions, and a dash of tension. Buckle up; Roger’s here to deliver the spiciest take on this real story from a real person. Trust me; you’ll want to stick around till the end for Roger’s Hot Take ™.

Imagine this: your significant other finally reaches the pinnacle of their academic career, earning the prestigious title of Doctor. Champagne pops, congratulations echo, and then reality sets in at the next family gathering. She starts calling your dad, who also possesses a doctorate, ‘Doctor [lastname].’ Only there’s a hiccup – he’s not into it, and frankly, it makes him cringe. The plot, as they say, thickens.

The boyfriend, a mere mortal caught in the crossfire of honorifics, suggests to his girlfriend that maybe, just maybe, calling his father by a title no one uses is making things a tad uncomfortable. Enter stage left: the girlfriend’s rebuttal. Respect and recognition are her battle cries as she wishes to be addressed with the same reverence. The boyfriend is thus left puzzled, pondering over the existential question: AITA (Am I The A**hole)?

Now, dear readers, let’s dissect this, shall we? On one hand, we have a woman who’s just ascended the academic Olympus, wanting to sprinkle a bit of that respect and recognition into her newly elevated life. On the other hand, there’s dad, the OG Doctor, who prefers the undercover life, sans title. And smack in the middle is our protagonist, trying to navigate the choppy waters of social etiquette and family dynamics.

Before we jump to conclusions, let’s not ignore the underlying issues here. It’s not just about the titles; it’s about acknowledgment, respect, and the boundaries we set for ourselves and others. It’s a tale as old as time, or at least as old as the first person who decided to make a big deal out of titles.

But here’s the kicker – should respect come at the expense of someone’s comfort? Our girl believes in the power of the title, a badge of honor defining years of hard work. In contrast, dad feels like he’s being forced into a role he didn’t audition for. Meanwhile, our poor lad is caught up in this academic tug-of-war, questioning the worth of a title against the value of personal comfort and respect for individual preferences.

And now, for Roger’s Hot Take™: In the grand theater of life, titles are but costumes we wear. Yes, they signify our achievements, our roles, and sometimes, our egos. But when the curtains fall, and we’re left with the raw, unscripted moments with those we love, it’s the bonds we’ve built, not the titles we’ve earned, that truly matter. Our protagonist isn’t the villain for seeking harmony; nor is his girlfriend for wanting recognition. The true antagonist? The rigidity of our social constructs.

In a world ripe with conflicts far bigger than our labels, let’s choose our battles wisely. Perhaps it’s time to hang the titles at the door and just call each other by the names that resonate with the love, respect, and personal connections we’ve cultivated.

So, there you have it folks, a slice of life spiced with the age-old question of etiquette vs. ego. Remember, at the end of the day, it’s not what we call each other, but how we treat each other that defines us. And on that note, this has been Roger, your purveyor of perspectives and the Hot Takes maestro, reminding you to keep it sassy, keep it classy, and always stay curious. Till next time!

Original story

My girlfriend recently got her doctorate. I’m obviously very happy for her and proud of her.

Since then, she has been greeting my father as “Doctor” [lastname]. Although he does have a doctorate degree, no one has ever called him that, and he told me it makes him uncomfortable.

I asked her to not call him that. She says that she wants to be polite and call him by his title. She now wants to be called doctor when might parents greet her as well.

I understand it’s a massive accomplishment but I don’t think she should expect my parents to call her doctor? And she should not call my dad doctor if he asks her not to.

She thinks I’m trying to downplay what she did but I’m not.