When Mr. Right Turns Out To Be Mr. Wrong: A Saga of Deception, Motherhood, and a Mug that Revealed It All

Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone who’s tired of modern dating’s plot twists worse than a daytime soap opera, gather around. Let me regale you with a tale that’s as jaw-dropping as it is a masterclass in ‘What Not To Do in Relationships 101.’ Yes, this comes from a real Reddit story by a real person who found herself in a plot so twisted, it could make a pretzel weep out of envy. Ready? Let’s dive into the deep end of this dating pool fiasco.

Our protagonist, a 24-year-old woman with clarity about not wanting kids—a stance as solid as a slab of granite—meets a man. Ah, yes, the beginnings of what seemed like a modern love story. Fast forward through the ‘honeymoon’ phase, and we reach the moment of our collective gasp: discovering a ‘Leveled up to dad’ mug that catapults our heroine from enchantment to a bewildering real-life plot twist.

Turns out, Prince Charming was actually Daddy Dearest in disguise. With a reveal more shocking than finding out your favorite vegan restaurant secretly specializes in barbecue, our man admits to hiding not just any skeleton, but a diaper-wearing, formula-drinking bambino. The reason? A heartstrings-tugging tale of loss, longing, and a misguided attempt to find a maternal stand-in that would make even Freud pause and reflect.

But wait, it gets juicier. The collective outcry of ‘How could you leave him during his time of need?’ from our protagonist’s societal circle adds a layer of guilt-tripping that’s as unwelcome as pineapple on pizza (fight me). Our hero stands her ground, refusing to be pigeonholed into a ‘maternal instinct’ narrative faster than you can say ‘traditional gender roles.’

**Roger’s Hot Take**:

Dear readers, if this story teaches us anything, it’s that honesty in relationships is non-negotiable. Being upfront about major life circumstances such as, oh I don’t know, HAVING A CHILD, is not an optional tidbit you reveal when the mood strikes. It’s a fundamental foundation of trust and respect. Additionally, the notion that someone can be guilt-tripped into parenthood is as outdated as dial-up internet. My fiery take? Our protagonist isn’t heartless; she’s a boundary-setting queen refusing to be anyone’s Plan B or emotional crutch.

In a world where ‘You’ll change your mind’ is lobbed at women like an unsolicited advice grenade, standing firm on your life choices is revolutionary. As for the ex? A therapy appointment would serve him better than any ill-conceived plot to replicate his past. Love and grief are complex, but they’re never a free pass for deception.

Remember, folks, a relationship built on a foundation of lies is about as stable as a house of cards in a wind tunnel. And to those who say our protagonist lacks empathy? I’d argue it’s empathy itself that guided her decision to not lead on a man she couldn’t see a future with.

In conclusion, may your dating journey be free of ‘Leveled up to dad’ mugs unless you’re absolutely sure that’s the DLC you signed up for in this game called life. Keep your standards high, your honesty unwavering, and for goodness’ sake, let’s leave the plot twists for Netflix.

Until next time, this has been Roger, serving up another hot take faster than you can say ‘Check, please.’ Remember, in the grand restaurant of life, always order what you truly desire—not what others think should be on your plate.

Original story

I 24F met my 26M ex last year and we started dating in December.

Before we started dating I told him that I did not want kids ever. I don’t want the responsibility of a child. My mom still hasn’t accepted it and I’m always told I’ll hangs my mind but I’ve never felt maternal. I’ve known since I was 16 that being a mom/ parental figure was not for me. People always tell me I’ll change my mind.

He asked if I would date someone with a child and I told him I would not date anyone with a child because that isn’t what I wanted. He agreed and said he didn’t want kids either. Things were great. Until about 2 weeks ago I spent the night over his house for the first time and he seemed really fidgety with me being there. He kept going into a different room calling someone. I asked if there was anything wrong and he said no. I went to his kitchen to get a drink and I saw a “Leveled up to dad” mug and it had a controller with a mini controller. I asked him if it was his and he Just broke down crying. I was genuinely so confused. He started blurting out that his ex fiancé got it for him when she found out she was pregnant. She had their baby in August of last year but she passed away during childbirth so the baby is almost a year old but he liked me so much because I reminded him of her and he really likes me and thinks I’d be a good mom because I’m a nurse so I have some maternal instinct in my somewhere which I don’t understand how that translates. He says he was lonely and stressed out. That this was the first night in months that he hasn’t had his kid with him (he always told me he had to be home from dates by 10 because of work, he gets up at like 6am)

I can’t even describe how confused and weirded out I was. Not only that he hid that he had a child but that he was really only with me because I reminded him of his fiance and he wants a replacement for her. I told him I’m sorry about what he was going through and it must be hard to be thrown into being a single dad and losing his fiancée but I am not going to be a replacement for her. I told him he should probably seek therapy to deal with it because he is still grieving. He tried to go on saying this is why I’d be a good mom and tried to show me a picture of his son. I told him I had to go and we would talk soon.

I took a day to myself and then I asked him to meet up so we could talk and he brought his son. I told him he was a really nice guy and he would make someone happy but I couldn’t be with him because I told him my stance on children, he lied about having a child, and I felt like he wanted me as a replacement for his fiance. I told him he needed time to grieve and heal and right now. He tried to beg me to rethink but I ended it and left.

We met through a mutual friend and I guess he told her and she said how could I leave him in his time of need and she “picked me for him” because I was similar to his fiancée and I would be a good mom if I Just had the chance and this was it and how could I ever be a real woman if I don’t have kids. We are no longer in contact but sadly I do have to work with her because that’s how we met. I don’t know why I told my mom this knowing how she feels about me not having kids but I thought she would be on my side or at least give me comfort. I was wrong. She said the same thing pretty much, that he was vulnerable with me and I should have tried to make it work and how she could have raised someone who lacked empathy.